
Sun Enlu rebelled, and Liu Yu took advantage of the situation to rise

author:Read history
Sun Enlu rebelled, and Liu Yu took advantage of the situation to rise

This article is a series of 171 intensive readings of Chinese history, and the history of the Two Jin Dynasties and the Southern and Northern Dynasties is serialized in 14 (click on the blue characters to view the previous part), welcome to watch.

The famous patriotic poet of the Song Dynasty, Xin Zhiyi, wrote in "Yong yu le • Jingkou Beiguting Huaigu" that:

Throughout the ages, heroes are not found, Sun Zhong plots. Dance hall song stage, the wind is always blown, the rain blows away. Slanting grass trees, ordinary alleys and strange, humane slaves once lived. Think of that year, Jinge iron horse, swallowed like a tiger.

Yuan Jia Cao Cao, sealed the wolf Juxu, won the Canghuang Beigu. Forty-three years, looking at the middle of the memory, Beacon Yangzhou Road. Looking back, under the Buddha's Shrine, a sacred crow club drum. Who asks, honest and old, can you still eat?

After thousands of years of jiangshan, it is difficult to find a hero like Sun Quan. The dance hall of that year is still there, but the heroes have long ceased to exist with the passage of time.

The slanting sun shines on the ordinary alleys covered with grass and trees, and people say that this is where Liu Yu once lived. Back then, when he led the Northern Expedition and regained the lost land, he was so mighty!

However, Liu Yu's son Liu Yilong (劉義隆) was so happy that he hastily made the Northern Expedition, but instead let the Northern Wei Emperor Taiwu Tuoba Tao take the opportunity to wave his division south and return to the north bank of the Yangtze River, where he was severely damaged by his opponents.

It has been forty-three years since I returned to the south, and I still remember the scenes of war on Yangzhou Road when I look at zhongyuan.

How can we look back, there were people outside Tuoba Tao's palace in those days, there were people sacrificing there, crows pecking at sacrifices, people living a social day, only as a god to worship, and did not know that this was once an emperor's palace. Who else will ask, Lianpo is old, is the amount of food still good?

The poem mentions an important historical figure: Liu Yu, the founding prince of the Southern Song Dynasty, nicknamed Ji Nu. According to historical records, Liu Yu claimed to be the twenty-second grandson of Liu Jiao, the king of Chuyuan, liu bang's brother, but by his generation, his family was already very poor, and he was a commoner.

So how did Liu Yu take over the mess of the last years of the Eastern Jin Dynasty and establish a new dynasty?

This has to say that between Wang Gongqibing and Huan Xuan as emperor, the first large-scale peasant war broke out in Jiangnan - Sun En, Lu Xun revolted.

Sun Enlu rebelled, and Liu Yu took advantage of the situation to rise

In the late Eastern Jin Dynasty, social contradictions became more and more acute. The gentry landlords wantonly annexed the land. The Diao Kui brothers, known as the "Jingkou Beetle", had a field property of 10,000 hectares, and Xie An and Xie Yan's field production spread throughout Huiji (present-day Shaoxing, Zhejiang), Wuxing (now part of Zhejiang), and Langya (present-day northeast of Nanjing), and expanded to more than 10 places by the time of Xie Kun in the early Liu Song Dynasty.

These great tribes not only occupy cultivated land, but also occupy the country's mountains, forests and rivers. The working people had no land to cultivate, and even had to pay fines for fishing, cutting reeds, and collecting firewood, and were forced to become tenants in the manors of the family. The expropriation of land and population by the great clans made the taxation and servitude of self-cultivation clothes even more aggravated.

At the beginning of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the Western Jin Dynasty household adjustment method was followed. Xianhe Five Years (330) was changed to three liters of rice per mu of harvested land, known as the "degree of field rent collection system". In the third year of Xiankang (337), it was changed to three rice harvests per mouth, and soon increased to five stones per mouth. The servitude was even more arduous, and Fanning said: "In ancient times, people were only three days old, and now they are tired and worried, and there are no three days of rest." So much so that some people self-harm their bodies to escape servitude, children are reluctant to be raised, widows and widows dare not remarry. "

Yu He was Danyang Yin, and at one time requested the abolition of more than 60 kinds of miscellaneous services. The deepening of the social crisis worries some in the ruling class. Fanning pointed out to the emperor: "Today's situation is like being covered with dry firewood, and a little fire will burn."

After Wang Gong contacted Yin Zhongkan and Huan Xuan to raise troops, the intensification of the struggle within the ruling class aggravated the social contradictions. At that time, the upper reaches of the Yangtze River were controlled by Huan Xuan, and the lower reaches of Jingkou and Jiangbei were controlled by liu gao, the general of the Beifu Army. The Eastern Jin Dynasty decrees could only reach the Areas of Sanwu (Wu County, Wuxing, and Huiji); most of the burden of conscription by the Eastern Jin government fell on the people of Sanwu; militarily, the mobilization of troops was not out of Sanwu. As a result, there was a scene in this area where "the valley is hungry and the people are endlessly flowing", which has become the focus of social contradictions.

In the third year of Long'an (399), Sima Yuanxian decided to establish a new army in order to deal with the threat of Huan Xuanjing's army. He conscripted as soldiers in the Sanwu area whose fathers and ancestors or themselves had been slaves, and who had been exempted as tenants, and whose status had been improved, and who were now reduced to soldiers again, was tantamount to losing their free status. Therefore, as soon as the order was issued, it aroused strong resistance from the broad masses of peasants and became the fuse of the peasant uprising.

Sun En's family has believed in wudou mi dao for generations, and his uncle Sun Tai is the head of wudou mi dao.

Sun Tai preached in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and there were many believers. When Wang Gong raised an army, he thought that the Eastern Jin Dynasty was about to end, and he also gathered more than a thousand disciples to rebel in the name of currying favor with Wang Gong, and as a result, he was suppressed by the Eastern Jin government; Sun Tai and his six sons were killed.

His nephew Sun En, luckily escaped to the island, where he secretly gathered Daoist disciples and was determined to take revenge.

Sun Enlu rebelled, and Liu Yu took advantage of the situation to rise

Just as Sun En was developing his power on the island, the Eastern Jin dynasty was also fiercely attacking each other. In November of the third year of Long'an (399), Sun En took the opportunity to land from the sea and launched an attack on Shangyu and Huiji.

The eight counties of Jiangnan, namely Huiji, Linhai (郡治, in present-day huangyan, Zhejiang), Yongjia (郡治今, in present-day Wenzhou, Zhejiang), Dongyang (郡治今, In modern Jinhua, Zhejiang), Xin'an (郡治 present-day northwest of Chun'an, Zhejiang), Wu (郡治今, in suzhou, Jiangsu), Wuxing, and Yixing (in present-day Yixing, Zhejiang) responded in unison.

In more than ten days, the team has grown from more than 100 people to hundreds of thousands. The rebels occupied eight counties, burning government offices, suppressing the most heinous landlord bureaucrats, sweeping up pastoral villas, and confiscating the landlords' treasures.

The Sanwu area was home to the concentration of the Wang and Xie clans, and their families were hit hard. The Huiji Taishou Wang Ning's family, Wuxing Taishou Xie Miao, and the Huiji clan Kong Daomin were all suppressed by the rebels.

After Sun En's occupation of Huiji, he declared himself the General of Zhengdong. The Eastern Jin Dynasty court hurriedly sent Xie Yan, a famous general of the Northern Prefecture and a wei general, to suppress it.

Xie Yan received the order to lead the Beifu soldiers to challenge the rebel army. Under the leadership of Sun En, the rebel army was gaining momentum, desperately confronting the Beifu soldiers, and even killed Xie Yan!

The Eastern Jin Dynasty court also let the former general Liu Gaozhi command the Beifu soldiers to continue to suppress, but Sun En led the water army all the way north and directly killed the Beifu soldiers' base, Jingkou. At this juncture, Liu Yu, a subordinate of Liu Gaozhi, rushed back to Jingkou and led his army to block the rebel army.

In this way, Liu Yu appeared as a great hero.

When Liu Yu was a child, he farmed and fished at home, and also sold shoes, and later fled to Jingkou and joined the Beifu Army.

Liu Gaozhi and Liu Yu were fellow countrymen, both from Pengcheng, and he made meritorious contributions to the Battle of Shuishui and became the most powerful general of the Beifu army. During this suppression of Sun En's uprising, Liu Gaozhi saw that Liu Yu had a set of rules for fighting and had strict restraints on his subordinates, so he promoted Liu Yu to be a staff officer and ordered him to continue to pursue and kill Sun En.

Sun En, seeing Liu Yu, chased after liu yu and led 200,000 men and horses to retreat to the island in order to avoid a decisive battle with the Beifu soldiers.

Liu Yu pursued him closely, defeated him at Yuzhou (郁洲, in present-day eastern Lianyungang, Jiangsu), and was forced to retreat south into the sea.

In the first year of the Yuan Dynasty (402), Sun En launched another offensive and landed from Linhai (present-day Zhejiang). This time he was so lucky that not only was he defeated again, Sun En and hundreds of his men were even blocked from escaping and forced to throw themselves into the sea and die.

Sun Enlu rebelled, and Liu Yu took advantage of the situation to rise

After Sun En's death, the rebel remnants continued to fight under the leadership of Lu Xun (Sun En's brother-in-law) and Xu Daofu.

At first, Lu Xun accepted the Eastern Jin Dynasty's official titles of General Zhengyu (征虏將軍), Guangzhou Assassin (廣刺史), and Pingyue Zhonglang (平越中郎), but Xu Daofu and the vast number of rebel fighters did not agree to surrender and advocated the Northern Expedition.

Lu Xun was forced to agree to the Northern Expedition under pressure from Xu Daofu and the vast rebel army. In the sixth year of Yixi (410), Lu Xun and Xu Daofu divided their troops into two roads, and drove north for a long time. The Western Route Army, led by Lu Xun, attacked the xiangzhong counties along the Xiangshui River, while the Eastern Route Army, led by Xu Daofu, marched along the Ganshui River to Xunyang (present-day Jiujiang, Jiangxi).

The two route armys descended with their flags, and there were more than a thousand warships, including nine eight ships, all of which were four stories high and twelve meters high. The rebel army defeated Liu Yi, an important general of the Beifu army at Sangluozhou (present-day Jiujiang, Jiangxi, northeast of Jiangzhong), and annihilated most of the enemy; Liu Yi fled with only a few hundred men.

However, the rebel army attacked Jiankang, suffered repeated setbacks, and the division was tired and forced to return to the division to the south and protect Guangzhou. Liu Yu pursued the rebels closely and at the same time sent people to attack and occupy Guangzhou, causing the rebels to lose their last base.

Lu Xunjun arrived at the city of Guangzhou, besieged the city for more than 20 days, and moved to Jiaozhou. In the end, he was defeated by the Jiaozhou assassin Du Huidu, and Lu Xun committed suicide by throwing himself into the water. After Xu Daofu retreated to Sixing, he was also defeated and killed.

The Sun Enluxun Uprising was the first large-scale peasant uprising in the Jiangnan region, with hundreds of thousands of people participating in the uprising, which lasted for 12 years and spread throughout the south. The rebel army used the Wudou Rice Road as a tool for propaganda and organization of the masses; established its own base areas, and used the rivers, lakes, seas, and islands to build a huge fleet of ships, and developed the strategy and tactics of the peasant army.

Although this uprising failed, it brought the decadent Eastern Jin Dynasty to the downfall; it also dealt a heavy blow to the Eastern Jin Dynasty's Monvaler clan forces, causing it to collapse. Therefore, after the Southern Dynasty, the Hanmen Shu people in the landlord class gradually rose.

Of course, the one who made the most profit was Liu Yu, who thus became one of the main generals of the Most Powerful Army of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the Beifu Soldiers, laying a solid foundation for him to replace the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

More things about Liu Yu, we will focus on it in the next article.

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Classic General History of China (16 volumes) ¥168 purchase

The content of this article is compiled from the "History of the Two Jin Dynasties and the Southern and Northern Dynasties" of the China International Broadcasting Publishing House's China Reading Book "Classic Chinese General History".

There are 16 books in the complete set of "Classic Chinese General History", namely: "Xia Shang History", "Western Zhou History", "Spring and Autumn History", "Warring States History", "Qin and Han History (Part I)", "Qin and Han History (Part 2)", "Three Kingdoms History", "Two Jin And Northern And Southern Dynasties History", "Sui and Tang History (Part 1)", "Sui and Tang History (Part 2)", "Five Dynasties History", "Song Dynasty History", "Yuan Dynasty History", "Ming Dynasty History", "Early Qing Dynasty History", "Late Qing History".

This set of books was carefully compiled by more than a dozen older historians born in the first half of the last century and took several years to compile. From the historical migration of xia and shang to the late Qing dynasty, the panoramic depiction of 5,000 years of Chinese history is professional and authoritative, and it is easy to understand, suitable for all ages, passing down classics, and it is worth learning and cherishing.

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