
Hollywood movies, those movie terriers who play badly, how much do you understand? Important people die three times In modern movies, "the villain dies at least three times" seems to have become a law. The first time he will


Hollywood movies, those movie terriers who play badly, how much do you understand?

Significant people died three times

In modern movies, "the villain dies at least three times" seems to have become a law.

The first time he would have been killed, but not really dead; The second time he will be killed, but he is still alive; The third time he will be killed to death.

Automatic dodging syndrome

In the movie, as long as the male or female protagonist is dodging a burst of weapon fire, the bullet will always only pass in front of or behind them.

If the director's aesthetic taste is higher, the bullet will pass parallel to each side, which is elegant and safe.

Before dying, the standard tilts his head

This usually appears after the last words. When a character is mortally wounded, he first lies quietly and makes a very profound statement before tilting his head to the other side.

The three major cannot be messed with

One of the three big things not to mess with is Keanu Reeves' dog.

Two of the three can't be messed with: Liam Neeson's daughter.

Three of the three things you can't mess with are: Jason Statham's courier.

You still know those, welcome to leave a message

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Hollywood movies, those movie terriers who play badly, how much do you understand? Important people die three times In modern movies, "the villain dies at least three times" seems to have become a law. The first time he will
Hollywood movies, those movie terriers who play badly, how much do you understand? Important people die three times In modern movies, "the villain dies at least three times" seems to have become a law. The first time he will
Hollywood movies, those movie terriers who play badly, how much do you understand? Important people die three times In modern movies, "the villain dies at least three times" seems to have become a law. The first time he will

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