
Hibiscus flowers are an ancient and beautiful flower, known as the "gentleman of flowers". Hibiscus flowers are native to China and are now widely cultivated all over the world. The flowers of hibiscus flowers are flat,

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Hibiscus flowers are an ancient and beautiful flower, known as the "gentleman of flowers". Hibiscus flowers are native to China and are now widely cultivated all over the world. Hibiscus flowers have flat flowers with five petals, mostly pink or white in color, and bloom in summer.

Hibiscus flowers are not only a beautiful ornamental flower, but also have certain medicinal properties. The petals of hibiscus flowers contain a variety of chemical components, which have the effects of clearing heat and detoxification, moisturizing the lungs and relieving cough, cooling blood and detoxification, etc., and can be used to treat colds, coughs, lung fever and other symptoms.

Hibiscus flowers also have an important place in Chinese culture. Hibiscus flowers are regarded as a symbol of elegance, elegance and purity, and are often used in descriptions and metaphors in literature and art. In the poems, hibiscus flowers are praised as "flowers can be folded straight and must be folded, and there are no flowers and empty branches", expressing the poet's cherishing and love for beautiful things.

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Hibiscus flowers are an ancient and beautiful flower, known as the "gentleman of flowers". Hibiscus flowers are native to China and are now widely cultivated all over the world. The flowers of hibiscus flowers are flat,
Hibiscus flowers are an ancient and beautiful flower, known as the "gentleman of flowers". Hibiscus flowers are native to China and are now widely cultivated all over the world. The flowers of hibiscus flowers are flat,
Hibiscus flowers are an ancient and beautiful flower, known as the "gentleman of flowers". Hibiscus flowers are native to China and are now widely cultivated all over the world. The flowers of hibiscus flowers are flat,

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