
Chinese and Western antihypertensive recipe: Tianma hook vine drink

author:PSM Drug Shield Public Welfare

Author: Liao Fen, pharmacist/practicing Chinese medicine practitioner in charge of Zhongshan Delta Hospital

In 1956, Tianma hook rattan drink was published in "New Meaning of Evidence and Treatment of Miscellaneous Diseases in Internal Medicine of Traditional Chinese Medicine", and its author was the famous physician Hu Guangci. This is a milestone in the field of Chinese medicine and is enough to be recorded in the history of hypertension treatment.

Today we will learn more about how this Tianma hook vine drink solves high blood pressure from different perspectives of Chinese and Western medicine.

Composition and efficacy of the medication

——"New Meaning of Evidence and Treatment of Miscellaneous Diseases in Internal Medicine of Traditional Chinese Medicine"


Tianma 9g, Hook Vine 12g, Cassia 18g, Mountain Gardenia 9g, Skullcap 9g, Sichuan Oxknee 12g, Eucommia Eucommia 9g, Motherwort 9g, Mulberry Parasitic 9g, Nocturnal Vine 9g, Zhu Zhushen 9g.

Fry in water and divide into 2-3 servings.

【Efficacy】Calm the liver and quench the wind, clear heat and activate the blood, and nourish the liver and kidneys.

【Fang Evidence】 Hepatic yang hyperactivity, liver wind disturbance. Headache, dizziness, insomnia, dreaminess, or bitter face, red tongue, lichen yellow, pulse or number.

【Modern application】This prescription is often used for hypertension, acute cerebrovascular disease, inner ear vertigo and other people with hepatic yang hyperactivity and liver wind disturbance.

Chinese and Western antihypertensive recipe: Tianma hook vine drink

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, the pathogenic mechanism is explained

In traditional Chinese medicine, there is no concept of hypertension, and after a large number of long-term clinical observations and analysis, traditional Chinese medicine has summarized many pathogenic mechanisms around the syndrome of hypertension. One of the most important is hepatic yang hyperactivity and liver wind disturbance. How to understand?

It turns out that people with high blood pressure often have symptoms of dizziness, confusion, and headache. And such a symptom, the ancients called liver wind internal movement. What do you mean? If you look at the world outside the window, whether there is wind or not, we can only know by the swaying of branches, flowers and plants. Similarly, this liver wind is also invisible and intangible. However, under the action of liver wind, people have dizziness, confusion, and headaches. They are like flowers and plants swaying to remind us that there must be wind in our bodies.

So, where does the wind in this body come from? The ancients felt that the liver, the five elements of wood, was the most susceptible to wind, so this wind was related to the liver. Therefore, the ancients called it "liver wind".

Chinese and Western antihypertensive recipe: Tianma hook vine drink

How did this liver wind blow? There are basically two factors:

First: the patient is angry and worried, depressed and fire, dry and angry.

Second: it is liver and kidney deficiency, and the yin essence cannot balance the liver yang, resulting in hyperactivity of the liver yang, and then the wind. As soon as the liver wind came, I had dizziness and headaches. The liver turns into fire, the heat disturbs the gods, and we will lose sleep with it. Yin deficiency and heat, we will have a red tongue and moss yellow.

After understanding the pathogenic mechanism of this traditional Chinese medicine, let's take a look at how Tianma hook vine drink treats it.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Solution

Tianma and Hook Vine - mainly responsible for liver wind. Tianma, considered the "miracle medicine for wind" since ancient times, is good at treating dizziness. Among them, the hook vine can calm the liver wind and clear the liver heat. The two work together, and the liver wind stops.

Raw cassia - "the essential medicine for cooling the liver and calming the liver", specifically responsible for latent liver yang.

Mountain garden and skullcap - both clear the heat and pour fire, and are specifically responsible for clearing the liver fire.

Some of the above five flavor medicines can relieve liver wind, some can dive into liver yang, and some can clear liver fire. Our liver yang hyperactivity and liver wind internal movement can be well reversed.

Mulberry parasitism and eucommia - these two flavors of medicine are tonic for the liver and kidneys. It can support the solid foundation and cut off the root cause of liver wind.

Zhu Zhu Shen and Night Vine - these two flavors of medicine can nourish the mind and calm the mind, and help us improve the insomnia problem caused by liver yang hyperactivity and disturbance of the mind.

Motherwort and Sichuan Beef Knee – the icing on the cake for the two flavors. One is to revitalize blood and water, and the other dissolves stasis and draws blood downward. What is the significance of blood drainage for people with high blood pressure? This stems from the special understanding of hypertension in Chinese medicine. In "Golden Wings", it is said: "Liver headache". There is also the theory of "cerebral congestion" in the "Medical Heart of China and the Western Record". That is to say, in the view of Chinese medicine, high blood pressure is related to liver qi reversal, and blood reverse upward movement in the brain. So, we use our ox's knee to channel the blood that is stuck on it.

It can be seen that this day hemp hook vine drink is indeed a good prescription for treating high blood pressure. It can activate blood and stasis, calm the mind and help sleep, clear liver fire, calm liver yang, remove liver heat, and be very thorough. It is most effective for those with hepatic yang hyperactivity and liver wind disturbance. It also reflects the outstanding wisdom of contemporary TCM clinical experts.

Chinese and Western antihypertensive recipe: Tianma hook vine drink

Understand the principle of blood pressure reduction from the perspective of Western medicine and clinical research

In Western medicine, the classic way to regulate blood pressure is the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS), which is a relatively in-depth and thorough mechanism, and most of the main antihypertensive drugs in the clinic belong to this system. The PRA of this system can convert angiotensinogen into AngI., which further forms AngII under the action of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), and stimulates the adrenal glands and stimulates ALD secretion. Therefore, intervention in all aspects of RAAS is an effective solution to reduce blood pressure.

Basic studies have found that the main drugs of Tianma hook vine drink Tianma and Hook Vine have antihypertensive effects. Tianma can reduce the level of AngII and ALD, inhibit the expression of angiotensin type 1 receptor (AT1R), and effectively intervene in RAAS. In addition, it can also relax blood vessels, increase the production of nitric oxide (NO) in vascular endothelial cells, and play a hypotensive effect. LEPTOSTOLE ALSO HAS ANTIHYPERTENSIVE EFFECT, AND STUDIES HAVE FOUND THAT LEPTOWIS CAN IMPROVE AMINO ACID METABOLISM, INHIBIT THE ACTIVATION OF RAAS AND SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM, INHIBIT OXIDATIVE STRESS, AND IMPROVE VASCULAR ENDOTHELIAL RELAXATION. At the same time, hook vine can also exert antihypertensive effect by regulating ion channels, NO/soluble guanosylcyclase/cyclic guanosine monophosphate, endothelial-derived relaxation factor, and G protein-coupled receptors.

This study confirmed that Tianma hook vine drink combined with Western medicine can significantly reduce the systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels of patients with hepato-yang hypertensive disease, which is better than the antihypertensive effect of Western medicine alone in the treatment of hypertension, and can also significantly improve the symptoms of dizziness, headache, irritability, dry mouth, red face and other symptoms in patients with hepato-yang hyperhypertension, while the application of Western medicine alone cannot effectively improve the above symptoms.

In addition, the combination of Western drugs can significantly reduce the plasma AngII. and ALD levels of patients with hepato-yang hypertensive disease, and the reduction level is more significant than that of Western drugs alone.

In summary, Tianma hook vine drink is a clinically proven effective antihypertensive formula, which can effectively improve the symptoms of patients, and its mechanism is related to the inhibition of RAAS.


Tianma hook rattan drink is a successful example of modern Chinese medicine practitioners creating new formulas. In clinical applications, Tianma hook vine drink can be used in combination with antihypertensive drugs of Western medicine to reduce side effects, better alleviate clinical symptoms, and synergize the purpose of blood pressure reduction. In the development of new drugs, if the conceptual method of Tianma hook vine drink is adopted, focusing on traditional Chinese medicine differentiation, and properly combining the results of modern medical research, better clinical efficacy may be achieved.

Reviewer: Deng Guangxu, director of the pharmacy department and pharmacist in charge of Zhongshan Delta Hospital

The above are the original works of the volunteers of the "Drug Safety Cooperation Alliance", if reprinted, please indicate the author and source!

【Drug Shield Public Welfare】PSM Drug Shield Public Welfare (public number: PSMChina), a public welfare organization jointly initiated and established by the Chinese Non-prescription Drug Association, Chinese Pharmaceutical Association, etc., gathers resources, gathers strength, and promotes public drug safety

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