
Rancher (k8s) project Project/namespace namespace and workload workload

author:Tongfu programming

1. Introduction

1.1 Introduction

In the last lesson, Fu Ge led everyone to work hard to finally build the K8S environment based on Rancher/Rancher! The next step is to design the project and namespace according to our needs! So what is a project and what is a namespace?

According to the design concept of k8s, namespace is to classify our various services, such as: database class, web service class, statistics class, monitoring class and so on. Then the following is to group these categories again, such as: system functions, user functions, production functions, grayscale functions, and so on.

According to the design concept of k8s, the various services we deployed before are called workloads in k8s, and the various services in k8s are deployed under a specific namespace.

So today Fugo will take you to learn how to configure our project and namespace with rancher, and how to deploy our workloads with rancher!

1.2 Environment

Image version rancher/rancher:v2.5.17-rc4
operating system CentOS 7 x86_64 2009
server TFCentOS7x64、TFCentOS7x64Node1
port 9443

2. Installation

2.1 Close NetworkManager

There is a NetworkManager service in the CentOS7 operating system, which will add the search option to the /etc/resolv.conf of the system, and this search option will be inherited by k8s, which will eventually cause the services deployed on k8s to not work properly.

There are two solutions, either use the DOMAIN parameter to set the available DNS server addresses in the network card configuration, or turn off the NetworkManager service directly, and Fugo chooses to turn it off directly.

cat /etc/resolv.conf
systemctl stop NetworkManager
systemctl disable NetworkManager
systemctl restart network
cat /etc/resolv.conf           
Rancher (k8s) project Project/namespace namespace and workload workload

Whether you set the DOMAIN parameter or shut down the NetworkManager service, you will eventually need to restart the TFCentOS7x64Node1 server for the changes to take effect.


2.2 vm.max_map_count

For Elasticsearch services, we also need to increase the value of vm.max_map_count on the TFCentOS7x64Node1 server.

echo "vm.max_map_count=262144" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
sysctl -p           
Rancher (k8s) project Project/namespace namespace and workload workload

3. Use

3.1 Design Projects and Namespaces

Fogo intended to design a simple cluster structure.

The project is set up with two, one Data (data) and one App (application).

Two namespaces are established under the data project, one database (database) and one cache (cache); The App project establishes a namespace web (web program).

3.2 Create a project

Click the "Project/Namespace" menu to enter the project/namespace management interface.

Rancher (k8s) project Project/namespace namespace and workload workload

Click the "Add Project" button to create a project.

Rancher (k8s) project Project/namespace namespace and workload workload

Project name "Data".

Rancher (k8s) project Project/namespace namespace and workload workload

Click the "Create" button to finish creating the project. You can see that the project Data is created, and it is still an empty project.

Rancher (k8s) project Project/namespace namespace and workload workload

Create another project app.

Rancher (k8s) project Project/namespace namespace and workload workload

3.3 Create a namespace

Click the "Add Namespace" button on the right side of the project app to create a namespace.

Rancher (k8s) project Project/namespace namespace and workload workload

The name "web".

Rancher (k8s) project Project/namespace namespace and workload workload

Click the "Create" button to complete the namespace creation. You can see that there is a web namespace under the project app.

Rancher (k8s) project Project/namespace namespace and workload workload

Then create the remaining namespaces.

Rancher (k8s) project Project/namespace namespace and workload workload

3.4 Deploying Workloads

Now let's deploy the previous services deployed using docker-composite in k8s!

According to the namespace designed earlier, the service TFPHP is deployed to the web, the service TFMYSQL and TFELASTICSEARCH are deployed to the database, and the service TFREDIS is deployed to the cache.

Expand the "Data" menu from the top menu and click the "Data" menu to enter the Data project management interface.

Rancher (k8s) project Project/namespace namespace and workload workload

3.5 Deploy the tfmySQL service

By default, under the Workloads tab, click the Deploy Service button to start deploying the service.

Rancher (k8s) project Project/namespace namespace and workload workload

The name "tfmysql", the workload type "StatefulSet", the Docker image "", and the namespace "database".

Rancher (k8s) project Project/namespace namespace and workload workload

Set the port mapping, container port 3306, bind cluster IP, and host port is the same as the container port.

Rancher (k8s) project Project/namespace namespace and workload workload

Set the environment variable "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=abcdef".

Rancher (k8s) project Project/namespace namespace and workload workload

To set up a data volume, create a MySQL data directory on TFCentOS7x64Node1.

mkdir -p /
chown 999.999 /           
Rancher (k8s) project Project/namespace namespace and workload workload

Expand Data Volumes, click Add Volume and select Map Host Directory.

Rancher (k8s) project Project/namespace namespace and workload workload

The volume name "data", the host path "/", and the container path "/var/lib/mysql".

Rancher (k8s) project Project/namespace namespace and workload workload

Click the "Start" button at the bottom to start the tfmysql service.

At this time, the service cannot be started, because the used image has not been pushed to the private image repository.

Rancher (k8s) project Project/namespace namespace and workload workload

Push the image to the private image repository, and push the required image to the private image repository on TFCentOS7x64.

docker push           
Rancher (k8s) project Project/namespace namespace and workload workload

After waiting for a while, it started up!

Rancher (k8s) project Project/namespace namespace and workload workload

Click the "three dots" on the right and select "Execute Command Line" to enter the tfmysql container.

Rancher (k8s) project Project/namespace namespace and workload workload

Test it through MySQL Terminal, no problem!

Rancher (k8s) project Project/namespace namespace and workload workload

3.6 Deploy the tfelasticsearch service

Now start the tfelasticsearch service as well.

The name "tfelasticsearch", the workload type "StatefulSet", the Docker image "", and the namespace "database".

Set the port mapping, container port 9200, bind the cluster IP, and the host port is the same as the container port.

Rancher (k8s) project Project/namespace namespace and workload workload

To set up the data volume, first create the Elasticsearch data directory on TFCentOS7x64Node1.

mkdir -p /
chown 1000.1000 /           
Rancher (k8s) project Project/namespace namespace and workload workload

The volume name "data", the host path "/", and the container path "/usr/share/elasticsearch/data".

Rancher (k8s) project Project/namespace namespace and workload workload

Push the image to the private image repository, and push the required image to the private image repository on TFCentOS7x64.

docker push           
Rancher (k8s) project Project/namespace namespace and workload workload

Start the service, you succeed!

Rancher (k8s) project Project/namespace namespace and workload workload

Go inside the container and test it with curl, no problem!

Rancher (k8s) project Project/namespace namespace and workload workload

3.7 Deploy the tfredis service

Now start the tfredis service as well.

The name "tfredis", the workload type "StatefulSet", the Docker image "", and the namespace "cache".

Set the port mapping, container port 6379, bind cluster IP, and host port is the same as container port.

Rancher (k8s) project Project/namespace namespace and workload workload

To set up the data volume, create the Redis data directory on TFCentOS7x64Node1.

mkdir -p /
chown 999.999 /           
Rancher (k8s) project Project/namespace namespace and workload workload

The volume name "data", the host path "/", and the container path "/var/lib/redis".

Rancher (k8s) project Project/namespace namespace and workload workload

Push the image to the private image repository, and push the required image to the private image repository on TFCentOS7x64.

docker push           
Rancher (k8s) project Project/namespace namespace and workload workload

Start the service, you succeed!

Rancher (k8s) project Project/namespace namespace and workload workload

Go inside the container and test it with the redis-cli terminal, no problem!

Rancher (k8s) project Project/namespace namespace and workload workload

3.8 Deploy TFPHP services

Because tfphp needs to be deployed under the web, switch to the app project first.

Rancher (k8s) project Project/namespace namespace and workload workload

Now let's start the tfphp service.

The name "tfphp", the workload type "Deployment", the Docker image "", and the namespace "web".

Rancher (k8s) project Project/namespace namespace and workload workload

Set the port mapping, container port 80, use NodePort, host port random.

Rancher (k8s) project Project/namespace namespace and workload workload

Set up the data volume, first create a PHP program directory on TFCentOS7x64Node1, and then use the scp command to copy the PHP program files on TFCentOS7x64.

mkdir -p /
cd /
scp [email protected]:/* .           
Rancher (k8s) project Project/namespace namespace and workload workload

Volume name "data", host path "/", container path "/var/www/html".

Rancher (k8s) project Project/namespace namespace and workload workload

Push the image to the private image repository, and push the required image to the private image repository on TFCentOS7x64.

docker push           

Start the service, you succeed! K8S gave us a random 31209 port!

Rancher (k8s) project Project/namespace namespace and workload workload

3.8.1 Test tfmysql connectivity

Open a browser to access, alas? Error!

Rancher (k8s) project Project/namespace namespace and workload workload

Later, Fu Ge remembered that now TFPHP and TFMYSQL are under different namespaces, of course, direct access will not work! You need to add the namespace database where tfmysql is located!

Modify tfmysql .php under the tfphp data directory of TFCentOS7x64Node1 and change tfmysql to tfmysql.database.


header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8");

    // 连接数据库
    $pdo = new \PDO("mysql:host=tfmysql.database;dbname=tfmysql", "root", "abcdef", [\PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => "set names utf8mb4"]);
    $pdo->setAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, \PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);

    // 获取数据库列表
    $rs = $pdo->prepare("show databases");
    $dbs = $rs->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

    // 获取数据表列表
    $rs = $pdo->prepare("show tables");
    $tables = $rs->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

    // 获取数据表数据
    $rs = $pdo->prepare("select * from user");
    $data = $rs->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

    // 数据库
    echo "<table border=\"1\"><tbody>";
    echo "<tr><th>Database</th></tr>";
    foreach ($dbs as $db){
        echo "<tr><td>". $db['Database']. "</td>";
    echo "</tbody></table>";

    // 数据表
    echo "<table border=\"1\"><tbody>";
    echo "<tr><th>Table</th></tr>";
    foreach ($tables as $table){
        echo "<tr><td>". $table['Tables_in_tfmysql']. "</td>";
    echo "</tbody></table>";

    // 数据
    echo "<table border=\"1\"><tbody>";
    echo "<tr>";
    foreach ($data[0] as $field => $value){
        echo "<th>". $field. "</th>";
    echo "</tr>";
    foreach ($data as $row){
        echo "<tr>";
        foreach ($row as $field => $value){
            echo "<td>". $value. "</td>";
        echo "</tr>";
    echo "</tbody></table>";
catch (\PDOException $e){
    echo $e->getMessage();

Visit tfmysql again .php have a try! Alas? This time it says that the database tfmysql cannot be found!

Rancher (k8s) project Project/namespace namespace and workload workload

Oh yes! There is no data for MySQL in the k8s environment! You can only put some data in it manually!

create database tfmysql default charset utf8mb4;
use tfmysql;
    userName VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL,
    userPwd CHAR(32) NOT NULL,
    createDT DATETIME,
    updateDT DATETIME,
    lastLoginDT DATETIME,
    PRIMARY KEY (userId),
    KEY u_userName (userName)
INSERT INTO user (userName, userPwd, createDT) VALUES ('', md5('abcdef'), now());
INSERT INTO user (userName, userPwd, createDT) VALUES ('', md5('abcdef'), now());           
Rancher (k8s) project Project/namespace namespace and workload workload

Visit tfmysql again .php see? All right!

Rancher (k8s) project Project/namespace namespace and workload workload

3.8.2 Test TFREDIS connectivity

Now let's debug the Unicom Redis database! This time I have experience, first change the configuration, and then add data!

Modify the tfredis .php under the tfphp data directory of TFCentOS7x64Node1 and change tfredis to tfredis.cache.


$redis = new \Redis();
$redis->connect("tfredis.cache", 6379);

echo "<b>String</b><br>";
echo "<br><br><b>Hash</b><br>";
echo "<br><br><b>Set inter</b><br>";
print_r($redis->sinter("userTags", "userTags2"));
echo "<br><br><b>Set diff</b><br>";
print_r($redis->sdiff("userTags", "userTags2"));
echo "<br><br><b>Set union</b><br>";
print_r($redis->sunion("userTags", "userTags2"));
echo "<br><br><b>ZSet</b><br>";
print_r($redis->zrevrange("hotSubDomains", 0, -1));           

Now put some data in Redis in the k8s environment!

set userNick "福哥k8s"
hmset user nick "福哥k8s" gender male age 35
hset user descript "现在我们开始玩k8s了!"
sadd userTags "福哥k8s" tongfu "项目" "命名空间"
sadd userTags2 tongfu
zadd hotSubDomains 1 1 1 1 1
zincrby hotSubDomains 1
Rancher (k8s) project Project/namespace namespace and workload workload

Open a browser to access and pass it once!

Rancher (k8s) project Project/namespace namespace and workload workload

4. Summary

Today, Fugo took you to learn the design skills of the project project/namespace namespace of k8s, and also learned to deploy workloads in k8s. Then we also deployed TFMYSQL, TFREDIS, TFELASTICSEARCH and TFPHP in our K8S environment again to experience the feeling of graphical deployment and operation environment!

Later, Fugo will teach you some basic skills of K8S little by little, so stay tuned~


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