
(Winter) Delicious Cooking Guide - Cloves of Radish

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
(Winter) Delicious Cooking Guide - Cloves of Radish

If you like to eat vegetarian stuffing, you can store it, and the taste is very good!

By 『Don't forget ^o^Original Heart』


Flour 400 g

Water to taste

One carrot

One green radish

One green onion

A handful of shallots

Salt to taste

One scoop of chicken powder

Thirteen scents to taste

Oil to taste

Pepper oil to taste

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

(Winter) Delicious Cooking Guide - Cloves of Radish

1: Bring the water to a boil and pour into the prepared flour, stir well with a rolling pin, then knead together to form a dough (if you are new to pay attention to hot hands)

(Winter) Delicious Cooking Guide - Cloves of Radish

2, rub the prepared radish into strips into a pot of boiling water, blanch and fish out with cool water and then dry the excess water, change the radish shreds into a knife, not too crushed, and then prepare the chopped green onions.

(Winter) Delicious Cooking Guide - Cloves of Radish

3, radish shredded add green onion, all the spices, tune out your favorite taste can be.

(Winter) Delicious Cooking Guide - Cloves of Radish

4: Wrap the dough in the shape of a bun, and then steam it for 10 minutes from the bottom of the mouth

(Winter) Delicious Cooking Guide - Cloves of Radish

5: Put the steamed cake in the pan and fry until golden brown.

<h2>Nutritional benefits of flour</h2>

Nourish the heart and kidneys, strengthen the spleen and intestines, remove heat and quench thirst. Wheat taste sweet, cool, into the heart, spleen, kidney meridians; nourish the heart, benefit the kidneys, in addition to heat, quench thirst; main treatment of dirty mania, heat, thirst, diarrhea, carbuncle, trauma bleeding and burns.

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