
After 6 years, it has reappeared! Netizen: It's so cute...

After 6 years, it has reappeared! Netizen: It's so cute...

Helan Mountain Pik. (Photo by Nie Xun)

February 28

Nie Xun, a staff member of Helan Mountain National Forest Park in Ningxia

Photographed in the park

The world's critically endangered species, the Helan Mountain pika

This is after six years

The species has once again been recorded in the park

According to the Red List of Biodiversity of China -

Vertebrate Volume"

Helan Mountain Pik

alias Ningxia Pik

It is the larger of the continental pikas

Weight 176-236 grams

The ears are round and the limbs are stout

The back is silvery-white in winter

The fur is light iron gray and the tip is pure black

The ventral hair is white with a yellowish tint

The feet are white above and light gray below

There is a rust-red patch on the side of the neck under the ears

After 6 years, it has reappeared! Netizen: It's so cute...

Helan Mountain Pik. (Photo by Nie Xun)

The Helan Mountain pika-hare mainly inhabits

A belt of mountain gravel above 2000 meters above sea level

Live in the crevices of the rubble

The tunnel structure is simple

Day and day activities, morning and evening activities are frequent

A typical pika haystack will be built

Mainly artemisia grass and lotus grass

and feeds on the leaves and stems of grasses

Not hibernating

The breeding season begins in early April

1 litter per year, 2-4 cubs per litter

After 6 years, it has reappeared! Netizen: It's so cute...

Helan Mountain Pik. (Photo by Nie Xun)

Helan Mountain Pik

It is only distributed on the border between Ningxia and Inner Mongolia

Helan Ridge Top Area

The distribution is extremely limited

It is endemic to China

At present, it is a national second-class protected wild animal

Netizen: So cute!

After 6 years, it has reappeared! Netizen: It's so cute...
After 6 years, it has reappeared! Netizen: It's so cute...

Care for the environment and life

May all the best be done to the little cuties!

Source: Ningxia News Network, @人民日报

Responsible editor: Qin Daixin

Proofreader: Guo Yanhui

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