
In the "wedding" on the Guangzhou execution ground in 1928, Nie Rongzhen was moved by it, Zhou Enlai: put on the screen

author:Cat's fishing ground

After 1962, many films, television and dramas competed to stage a "wedding on the execution ground", telling the story of Zhou Wenyong and Chen Tiejun's wedding on the enemy's execution ground. As the saviors of the nation, their image on the screen is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and is loved by the broad masses of the people.

"We're going to have a wedding, let the gunshots of the reactionaries be used as a wedding salute!" —————— this shocking wedding, accompanied by touching vows, left a strong mark in Chinese history.

In the "wedding" on the Guangzhou execution ground in 1928, Nie Rongzhen was moved by it, Zhou Enlai: put on the screen

  However, did Zhou Wenyong and Chen Tiejun, two revolutionary martyrs, really hold a wedding ceremony on the enemy's execution ground before they bravely rebelled in early 1928? How could the enemy wait for them to be executed after the wedding? It starts with a photo.

  Wedding on the execution ground

  In order to assist the underground party of the Communist Party of China in rebuilding the underground municipal party organs in Guangzhou, in early 1928, Zhou Wenyong and Chen Tiejun returned to Guangzhou disguised as husband and wife. However, cunning enemies soon sabotaged an organ of the Chinese Communist Party in Guangzhou, and the identities of Chen Tiejun and Zhou Wenyong as underground parties were exposed. A few days later, the Kuomintang reactionaries arrested Chen Tiejun, Zhou Wenyong, and others.

  After the Kuomintang reactionaries suppressed the Guangzhou uprising, they successively killed a large number of Communists, and at that time, the domestic and foreign media in the Guangzhou area paid special attention to this matter, and some of them obtained the permission of the Kuomintang reactionaries to go to prison to interview.

When the reporter interviewed Zhou Wenyong and Chen Tiejun, the two made a request to the reporter, hoping to leave the last group photo in their lives. However, without the permission of the Kuomintang reactionaries, reporters did not dare to take pictures without authorization.

In the "wedding" on the Guangzhou execution ground in 1928, Nie Rongzhen was moved by it, Zhou Enlai: put on the screen

  After the prison guards called their superiors, they agreed that the reporters would take pictures of Zhou Wenyong and Chen Tiejun. The Kuomintang reactionaries also had their wishful thinking; Zhou Wenyong at that time was a well-known figure in the Guangzhou uprising, and the Kuomintang reactionaries believed that taking pictures of Zhou Wenyong and Chen Tiejun before their executions and making them public could achieve the effect of deterring the people.

  Thus, there was this group photo of Zhou Wenyong and Chen Tiejun in front of the prison window. The two people in the photo look calm and fearless, Chen Tiejun is wearing a wide scarf and his hands are in his pants pockets; Zhou Wenyong was wearing a velvet suit, and his right hand looked a little stiff due to the torture.

  On February 6, 1928, Zhou Wenyong and Chen Tiejun were escorted to the execution ground by the military police of the Kuomintang reactionaries, and together with them, He Suicheng was escorted to the execution ground, and the three of them were escorted from Xidi to the Honghuagang Execution Ground in 3 hand-pulled rickshaws.

That day, it was still the cold season of spring, drizzle fell from the sky, and the biting cold wind blew from all directions. Along the way, the three sang the "Internationale" and gave speeches to the masses, and they passionately shouted "Down with the Kuomintang reactionaries!" Down with imperialism!"" Long live the Communist Party of China!".

In the "wedding" on the Guangzhou execution ground in 1928, Nie Rongzhen was moved by it, Zhou Enlai: put on the screen

  When He Suicheng, Zhou Wenyong, and Chen Tiejun arrived at the Honghuagang Execution Ground, there were already a very large number of people gathered around them, and the three revolutionary heroes walked to the execution site with their heads held high, still shouting slogans.

  The Kuomintang reactionaries were afraid that their heroic deeds would infect the masses in Guangzhou and that there would be a temporary change, so as soon as the three arrived at the Honghuagang Execution Ground, the Kuomintang reactionaries hastily issued an order for a shooting, and three gunshots soon rang out at the scene. He Suicheng, Zhou Wenyong and Chen Tiejun were thus sacrificed.

  The day after the three revolutionary martyrs died, the photo of Zhou Wenyong and Chen Tiejun in prison was published in the newspaper. Someone added a sentence next to the photo in Chen Tiejun's tone: "The two of us used to work together, we have never been married, and now we are announcing a wedding." ”

Zhou Wenyong and Chen Tiejun have been conducting underground activities in Guangzhou in the name of husband and wife, and because of the group photo, many people think that they are husband and wife. Revolutionary heroes married on the execution ground, such deeds, naturally touched countless people, for a while as a good story.

In the "wedding" on the Guangzhou execution ground in 1928, Nie Rongzhen was moved by it, Zhou Enlai: put on the screen

  Li Peiqun, a traffic officer in Guangdong Province at the time, saw this photo of Wen Yong and Chen Tiejun in the newspaper last week in Xiguan and was deeply moved. Li Peiqun later returned to Hong Kong and reported the incident to Nie Rongzhen, the head of the Central Military Commission.

  Nie Rongzhen, head of the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China, heard about the deeds of the two revolutionary heroes and sighed with emotion: "That was a wedding on the execution ground!" This sentence goes on like this.

  A document from the Party History Research Office of the Foshan Municipal Party Committee in Guangdong Province records such an incident. Nie Rongzhen, head of the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China, was deeply shocked by this incident, and directly cut out this photo in the newspaper and took it with him to motivate himself.

Premier Zhou Enlai heard about this and was deeply moved. In 1962, Premier Zhou Enlai was talking to a playwright in Beijing, during which he mentioned the story of "Zhou Wenyong and Chen Tiejun both going to the execution ground and dying together", which I thought was a particularly inspiring story.

In the "wedding" on the Guangzhou execution ground in 1928, Nie Rongzhen was moved by it, Zhou Enlai: put on the screen

  Therefore, Premier Zhou Enlai proposed to the playwrights in Beijing that the deeds of Zhou Wenyong and Chen Tiejun be written into a touching revolutionary drama. At the suggestion of Premier Zhou Enlai, the stories of Zhou Wenyong and Chen Tiejun were adapted into films, televisions, and dramas, and related works emerged one after another, and the "wedding on the execution ground" was widely circulated.

  But in fact, the wedding on the execution ground belongs to artistic creation, which is processed on the basis of the group photo of Zhou Wenyong and Chen Tiejun who are imprisoned in prison, the two did not hold a wedding on the execution ground, and some plots are artificially added by posterity in order to make the story more fascinating.

  The Kuomintang reactionaries were not so kind as to let Zhou Wenyong and Chen Tiejun marry on the execution ground, which was the remains of their deaths, and the Kuomintang reactionaries did not allow their relatives to claim them.

Chen Tiejun's niece Chen Huiwen told reporters: "The reactionaries did not allow their relatives to collect the bodies, and my mother Huang Hanxing (Chen Tiejun's third sister-in-law) spent dozens of silver dollars and asked a group of people to forcibly snatch back the remains of the martyrs before they could bury them." ”

In the "wedding" on the Guangzhou execution ground in 1928, Nie Rongzhen was moved by it, Zhou Enlai: put on the screen

  On September 14, 2009, Zhou Wenyong and Chen Tiejun were named as 100 heroic models who made outstanding contributions to the founding of New China.

  Zhou Wenyong and Chen Tiejun

  Born in August 1905, Zhou Wenyong was a native of Kaiping, Guangdong Province, and in the fourteenth year of the Republic of China, that is, in 1925, Zhou Wenyong joined the Communist Party of China and officially became a glorious revolutionary.

  Zhou Wenyong was born in Guangdong, and his life was also dedicated to the revolutionary cause of Guangdong. Zhou Wenyong was appointed as the chief of the Guangzhou Workers' Picket Team, a member of the Working Committee of the CPC Guangdong District Committee, the director of the Organization Department of the CPC Guangzhou Municipal Committee and the secretary of the Municipal Working Committee.

Chen Tiejun was born in March 1904, she is similar in age to Zhou Wenyong, and is a native of Foshan, Guangdong. Chen Tiejun's original name was Chen Xiejun, and she changed her name to Chen Tiejun, which means that she followed the Communist Party with an iron heart.

In the "wedding" on the Guangzhou execution ground in 1928, Nie Rongzhen was moved by it, Zhou Enlai: put on the screen

  In the autumn of 1924, Chen Tiejun was admitted to the preparatory department of the College of Letters of Guangdong University, and during her studies, she had been pursuing progressive ideas and was able to meet many advanced intellectuals at that time. In April 1926, Chen Tiejun resolutely joined the Communist Party of China and sought survival for the motherland and the people.

  In 1927, after the defeat of the Great Revolution, the party organization sent Chen Tiejun to dress as Zhou Wenyong's wife to prepare for the Guangzhou Uprising. It turned out that the reason for such an organizational decision was out of the consideration that "bachelors are easy to arouse the suspicion of the Kuomintang reactionaries."

  Although Zhou Wenyong and Chen Tiejun stayed together in the name of husband and wife, they always maintained a pure comradely relationship, and the Communists always put the country before the family, and did not make plans for individuals.

Chen Tiejun came from a relatively wealthy family, and Zhou Wenyong was a poor student, but Zhou Wenyong's selfless work spirit made Chen Tiejun deeply admire.

In the "wedding" on the Guangzhou execution ground in 1928, Nie Rongzhen was moved by it, Zhou Enlai: put on the screen

  In November 1927, Zhou Wenyong participated in a street parade and was arrested by the Nationalist police, but fortunately the Kuomintang reactionaries did not discover Zhou Wenyong's Communist identity, thinking that he was just an ordinary student. Despite this, Zhou Wenyong was thrown into prison by the Kuomintang police.

  After Zhou Wenyong was arrested by the Kuomintang reactionaries, Chen Tiejun worried day and night, in order to rescue her "husband", she thought of a dangerous trick, visited the prison as a "wife", and secretly sent in many red peppers.

After Zhou Wenyong ate a large amount of red peppers, his face turned red and he began to talk nonsense, as if he had a high fever. It turned out that Chen Tiejun had already dredged up the prison doctor in advance, that is, he was ready to let Zhou Wenyong and his comrades in the same prison make a big fuss by taking advantage of the illness, and in the end, Zhou Wenyong was sent to the hospital by the prison authorities as he wished.

In the "wedding" on the Guangzhou execution ground in 1928, Nie Rongzhen was moved by it, Zhou Enlai: put on the screen

  When Zhou Wenyong arrived at the hospital, the underground party of the Communist Party of China immediately began a rescue operation, sending people to the hospital to support the guards, snatching Zhou Wenyong out and sending him to Chen Tiejun.

  Because Zhou Wenyong was tortured in prison and the injuries on his body had not yet healed, Chen Tiejun took the initiative to take care of Zhou Wenyong day and night, just like a real wife to take care of his life, Zhou Wenyong was deeply moved. The feelings of the two developed along with the friendship of the revolution, and they had reached the point of approximating husband and wife, and only the last sentence had not been broken.

  On the second day of the Guangzhou uprising, the direction of the Long Causeway was in a hurry to Zhou Wenyong's headquarters. It turned out that many workers in Guangzhou could only speak Cantonese and could not speak Mandarin, and the leaders of the guard regiment could not speak Cantonese, so it was difficult to mobilize the strength of the workers. Therefore, the guard regiment asked the command for an interpreter.

However, at Zhou Wenyong's side, only Chen Tiejun could speak Cantonese. Zhou Wenyong had no choice but to endure the pain of cutting love and sent Chen Tiejun to the direction of the Long Causeway. In the Guangzhou uprising, they faced, in addition to the sound of gunfire in the sky, there was also an uncertain tomorrow of life and death. Perhaps this parting is a farewell, but for the sake of great love in the world, Zhou Wenyong and Chen Tiejun had to cherish each other affectionately.

In the "wedding" on the Guangzhou execution ground in 1928, Nie Rongzhen was moved by it, Zhou Enlai: put on the screen

  That night, the Guangzhou uprising failed, countless comrades were sacrificed, and Zhou Wenyong and Chen Tiejun sneaked to Hong Kong to wait for the next organizational task arrangement. In order to contact the comrades who were separated in the Guangzhou uprising, twenty days later, the party organization once again summoned them back to Guangzhou.

  In January 1928, Zhou Wenyong was appointed by the party organization as a standing committee member of the Guangdong Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, and at the same time, Zhou Wenyong was also a standing committee member of the Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee. This time, the party organization gave Zhou Wenyong the task of returning to Guangzhou with Chen Tiejun again and rebuilding the party organs.

On January 27, 1928, the intelligence of the underground party in Guangzhou was betrayed by traitors, and after the traitors reported the information, they brought the police of the Nationalist government to arrest Zhou Wenyong in the evening.

In the "wedding" on the Guangzhou execution ground in 1928, Nie Rongzhen was moved by it, Zhou Enlai: put on the screen

  At that time, Chen Tiejun just heard the news and knew that the traitors were going to come with the police, so she asked her sister, who was also an underground party member of the Chinese Communist Party, to escape first, while she waited for Zhou Wenyong to return.

  Chen Tiejun moved the flower pot on the window sill to signal to Zhou Wenyong. However, Zhou Wenyong did not see Chen Tiejun's hint. The Nationalist police crouched nearby, trailing Zhou Wenyong, who was arrested at the same time as Chen Tiejun after stepping through the door.

While in prison, police chief Zhu Huiri personally interrogated Zhou Wenyong and Chen Tiejun, who were tortured by the Kuomintang reactionaries, "sitting on a tiger stool," "putting on a plane," and "interjecting their fingers." The Kuomintang reactionaries did everything they could to force the palace.

In the "wedding" on the Guangzhou execution ground in 1928, Nie Rongzhen was moved by it, Zhou Enlai: put on the screen

  Under the torture of the enemy, Zhou Wenyong and Chen Tiejun fainted several times, but they remained unyielding. Finally, the Kuomintang reactionaries forced Zhou Wenyong to write a letter of self-surrender, and Zhou Wenyong wrote a letter of illness, writing: The head can be broken, the limbs can be broken, and the revolutionary spirit cannot be destroyed. The head of the strong man is the party fall, and the body of the good man is a group of cracks.

  The Nationalist government decided to hold a trial and sentence, and in order to cover up the traces of torture, the Kuomintang reactionaries took off his bloody clothes and changed into a half-used suit during the public trial.

  They asked Zhou Wenyong if he was a member of the Communist Party, and Zhou Wenyongzheng admitted his identity in awe. They also asked Zhou Wenyong why he joined the Communist Party, and Zhou Wenyong said that he joined the Communist Party for the freedom and liberation of the whole Chinese people.

They were very angry when they saw that Zhou Wenyong had actually used the forum of the court to propagate the truth of the revolution, but they had no choice but to continue interrogations and try to find out the whereabouts of other Communists in the Guangzhou area.

In the "wedding" on the Guangzhou execution ground in 1928, Nie Rongzhen was moved by it, Zhou Enlai: put on the screen

  Enemy Judge: Who are the Communists? Recruit from the real thing! Zhou Wenyong: All Chinese workers and peasants are, you go and arrest them! The Communist Party cannot be killed.

  The Kuomintang reactionaries, who had nothing to do, became so angry that they were sentenced to death and executed a few days later. In this way, Zhou Wenyong and Chen Tiejun sacrificed their lives for the cause of the revolution and left their glorious chapters in the long river of history.

  Nowadays, Zhou Wenyong and Chen Tiejun's hometown has integrated red culture into the construction and development of towns, and Zhou Wenyong and Chen Tiejun's martyrs' cemetery has become a patriotic education base for local and even the whole country and an education base for young people's party history and national history.

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