
Canadian wildfire anecdote: female firefighters set fires, 20,000 people were homeless, but 300 million were aided to Ukraine

author:Positive energy flower cat O7G

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North America is facing an unprecedented wildfire crisis, the effects have spread across the continent, and the media has released startling reports portraying the United States as an apocalyptic scenario. People are worried on social media, and New York City has become a post-apocalyptic hell. However, it is interesting that despite the huge damage caused by the wildfire, many media and netizens deliberately ignored a key fact, this wildfire was actually caused by arson.

Canadian wildfire anecdote: female firefighters set fires, 20,000 people were homeless, but 300 million were aided to Ukraine

It all goes back to last month, when the Canadian province of Alberta hosted an international conference of female firefighters. To promote equality between men and women, several female firefighters decided on a challenging task – controlled combustion. The so-called controlled burning is to attack the fire with fire, which is a controllable fire in the forest or grassland. However, due to many uncertainties such as geographical conditions and wind direction, this task is full of great risks, and the slightest mistake can cause a large-scale fire. But it's this high-stakes task that becomes an opportunity for female firefighters to show off their strength as well as their male counterparts.

Canadian wildfire anecdote: female firefighters set fires, 20,000 people were homeless, but 300 million were aided to Ukraine

In Banff, Canada, in the presence of female Mayor Corrie Dimanno, several female firefighters lit a fire. At the time, Canada was facing extremely low precipitation and the risk of fire was quite high, and it was practically not suitable for this kind of drill. To make matters worse, the organizers did not anticipate a sudden change in wind direction and speed, turning the planned controlled burn into a massive wildfire spreading across North America.

Canadian wildfire anecdote: female firefighters set fires, 20,000 people were homeless, but 300 million were aided to Ukraine

On May 6, Canada saw that the scale of wildfires was expanding dramatically, so it sent five firefighting helicopters to fight it. However, this accidental fire still caused a huge disaster. According to Canadian media, the sudden fire destroyed three corrals of the local horse association, a fence on a highway across Canada, and about three hectares of land. In addition, an iconic local cultural landmark was damaged in the fire. What's even more interesting is that the self-proclaimed "international" conference of female firefighters actually has only a few hundred participants, and the international nature is more fictional.

Canadian wildfire anecdote: female firefighters set fires, 20,000 people were homeless, but 300 million were aided to Ukraine

Today, the situation has expanded, but no one has stepped forward to take responsibility or apologize. Canadian netizens joked that when these female firefighters called 911, did they ask female firefighters to be sent to fight the fire? However, in addition to this man-made fire, hundreds of wildfires are still burning across Canada due to dry weather, scarce precipitation and a shortage of firefighters.

Canadian wildfire anecdote: female firefighters set fires, 20,000 people were homeless, but 300 million were aided to Ukraine

As of June 7, there were 414 wildfires burning in Canada, 239 of which were out of control, leaving 20,183 Canadians homeless. It is worth recalling that during the Chongqing wildfire last year, someone joked that if it were in the United States or Canada, only two helicopters would solve the problem. However, now that Canadian wildfires are raging and tens of thousands of people are homeless, where are Canada's fire helicopters going?

Canadian wildfire anecdote: female firefighters set fires, 20,000 people were homeless, but 300 million were aided to Ukraine

Meanwhile, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau seems to be focused on international politics. Although Canada is facing a serious fire crisis, Trudeau traveled to Ukraine, met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, and announced a new batch of $375 million in military aid to Ukraine. This raises questions about whether these funds will be enough for Canada's disaster relief efforts.

Canadian wildfire anecdote: female firefighters set fires, 20,000 people were homeless, but 300 million were aided to Ukraine

The spread of wildfires in Canada was an unexpected disaster, but it also highlighted the challenges the government has in responding to natural disasters and emergencies. At this critical juncture, there is a desire to see the government do more to protect the security of the country and the well-being of the people.

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