
Zhang Huizhen was captured and still obsessed, and Zhu De took him to verify the war situation

author:Chen Guanren

At dawn on December 30, 1930, Mao Zedong and Zhu De led the Red Army to engage the enemy's 18th Division at Longgang.

This time, it was the Red Army that took the initiative to attack.

The purpose of the Red Army was to lure the snake out of the hole, lure the enemy deep and then break it down. The Red Army that fought with them were all peasants and miners from northwestern Jiangxi. The three divisions of the enemy Zhang Huizhan burned thousands of villages there, and cut off all the families who had children to join the Red Army. The Red Army came with a heart of hatred.

As a result, the fighting was fierce.

Zhang Huizhen was captured and still obsessed, and Zhu De took him to verify the war situation

The two sides fought fiercely in front of Jude's headquarters, and enemy machine guns landed on the wall of the headquarters house.

The war finally reached its climax. The enemy commander-in-chief, Zhang Huizhan, immediately ordered the 50th Division under his command to reinforce the 18th Division. After receiving the order, the enemy's 50th Division immediately drove over, reached the source, encountered the Red Army led by Peng Dehuai, and retreated again. The enemy 28th Division in Donggu commanded by Zhang Huizhan did not move at all. The same is true of the enemy's Nineteenth Route Army.

By noon, the enemy's 18th Division had killed thousands of men, and the remaining 9,000 men had all been captured and disarmed by the Red Army. Zhang Huizhan and his staff, as well as all the commanders, were among those captured. The red army captured spoils of war, including 8,000 rifles, light and heavy machine guns, mortars and other small guns, as well as medical equipment, horses and rations. All three divisions of the enemy's cash were captured by the Red Army.

Zhang Huizhen was captured and still obsessed, and Zhu De took him to verify the war situation

Originally, the enemy had the advantage of firepower and supplies, and most of the soldiers of the Red Army did not even have a gun, only a shuttle dart. After the war, all were replaced with steel guns.

Zhu De said that the real reason for the victory of this quick decisive battle and the immediate collapse of all the enemy's offensive cannot be said to have been an accident, the two sides have been fighting for more than two months, and the 18th Division should have expected this. But why do they fail?

Jude believes that there are three reasons:

First, the White Army was in the Soviet Zone, and the people in the Soviet Zone regarded it as an invincible enemy.

Second, the Red Army adopted a quick decisive battle.

The third is the psychological reason for the enemy's up and down: "The enemy really believes his propaganda and thinks that we are bandits -- the bandits are not defeated at once?"

Zhang Huizhen was captured and still obsessed, and Zhu De took him to verify the war situation

The third reason is the most interesting.

After Zhang Huizhen was captured, Zhu De immediately brought him to talk. But he still believed that the Red Army was a "bandit" with no fighting power, and his other two divisions would soon defeat the Red Army and rescue him. So Zhu De took him and his men to show him how the Red Army had crushed his other two divisions, the 50th Division in 24 hours, and then the enemy 28th Division, which fled in fright. This is the Nineteenth Route Army also hurriedly withdrew from Xingguo and ran back to its hometown of Guangdong Province before stopping.

The enemy army collapsed under the lightning attack of the Red Army, and the first encirclement and suppression ended without honor, and Zhang Huizhan's arrogance turned into fear.

"Ten Marshals: A Little-Known History of the Ten Commanders of the People's Liberation Army" published by the Communist Party history publishing house records many legends and characteristics of the ten marshals who commanded the battle, including Zhu De, and is an annual bestseller loved by readers, and is also the first red history bestseller on the list of Chinese military books.

Zhang Huizhen was captured and still obsessed, and Zhu De took him to verify the war situation

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