
14. "Three Days in Danger" a prison break film starring Russell Crowe. The wife was wrongfully imprisoned, and the husband decided to take a desperate and desperate bet in order to save the woman he loved, and carefully planned to escape from prison together

author:Warm Movie Notes

14. "Three Days of Danger"

A prison break film starring Russell Crowe. The wife was wrongfully imprisoned, and the husband decided to take a desperate and desperate bet in order to save the woman he loved, and carefully planned to escape from prison together. The pace of the film is slow and fast, and it is very enjoyable to watch.

1. Overview of the film

Chinese: Three days of crisis

外文:The Next Three Days

Director: Paul Haggis

Starring: Russell Crowe / Elizabeth Banks / Liam Neeson

Screening: 2010

Run time: 133 minutes

Douban: 8.1

Self-rating: 5 stars

Plot: The film mainly tells the story of a happy family of three who suddenly suffers a catastrophe, his wife is arrested on trumped-up murder charges, and she insists to her husband that she is innocent. In order to save his wife, the husband tried his best to deal with this mysterious event to the end.

2. Viewing essays

Director Haggis led his team to shoot some of the main scenes in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Both were wrongfully imprisoned and then forced to escape from prison, "The Shawshank Redemption" took 20 years, and "Three Days in Danger" took 3 days.

In addition to the rigorous structure and compact plot, the film has an unspoken way of expressing emotions, which gives viewers a powerful shock with its silent silence. Russell Crowe's loving eyes and those stoic expressions are all a desperate redemption of a small person, worthy of being an Oscar actor.

In the film, the old man, an old man who has not spoken to his son for many years, looks at his passport and air ticket, understands that his son is going to rob the prison and die, and gives his son a deep hug, and everything is silent. At the end of the film, he is at home alone, looking at the map of Venezuela on the wall, smiling meaningfully, he knows and understands everything his son has done, and secretly approves. #推介好看电影#

14. "Three Days in Danger" a prison break film starring Russell Crowe. The wife was wrongfully imprisoned, and the husband decided to take a desperate and desperate bet in order to save the woman he loved, and carefully planned to escape from prison together
14. "Three Days in Danger" a prison break film starring Russell Crowe. The wife was wrongfully imprisoned, and the husband decided to take a desperate and desperate bet in order to save the woman he loved, and carefully planned to escape from prison together
14. "Three Days in Danger" a prison break film starring Russell Crowe. The wife was wrongfully imprisoned, and the husband decided to take a desperate and desperate bet in order to save the woman he loved, and carefully planned to escape from prison together

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