
Why do both Putin and Lenin have Vladimir in their names? Are they relatives?


The Russian name is particularly interesting, completely different from Chinese. Arranged as First Name, Parent Name, and Last Name. Russian writers like Pushkin, Tolstoy, Chekhov, Dostoevsky, etc., are their surnames. Russian names are relatively simple, coupled with the belief in Orthodox Christianity, many people bring their children to the church to be baptized, let the priest give a name, so the repetition rate is very high, maybe you shout Ivan on the street, will form a spectacular scene of many people turning back together, so what to do? Quite simply, the full name plus a paternal title is equivalent to the effect of whose child.

Why do both Putin and Lenin have Vladimir in their names? Are they relatives?

We know that the full name of Russian President Putin is Владимир Владимирович Путин, the Chinese translation is "Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin", Putin is a surname, the name is Vladimir, and the father's name is Vladimirovich, which shows that the name of Putin's father is Vladimir. This kind of situation where the name is the same as the father's name is very common in Russia, similar to the Chinese "dog leftovers", which means that the father and son's nicknames are called dog leftovers.

President Putin must be satisfied and proud of his name and father's name. Translated into Chinese, it means "to rule the world" and "to keep peace", because Влади means "to rule" in Russian, мир means "world" in Russian, and Владимир is roughly the meaning of "ruling the world" according to the meaning. As one of the favorite names of Russians, revolutionary leader Lenin, Russian President Vladimir Putin, and the current commander-in-chief of the Russian Navy, Korolev, all have "Vladimir" in their names. Vladimir is a very common russian male name, just like the Chinese names such as Dog Leftover and Caiwang, and the same as the English names of John, Tom, and Peter.

Why do both Putin and Lenin have Vladimir in their names? Are they relatives?

The origin of the name Vladimir is ancient. Origins dating back to the 9th century, the clans that lived in the Tver region of the upper Volga River, more than eight hundred years ago, The Grand Duke of Vladimir led Kievan Rus' conversion to Orthodoxy, ushering in the Golden Age of the Kyvan Rus' Principality, which is described in detail in the Russian film Viking. For example, one of Russia's most advanced North Winds-class strategic nuclear submarines was named "Grand Duke Vladimir".

Why do both Putin and Lenin have Vladimir in their names? Are they relatives?

Many of the most outstanding celebrities are called Vladimir, and if there is a genius in this world, Chelomet is a genius. Vladimir Nikolaevich Cheromey (Russian: Владимир Николаевич Челомей), academician of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, mechanics, mathematician, engineering control and aerospace scientist of the same name as Korolev, and twice winner of the title of Hero of Socialist Labor of the USSR.

Why do both Putin and Lenin have Vladimir in their names? Are they relatives?

Even more coincidentally, Lenin, the leader of the Soviet revolution, had the same name as Putin. However, Lenin was only a pen name, a name used as a cover for revolutionary work, and after the success of the revolution, everyone agreed to call him Lenin. Lenin's original name was actually Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Russian: Владимир Ильич Ульянов), that is, Lenin's name was Vladimir, his father was Ilyich, and their family name was Ulyanov. Ulyanov was an aristocratic surname, so Lenin changed his surname in order to hide his status as a nobleman.

Why do both Putin and Lenin have Vladimir in their names? Are they relatives?

The word Влади is the russian verb владеть, which in Russian has the meaning of "possession", "conquest", "domination", "domination", "control", "control", in short, it is a very inspirational and aggressive term. So Vladimir is also often used as a place name, in Vladimir/Sutsdari, one of the golden ring towns in Moscow, Russia, where the inhabitants are basically Vladimir's surname.

Why do both Putin and Lenin have Vladimir in their names? Are they relatives?

For example, the official title of Tsar Nicholas II: "By the grace of God, emperors and dictators of all Russia, Moscow, Kiev, Vladimir, Novgorod, Tsar Kazan, Tsar of Astrakhan, Tsar of Poland, Tsar of Siberia, Tsar of Taurickseneso, Tsar of Georgia, Lord of Pskov, monarch of all regions of Smolensk, Lithuania, Volnia, Portolia, Grand Duke of Finland and Estonia." "The separate list of Vladimir here refers to the former Principality of Vladimir.

Why do both Putin and Lenin have Vladimir in their names? Are they relatives?

In the beautiful Vladivostok in the Far East, the Russian name is Vladivostok (Владивосток), восток is the Russian meaning "Orient". The Chinese meaning of Vladivostok is roughly "to rule the East" or "to control the East", which can be translated into Old Chinese as "Zhendongfu", or "Anton".

Why do both Putin and Lenin have Vladimir in their names? Are they relatives?

There is a mystery hidden in the Russian surname, and the comparison with the surname of Chinese is more interesting, let's practice it, for example, there is a little fart child named Li Tie, his father is called Li Gang, and the Russian of "steel" is сталь (transliteration: tearing up the forest). Then according to the custom of Russian names, Li Tie's full name should be "Tie Dalin Gangnovich Li", is it possible to see at a glance that his father is Li Gang...

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