
Chinese graduate Eritrean president: The United States is a bad embryo


Isaias came to Nanjing Army Command College to study in the 60s, and after returning to China, he began to form an army, and began to launch a liberation war for Eritrea's independence, and after 30 years of struggle, won the country's independence.

Eritrea is located in northeast Africa, the country did not exist at the beginning, belonging to Ethiopia, Ethiopia was colonized by Portugal, Britain and France. In 1869, the Italians came and occupied the coastal area, thus giving Italy control of the entire coastline of Ethiopia and establishing the colony "Eritrea", which means "Red Sea" in Latin, which is the origin of the name "Eritrea".

Chinese graduate Eritrean president: The United States is a bad embryo

After the outbreak of World War II, Italy withdrew, Eritrea was handed over to the British trusteeship, in 1950 the United Nations passed a resolution, Eritrea and Ethiopia formed a new federal state, Ethiopia has always wanted to cancel Eritrea's special autonomy status, Eritreans want to fight for independent statehood, May 24, 1993 declared independence, the land area of 124,000 square kilometers, population of more than 6 million.

The reason why such a small place has been repeatedly contested by Western colonizers is mainly due to its geographical importance, with 1,200 kilometers of coastline, which is the gateway to the Indian Ocean from the Red Sea. After independence, Ethiopia and Eritrea destitute their countries after years of war, also because of this access to the sea. Eritrea's secession from Ethiopia bears a great deal of responsibility from the Western colonizers. After a long and complex civil strife in Ethiopia, Eritrea's independence had a legal basis.

Eritrea was later targeted by the United States, resulting in Ethiopia being extremely pro-American, and after being pro-American, under the manipulation of the United States, it frequently exchanged guns with Eritrea, and in 1998 the two countries fought each other, killing and wounding hundreds of thousands. After the outbreak of war, countries began to evacuate their nationals in Eritrea. At that time, China's national strength was not enough, more than 100 expatriates asked the United States to help transshipment, mainland officials and the United States had reached an agreement, but at the last moment, the United States suddenly repented, treacherous, and did not allow mainland nationals to board. In desperation, these more than 100 Chinese compatriots had to take five small fishing boats under the arrangement of the embassy and drift in the Red Sea for more than 50 hours before arriving in Saudi Arabia.

When Eritrea was just independent, the United States was very enthusiastic, put 10,000 empty cannons on its mouth, saying how to help him, the new government was very happy, President Isaias had visited the United States six times, but none of the promises made by the United States were fulfilled, and in 2002, Eritrea and the United States turned against each other, because the United States proposed to establish a military base in Eritrea, which Isaias refused. As a result, the United States immediately added Eritrea to the list of "terrorist sponsors" and publicly called on the Estine people to overthrow the current regime, and in October 2008, added Eritrea to the list of countries prohibited from arms sales.

Isaias finally understood that the United States is a bad embryo, expelled the United States international development representatives in Eritrea, the foreign policy of the United States is a bit like a domestic Internet company, whoever invests in it will die, like the United States invested heavily in the Republic of Djibouti, and built a military base, but for 100 years, the country is still poor, because the United States is not to help Djibouti, but to use it as a tool to restrain Africa.

Later, Djibouti switched to China and took the initiative to give a place for China to use as an overseas military base, and in the next three years, the port, airport, railway, cultural palace, and people's park were built, and the Djibouti International Free Trade Zone was also opened, and the president of Eritrea and Djibouti finally spoke his heart: "Western countries have come to us for more than 100 years, we have been poor for more than 100 years, China has only been here for 3 years, and the people of our country have lived a good life." ”

Chinese graduate Eritrean president: The United States is a bad embryo

China's great power posture and full of sincerity have also made the President of Eritrea completely let down his guard and get closer and closer to China. China and African countries, no matter how big or small, are equal and enthusiastic exchanges, and were ridiculed by the United States and domestic dogs, saying that "China has made some poor relatives, are with some countries that are not in the flow", but at the critical time, poor relatives played a role, in the first quarter of this year, China and these poor relatives trade volume import and export increased by 16% year-on-year, which proves that without the United States, the earth is still turning, if the United States does not exist, the world should be a better place.

In the framework of the United States-Africa summit held in December 2022, US President Joe Biden "tried to attract African heads of state" to the West. But a new round of US trips to Africa "has failed." Because any president in Africa who can think about the country recognizes an ironclad fact: "America is a bad embryo."

The theme of China's diplomatic trip to Africa is "develop the economy, do not fight"; most of the so-called terrorist problems in the mouth of the United States are caused by poverty; once the economy is done well and the people's lives are stable, the factors of instability will be greatly reduced; almost all the terrorist acts in the world are created by the United States, and wherever the United States goes, artillery will follow.

In 2022, when facing visiting Chinese diplomats, the President of Eritrea said: "I forged an indissoluble bond with China 55 years ago, I have always had a deep affection for China, and I have witnessed the development and growth of New China. "China's success brings hope to mankind and enlightenment to developing countries, and strengthening partnership with China is crucial to Africa's development..."

When Isaias said 55 years ago, he meant the period when he studied at the Nanjing Military Academy, so he was also familiar with Chairman Mao's quotations, and he could often quote them casually, such as when he stubbornly attacked the United States, saying: "The American reactionaries will one day find themselves in opposition from the people of the world, including the American people." "Check the source, it is Chairman Mao and the American journalist Anna. Louis. Strong talk.

Anna, a remarkable woman, who came to China six times, went to the holy land of the revolution, slept on the earthen kang of the peasant house, and saw that the officials had no "official frame", took a meagre salary like a soldier, and ate simple meals, she wrote: "What army would care so much about ordinary soldiers? In the interview, Anna heard the most words such as "people", "go to the people", "learn from the people" and so on.

Chinese graduate Eritrean president: The United States is a bad embryo

In 1958, at the age of 72, Anna, who visited China for the sixth time and spent the rest of her life there, said: "I think Chinese people know better than anyone the path that humanity has to take. ”

Like Anna, Isaias has witnessed China's development and China's dedication to helping the third world develop together, and this visit to China will strengthen cooperation with China in all aspects in the economic field and lead the Eritrean people to the road of moderate prosperity.

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