
Eating an "underground apple" every day has many benefits!

author:Bright Net

The proverb "One apple a day, the doctor stays away from me" is familiar to everyone, and with the spread of this proverb, apples have become a regular fruit in various families.

But many people have not noticed that there is another food whose nutritional value is also very high, its vitamin C content is even about ten times that of apples, vitamin B is about 4 times that of apples, and various minerals are several times to dozens of times that of apples, but the price is much cheaper!

Xiao Er will introduce this food to you today, let's take a look together~

Eating an "underground apple" every day has many benefits!


The overlooked star food – potatoes

Potatoes are one of the most commonly eaten foods in daily life, also known as potatoes. Once it was an inconspicuous thing, but now it is a "star food" - its nutrient content is rich and complete, its vitamin C content far exceeds that of food crops, and its protein content greatly exceeds that of ordinary vegetables.

What's more, we know that vitamin C in vegetables is easily lost, and it will be oxidized and destroyed in heat, light, and alkaline environments. The stability of vitamin C in potatoes is incomparable to many foods, because the glutathione content in potato starch is relatively rich, which helps protect vitamin C from certain high-temperature oxidation threats. After experimental tests, the vitamin C content of cooked potatoes is about 85% that of raw potatoes.

Today, potatoes enjoy many reputations such as "second bread", "underground apple" and "ginseng fruit", and are known as the world's top five crops along with rice, wheat, corn and sorghum.

Eating an "underground apple" every day has many benefits!


Easily digestible

Shandong Institute of Light Industry and Agricultural and Sideline Raw Materials published a journal in "China Fruit and Vegetables", showing that potatoes are easy to digest, can improve indigestion, and are especially suitable for patients with stomach problems.


Rich in high-quality protein

The protein in potatoes is rich in lysine and tryptophan, which is incomparable to ordinary grains. "Food Safety Guide" published that compared with other tuber crops, potatoes contain more protein is protease inhibitors, which can be used to prevent perianal dermatitis caused by proteases, which can be counted as high-quality protein.


Rich in potassium

When it comes to high-potassium foods, everyone thinks of bananas, in fact, potatoes have a higher potassium content than bananas, and a medium-sized potato with skin (about 148 grams) can provide 620 mg of potassium. Therefore, eating potatoes can promote the excretion of sodium and have an auxiliary regulating effect on the increase in blood pressure caused by high sodium.

Eating an "underground apple" every day has many benefits!


Potatoes contain "resistant starch" and have many benefits

Potatoes contain a key substance, resistant starch, which resists the breakdown of enzymes, acts like cellulose, and has several benefits for the human body:


Helps lower cholesterol

Resistant starch stimulates the secretion of bile, aids in the excretion of fats and cholesterol. And after the potatoes are cooled and heated, it will cause the phenomenon of "rebirth", which is not easy to absorb but is more hydrophilic, further strengthening the excretion of cholesterol and the like, and also helping to improve constipation.


Aids in blood sugar control

Resistant starch is more difficult to degrade than other starches, digests slowly in the body, absorbs and enters the blood slowly, the glycemic rate is slower, and the peak blood sugar is relatively low; At the same time, it can interfere with and slow down the absorption of sugar, help regulate blood sugar levels, and improve insulin sensitivity.


Helps lose weight and slim down

Resistant starch is similar in nature to dissolved fiber, which is not easy to be digested and absorbed by the body, but it can increase satiety and reduce total food intake, thereby helping to lose weight.


Aids in blood pressure control

Potatoes are very good high-potassium and low-sodium foods, low caloric energy, not easy to be converted into fat, and can prevent the synthesis and utilization of cholesterol and fat, and have the benefit of auxiliary pressure control. It is very suitable for people with high blood pressure and edema type of obesity.

Eating an "underground apple" every day has many benefits!


Pairing of potatoes

When it comes to potatoes, many people think of fried shredded potatoes, stewed brisket with potatoes, small potatoes with salt and pepper... Eat it with rice and work up an appetite.

But potatoes are rich in starch, equivalent to a staple food. At the same time, potatoes are also more oil-absorbent, in order to maintain the taste, many methods put a lot of oil, and even first through the oil and then cook, the heat is doubled.

Always eat like this, consume too many carbohydrates, it is easy to lead to increased blood sugar and obesity. So rice with potatoes, the heat is barred! Sugar friends are not suitable for ~

Recommendation: Replace some staple foods with potatoes

The right thing to do is to replace part of the staple food with potatoes for the following reasons:

(1) Its starch is a large molecular group, which is slowly absorbed in the human body;

(2) Its satiety is very strong;

(3) It is nutritionally balanced but low-fat and low-calorie, almost fat-free, and only about one-sixth of flour and rice.

Using it to replace some staple foods is more in line with the principle of reasonable diet, and it is also a gospel for people with high blood sugar and weight loss.

Eating an "underground apple" every day has many benefits!


Different potatoes, so that the selection is appropriate

After talking about the taboos of potatoes, Xiao Er will introduce the differences between different potatoes.


Purple potatoes, yellow potatoes, which has high nutritional value?

There are purple and yellow potatoes on the market, and the color is not the same, mainly because of the different nutrients inside. Compared with yellow potatoes, purple potatoes contain higher anthocyanins, and the antioxidant effect of anthocyanins is forty or fifty times that of vitamin C, which is more in line with people's needs for nutritional value.


Noodle potatoes, crispy potatoes, how to choose?

Crispy potatoes and dough potatoes are suitable for different cooking styles:

(1) Crisp potatoes have low starch content and high moisture, so they taste crisp and refreshing after cooking, suitable for stir-frying;

(2) Noodle potatoes have a large starch content, and the taste is naturally compared to noodles, such as stews, roasted vegetables or mashed potatoes.

【How to distinguish crispy potatoes from noodle potatoes】

Crispy potatoes: full of moisture, smooth and whitish skin, relatively solid to pinch, hard and hard not very able to pinch;

Flour potato: high starch content, less moisture, so the color of the skin is yellow, dark and wrinkled, and there is a little "black pockmark" on the surface. It's a little soft to pinch

All in all, eating potatoes is good for the body, but it is more important to pay attention to the way of eating, and the right combination can make our body healthier and healthier while enjoying the food.

Source: CCTV Home for Dinner

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