
The women's volleyball team lost to Canada 1-3! Li Yingying is difficult to save, Wu Mengjie has spicy eyes, one pass and two passes to block the net

author:7. Silence

The women's volleyball team narrowly defeated Brazil 3-2! Wang Yuanyuan exploded into the key, Ding Xia dispatched well, and showed her strength steadily with one pass

On June 20, Beijing time, the Chinese women's volleyball team staged a thrilling five-game battle in a fierce confrontation with the Brazilian women's volleyball team. In this game, the women's volleyball players showed tenacious fighting spirit and excellent technical and tactical level, and finally narrowly defeated their opponents with a score of 3-2 and won honor for the country.

In the first game, the women's volleyball team quickly entered the state, relying on Wang Yuanyuan's strong performance in the secondary offensive position and Ding Xia's excellent scheduling ability, taking the lead 25-22. However, the Brazilian women's volleyball team, as an old powerhouse, should not be underestimated, and they showed a strong counterattack ability in the second game, and the women's volleyball team lost 23-25.

The women's volleyball team lost to Canada 1-3! Li Yingying is difficult to save, Wu Mengjie has spicy eyes, one pass and two passes to block the net

Entering the third game, the women's volleyball team is facing a severe test. But at this time, the women's volleyball players showed strong fighting spirit and team spirit. They withstood the pressure at the critical moment, and relied on the stability of the first pass and the ability of the whole team to work together to win 25-21.

In the fourth game, the Brazilian women's volleyball team adjusted its tactics and strengthened the aggressiveness of serving and blocking. The women's volleyball team once fell into passivity, but the players did not give up. They are actively running on the field, looking for flaws in their opponents. In the end, under the leadership of Wang Yuanyuan and Ding Xia, the women's volleyball team won the game with difficulty 25-23 and expanded the total score to 3-1.

In the tiebreaker, the two sides fought fiercely. The Brazilian women's volleyball team tried to turn the tide by strengthening their attacks, but the women's volleyball players withstood the onslaught of their opponents with firm belief and excellent technical and tactical skills. In the end, in the cheers of the audience, the women's volleyball team narrowly defeated the Brazilian women's volleyball team 15-13, and won the victory with a total score of 3-2.

The women's volleyball team lost to Canada 1-3! Li Yingying is difficult to save, Wu Mengjie has spicy eyes, one pass and two passes to block the net

This victory is not only an affirmation of the strength and fighting spirit of the women's volleyball players, but also a great encouragement to the cause of Chinese volleyball. The women's volleyball players once again proved their competitiveness on the world volleyball stage through this match. The team spirit, tenacious fighting spirit and excellent technical and tactical level they showed in the game are the best embodiment of the spirit of Chinese volleyball.

Let's cheer for the victory of the women's volleyball team and praise them for their dedication and efforts. At the same time, we also hope that they will continue to perform well in future competitions and win more honors for the country. The women's volleyball players are our pride, and their spirit will always inspire us to keep moving forward. Let's cheer for the women's volleyball team and the cause of Chinese volleyball!

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The women's volleyball team lost to Canada 1-3! Li Yingying is difficult to save, Wu Mengjie has spicy eyes, one pass and two passes to block the net

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