
Tao Yuanming's most famous 10 poems, leisurely and beautiful, hide the poems you want and far away

author:Cup without lid

He is the first pastoral poet in China, known as "the ancestor of ancient and modern hermit poets" and "the originator of the pastoral poetry school".

He was a poet, a lexicographer, and an essayist.

He is Tao Yuanming.

Ouyang Xiu: Jin has no article, only Tao Yuanming's "Return to Xi Ci".

Tao Yuanming did not bend his waist for five buckets of rice, hung up the crown, and left a good story for future generations; he sent love to the landscape and the countryside, lived in seclusion outside the world, and left a series of good masterpieces.

Summarizing Tao Yuanming's most classic 10 poems, let's experience Tao Yuanming's secluded and peaceful pastoral life!

Tao Yuanming's most famous 10 poems, leisurely and beautiful, hide the poems you want and far away

1. The most leisurely poem: "Drinking Five"

"Drinking Five"

The knot is in the human realm, and there is no traffic or horse noise.

Q. How can you do it? The heart is far away from self-deprecation.

Under the eastern fence of the chrysanthemum, you can leisurely see the South Mountain.

The mountain atmosphere is good day and night, and the birds are returning.

There is truth in this, to discern what has been forgotten.

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Tao Yuanming has been in the countryside for 12 years, and he has long fallen in love with the leisurely and comfortable pastoral life.

Living in the world, but without the hustle and bustle of cars and horses. Picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, the south mountain in the distance comes into view. The atmosphere in the mountains is very good with the evening scenery, there are birds, and they return with their companions.

"Picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, leisurely seeing the South Mountain" is so natural and comfortable, for thousands of years, it has been constantly chanted.

Tao Yuanming realized the meaning of life in the beauty of nature, and the natural idyllic mood was very infectious.

Instead of being serious, it is better to be casual, find a drunk when you have money, find a sleep without money, have no quarrel with the past, and settle down with the encounter.

Tao Yuanming's most famous 10 poems, leisurely and beautiful, hide the poems you want and far away

2. The most self-satisfied poem: "Returning to the Garden And The First"

"Returning to the Garden Of The First Place"

Less without vulgar rhyme, sex loves Qiushan.

Mistakenly fell into the dust net, gone for thirty years.

Birds love the old forest, pond fish think of the past.

Open up the wilderness in the south, and return to the garden.

The square house is more than ten acres, and the grass house is eight or nine.

The eaves of the elm willow shade, in front of the tao li luo hall.

Ambiguous distant village, clinging to the smoke in the ruins.

Dogs bark in the deep alley, chickens chirp mulberry trees upside down.

The household garden is dust-free and cluttered, and the virtual room has spare time.

Long in the cage, back to nature.

Tao Yuanming could not bear the filth of the officialdom and the shackles of the world, and resolutely resigned from his official position and went into hiding, and devoted himself to cultivating the countryside.

The sense of ease of detachment from the career, the joy of returning to nature, as well as the quiet countryside, simple interaction, and the experience of hard work, make this group of poems an outstanding pastoral chapter.

From the strong boredom of official life to the beautiful and moving scenery of the countryside and the happiness of the new life, a feeling of relief is naturally revealed.

For thousands of years, no one has envied Tao Yuanming's ease and leisure in the countryside.

In a corner, open a deserted forest, build a wooden house; a small piece of land in front of the door, plant flowers and grasses and vegetables; the bamboo forest in the back mountain is blowing and fluttering; it is not comfortable, dancing with nature every day.

Tao Yuanming's most famous 10 poems, leisurely and beautiful, hide the poems you want and far away

3. The most leisurely farming poem: "Returning to the Garden and The Third"

"Return to the Garden Of Fields , Part III"

Plant beans under the south mountain, grass full of beans seedlings are thin.

Morning Xingli is desolate, with the moon lotus hoe return.

The road is narrow and long, and the dew stains my clothes.

The clothes are not enough to be sorry, but the wish is not broken.

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This eight-sentence short chapter of "Planting Beans And Descending the Mountains" describes the scene of the poet's hard work after retreating in an ordinary and ordinary small space of forty words.

Early in the morning, Tao Yuanming went down to the field to remove weeds, and did not carry the hoe back until the twilight was four and the moon came out.

In order not to violate the ideal of farming and living in seclusion, and no matter how tired the agricultural work is, it is not afraid, then "Xilu wet clothes" is even less "pity".

I really admire Tao Yuanming, as a scholar, he rarely has the courage to cultivate himself, just to return to his heart.

When the ten thousand edges are laid down, the mind has no place to dwell. I wish you all to live like a child, simple, comfortable and pure. Pure and innocent, innocently living in every moment.

Tao Yuanming's most famous 10 poems, leisurely and beautiful, hide the poems you want and far away

4. The most philosophical poem: "Twelve Miscellaneous Poems · One"

Twelve Miscellaneous Poems: Part 1

Life has no roots, and it is like a strange dust.

Scattered and windy, this has been extraordinary.

Landing as a brother, why flesh and blood!

Have fun and fight wine together.

The golden year does not come again, and it is difficult to get another morning.

Timely encouragement, the years do not treat people.

Poets are always more sensitive than others, and so is Tao Yuanming.

On this day, Tao Yuanming sighed about life: life in the world is like a rootless wood, a flower without a stem, no landing, no root, and it is like the dust that drifts with the wind on the road. Due to the vagaries of fate, the uncertainty of life, the constant change of encounters and changes, and everyone is no longer the original self.

Since life is so short, life is so unattainable, and joy is so difficult to find, then, for the little joy that can occasionally be found in life, don't miss it, grasp it in time and enjoy it to the fullest.

The language of the whole poem is simple and unpretentious, taking the usual example, and the quality is like a jade, but the connotation is extremely rich, ups and downs, and thought-provoking.

The last state of life that cannot go wrong is to have fun in time.

Tao Yuanming's most famous 10 poems, leisurely and beautiful, hide the poems you want and far away

5. The most beautiful poem of the four seasons: "Four Hours"

"Four Hours"

Spring water is full of four Zeze, summer clouds and many strange peaks.

The autumn moon is bright, and the winter ridge is lonely.

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This poem, only 20 words, but outlines a real four-hour scenery painting.

After the middle of winter, a flood of spring water overflows the fields and waters; the clouds in summer are unpredictable, mostly like strange peaks.

In the autumn moon, everything is covered with a layer of mysterious colors; a green pine on the alpine ridge in winter shows its vitality.

Tao Yuanming is like a photographer, gently pressing the shutter, and the four-hour scene is included in this 20-word poem. The whole poem "There are paintings in poetry, and there are poems in paintings", and in a short space, there is a beautiful scene of the four seasons.

The beauty of the four hours is not in the eyes of the rich, but in the eyes of the people with hearts.

Tao Yuanming's most famous 10 poems, leisurely and beautiful, hide the poems you want and far away

6. The most humorous family love poem: "The Blame"

"The Blame"

The white hair was covered with two sideburns, and the skin was no longer solid.

Although there are five boys, it is always difficult to write and pencil.

Ashu is twenty-eight, lazy and unmatched.

Ah Xuan practiced zhixue, but did not love literature.

Yongduan was thirteen years old, and did not know six and seven.

Tongzi droops nine years old, but forages pears and chestnuts.

Heaven forbid, and into the cup.

Tao Yuanming is a great poet and a humorous father.

There is no father who does not complain about his son, and Tao Yuanming is no exception. In a poem, he spits out his five sons over and over again.

He said: Although I have five sons, none of them love to read. Ashu is 16 years old, but lazy is invincible. Ah Xuan is 15 years old and does not like to read.

Ayon Aduan was 13 years old, and he couldn't even tell the difference between six and seven. Tong'er only has 9 tongs, and he only knows how to find pears and chestnuts to eat all day. If Providence had really given me these bad things, there would have been no way to drink the bar.

After reading this poem, I feel that Tao Yuanming is angry and funny, criticism is true, but between the lines, it reveals kindness, love and pity are also true. This is a criticism with a smile, and it is the old man's licking affection.

The love of parents for their children is hidden in love and blame.

Tao Yuanming's most famous 10 poems, leisurely and beautiful, hide the poems you want and far away

7. The most emotional reading poem: "Reading the Thirteen Songs of the Classic of Mountains and Seas · One of them"

"Reading the Thirteen Songs of the Classic of Mountains and Seas · Part I"

Mengxia grass is long and sparsely supported around the house trees.

The birds are happy, and I love me.

Both ploughed and planted, and sometimes read my books.

The poor alley is deeply rutted, and it is quite a return to the old people's car.

Drink spring wine and pick vegetables from my garden.

Light rain came from the east, and the wind was good.

A general look at the "Biography of the King of Zhou" and a view of the "Mountain and Sea Map".

Pitching the final universe, why not be happy?

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"Reading the Thirteen Classics of Mountains and Seas" is a set of joint chapter poems, writing about the whimsy and feelings of life and politics when reading the Classic of Mountains and Seas and the Biography of Mu Tianzi.

The first song is the joy of seclusion and reading. When he arrived in Mengxia, the cultivation was completed, the harvest was still early, and it was the time of agricultural leisure, and he could read happily.

"Pitching the universe, not happy to be happy!" The second sentence is a summary of the whole poem. The magic of these five words lies first of all in the feeling of "reading the Classic of Mountains and Seas", because of the concentration and concentration, the poet has gone in and out with the characters in the book to the ancient world and traveled around the world in an instant, which is how happy.

The meaning of reading is probably to use the feelings of life to read, and to use the income from reading to live!

Tao Yuanming's most famous 10 poems, leisurely and beautiful, hide the poems you want and far away

8. The most interesting poem of life: "Moving to two songs, one of them"

"Moving to the Second Song · Part 1"

In the past, he wanted to live in the south village, not to be Bu Qi's house.

Smell more vegetarian people, happy and count the morning and sunset.

Pregnant with this for a long time, today from the service.

Why should we be wide, take the foot to cover the bed.

Neighbors come and go, and anti-talk is in the past.

QiWen appreciates, doubts and analyzes.

In 408, Tao Yuanming's old mansion in seclusion caught fire, and two years later, he moved to the cottage in Nanli, Xunyang, so he wrote this poem.

The poem writes about the reasons for moving to Nancun and the pleasures after moving. The poem warmly praises the "Su Xin" people of Nancun, showing the elegant and pure interest of like-minded people. Poets get along with these simple "plain heart" people day and night, unrestrained, recounting the past, judging articles, and feelings melt and enjoy infinitely.

Jiang Xuan of the Qing Dynasty: "Straight is a spoken word, but it is a wonderful word." Extremely bland, extremely colorful. ”

The most prosaic language hides the deepest love, and in the most ordinary life, there is the most beautiful meaning of life.

Tao Yuanming's most famous 10 poems, leisurely and beautiful, hide the poems you want and far away

9. The poem I miss the most: "Stopping clouds and part two"

"Four Songs of Stopping clouds , Part II"

Stop the clouds, think of relatives and friends also. The new mash, the first glory of the garden, the wish not to follow, sighing.

Stop the clouds and mist, and the rain is thick.

Eight tables are the same as dusk, and the flat land becomes a river.

There is wine and wine, idle drinking in the east window.

May the words be cherished, and the boats and cars be obedient.

In the preface to the poem, Tao Yuanming bluntly stated that it was a group of poems that missed relatives and friends.

The bottle was filled with clarified new wine, and the back garden was lined with flowers that had just bloomed, but my good wishes could not be fulfilled, and I sighed helplessly and filled my heart with sorrow.

The poem runs through Tao Yuanming's inability to share a beautiful hatred with his friends, which fully shows the poet's warm intestines for his friends and his desire to share a beautiful affection with his friends.

If one day, you also miss your relatives and friends, and on the night of a month, when you slowly recite Tao Yuanming's poem "Stopping the Clouds", that kind of melancholy and loneliness will definitely fill your heart immediately.

Instead of missing a disease, it is better to give deep regret to the years. One day, those hurdles that you can't cross, walk and walk will be filled.

Tao Yuanming's most famous 10 poems, leisurely and beautiful, hide the poems you want and far away

10. The most open-minded poem: "Reward Liu Chaisang"

"Reward Liu Chaisang"

Poor widows use, time forgotten four luck weeks.

There are many leaves in the doorway, and I know that autumn is already autumn.

The new Kui Yu Bei Mu, Jia Qiu Yang South Domain.

Now I am not happy, do you know that there is a coming age?

The life room is weak with children, and the good day is a long journey.

Liu Chaisang, also known as Liu Chengzhi, was once Chaisang Ling. In the autumn of that year, Liu Chaisang came down to Lushan to visit Tao Yuanming, composing poems and singing to each other, and Tao Yuanming wrote "Rewarding Liu Chaisang".

The reclusive Tao Yuanming, who has no personnel to socialize, sometimes forgets the changes of the four seasons.

When I saw the leaves in the courtyard, I knew that it was already autumn. The new winter sunflowers under the north wall grow lushly, and the rice to be harvested in the field is golden and full.

Tao Yuanming gave birth to the idea of timely pleasure, he called on his wife and son, and took advantage of the good times to ascend and travel.

No matter in what situation, peace of mind is always the most beautiful, happy every day!

Tao Yuanming's most famous 10 poems, leisurely and beautiful, hide the poems you want and far away

For thousands of years, countless people have envied Tao Yuanming, envied his reclusive life, and his attitude towards life.

We always go far away in search of poetry, in fact, the most poetic life is in our hearts.

When you are in the middle of the city, your heart is at peace; when you are clothed and eating, you are still self-satisfied; when you pass the years and still do not change your original intention, you are already living in the poetry of the distance.

12 Tao Yuanming poems: Returning to the garden and living in the countryside, the wish is not violated

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