
The largest known great white shark is 6.4 meters long, how big is a megalodon blue whale?

author:Enterprising look at Muzi

Great white sharks are generally sized as follows:

The average adult great white shark is between 3-4.9 meters long, with females being larger than males. The largest known great white shark is 6.4 meters long and weighs 2,600 kilograms.

The largest known great white shark is 6.4 meters long, how big is a megalodon blue whale?

Great white shark

White Shark:

The great white shark (scientific name: Carcharodon carcharias), also known as the man-eating shark, is the largest carnivorous fish, up to 6.5 meters long, weighs 3200 kilograms, has a crescent-shaped tail, large and serrated teeth, triangular shape, teeth 10 cm long, large offensive shark. But because it is particularly huge, it can be considered that it is already the ultimate predator of the food chain, that is, the highest consumer.

Great white sharks are found in tropical and temperate regions of the oceans, generally living in open ocean laughing areas, but often entering inland waters. They like to prey on seals, sea lions, and occasionally eat dolphin bumps and whale carcasses.

The largest known great white shark is 6.4 meters long, how big is a megalodon blue whale?

sea lion

Great white sharks first appeared in the Miocene and are the only living members of the genus Manophoria. Therefore, its survival is not

It is often difficult, it can be said that the existence of every great white shark is a miracle of the evolution of life, just like the dinosaurs of the Cretaceous period. Due to the declining population of great white sharks and the endangerment, the great white shark is now listed as a protected species in the world, and hunting is prohibited. Considered a marine killer due to its large size and aggressiveness, it was filmed into the movie of the same name and made into the game of the same name.

Morphological characteristics:

Great white sharks are one of the most recognizable sharks in the world. It has dark eyes, vicious teeth and jaws.

The largest known great white shark is 6.4 meters long, how big is a megalodon blue whale?

Great white shark analysis

Great white sharks are similar to man-eating pomfrets, generally gray, light blue or light brown, pale white belly, well-defined dorsal and ventral body color, and lighter body size. The average adult great white shark is between 3-4.9 meters long, with females being larger than males. The largest known great white shark is 6.4 meters long and weighs 2,600 kilograms.

The largest known great white shark is 6.4 meters long, how big is a megalodon blue whale?

Man-eating pomfrets

How big is a megalodon, and the blue whale is a small ant in front of him

Megalodon and blue whales are still larger than blue whales, megalodons are the most vertical and large sharks, their average body length will be about 14 meters, weight can reach 40 tons. Megalodons have been recorded to be up to 18 meters in size and weigh 50-70 tons. The average body length of blue whales is 22-33 meters, and the weight is about 150-180 tons. Whether it is longer than body length or specific weight, blue whales are larger

How hard the body of the megalodon is

The largest known great white shark is 6.4 meters long, how big is a megalodon blue whale?


Megalodon is the strongest bite on the earth, the strongest and fiercest creature, it is said that the 50-meter megalodon, swallow the blind ship, but also bite off the Yumen blind god group bridge, but also bite off the shark grinding orange, its average body length of about 20 meters, weight 100 tons, 250 jagged sharp teeth, teeth up to 20 centimeters, can swallow dozens of people in one bite, whales, dolphins as food.

The largest known great white shark is 6.4 meters long, how big is a megalodon blue whale?

blue whale

Are there really big sharks in our world?


1. Longfin foxshark: It is the largest of modern sharks, with an average weight of 1800 kg and the largest individual up to 4000 kg. It is found in warm temperate seas around the world.

2, megalodon: lived in the late Cretaceous period 120 million to 20 million years ago, and its body length can reach 18 meters, which is numerically more than living whales.

3. Snow Mountain Island Shark: It is a shark that lives in the deep sea, with a maximum body length of up to 12 meters and a weight of 1500 kilograms.

Sharks are some of the very large and strong sea creatures, and there are indeed many species of sharks in the world that can grow into very large sizes. Different shark species vary in size and vary greatly from person to individual, so not all sharks are huge.

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