
Which of the following areas is the area where blue whales are more distributed? Magical Ocean April 8 Answer


Which of the following areas is the area where blue whales are more prevalent?

Antarctic waters

Tropical seas

Correct Answer:

Which of the following areas is the area where blue whales are more distributed? Magical Ocean April 8 Answer

Answer Analysis:

Antarctic waters are one of the areas with a high number of blue whales. As the largest mammal on Earth, the blue whale mainly inhabits the vast and cold polar and subpolar oceans. In the Southern Hemisphere, the vast majority of blue whale populations are found in the waters of the Southern Ocean between 35 and 70 degrees south latitude, especially in the Antarctic waters around Antarctica.

Which of the following areas is the area where blue whales are more distributed? Magical Ocean April 8 Answer

The area is rich in small crustaceans such as krill, which are an important source of food for blue whales. Blue whales need to consume large amounts of krill every day to meet their huge energy needs, and the high productivity of the Antarctic waters happens to provide them with an ample supply of food. In addition, there is relatively little human disturbance here, which also provides a relatively safe habitat for blue whales.

Which of the following areas is the area where blue whales are more distributed? Magical Ocean April 8 Answer

In Antarctic waters, blue whales typically reach the waters off Antarctica in the summer to feed, and migrate north to warmer subtropical waters in the winter to breed and raise their young. This seasonal migration pattern is closely related to the availability of foods such as krill.

Although commercial whaling in the early 20th century brought blue whales to the brink of extinction, the blue whale population has gradually recovered thanks to the concerted efforts of the international community. At present, the Antarctic sea is still an important area for observing and studying this giant of the ocean, which is of great significance for the protection and population recovery of blue whales.

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