
In spring, if you have money or not, eat more yacon, hydration, anti-dryness and high nutrition, 2 ways to collect well

author:Foodie Fengzi

Introduction: Stop "eating" this fruit immediately, it may be full of parasites, eat water and prevent dryness in spring, many people do not know!

Hello everyone, I am Xiaofeng, who loves food and life, "one meal at a time, the heart has a habitat." Wood, rice, oil and salt, love to rely on. Watch a tree blossom and enjoy three meals for four seasons. "Spring returns to the earth, all things are revived, mountains, lakes and seas, and the treasures that have been frozen for a winter are slowly recovering, reconstructing spring. Spring is a good place to immerse yourself in nature and breathe fresh air, which will definitely refresh you, but spring is windy and dry, so you should put hydration and anti-dryness in the first place in your diet.

In spring, if you have money or not, eat more yacon, hydration, anti-dryness and high nutrition, 2 ways to collect well

Fruit is one of the indispensable delicacies for spring hydration and dryness, often eat fruit can not only supplement the necessary nutrients for the human body, but also supplement vitamin C for the body, improve the body's immunity, thereby helping to prevent influenza, escort the body, in many fruits, this kind of fruit is more special, it does not look like fruit, but like "sweet potato", but it is full of treasure, it is yacon, rich in protein, more than 20 kinds of amino acids and a variety of trace elements, minerals and vitamins necessary for the human body, It has the effect of clearing fire, appetizing, clearing heat and detoxification, replenishing qi and nourishing blood, relieving eye fatigue, and enhancing immunity.

In spring, if you have money or not, eat more yacon, hydration, anti-dryness and high nutrition, 2 ways to collect well

Yacon is a root fruit, its flesh color is yellow-white, thin skin and juicy, crisp and sweet to eat, many people like to eat raw, but remind everyone: immediately stop "raw" this fruit, may be full of parasites, which is related to the growth environment of yacon, it and sweet potatoes grow in the soil, there may be parasites or bacteria, so try not to eat raw, if you like the taste of raw food, you should also soak in salt water, wash more, or use boiling water to scald, thoroughly disinfect and sterilize before eating. Share the delicious recipes of yacon as a vegetable today.

In spring, if you have money or not, eat more yacon, hydration, anti-dryness and high nutrition, 2 ways to collect well

【Yacon Ear Soup】

In spring, if you have money or not, eat more yacon, hydration, anti-dryness and high nutrition, 2 ways to collect well

1. Remove the skin of the purchased yacon first, then rinse it and cut it into small pieces, and soak it in clean water to prevent it from oxidizing and blackening.

In spring, if you have money or not, eat more yacon, hydration, anti-dryness and high nutrition, 2 ways to collect well

2. A large silver fungus is soaked in cold water, after soaking, remove the yellow root at the bottom, the taste of this place is not good, and then cut into small pieces, the smaller the silver ear is cut, the higher the gum yield, and the taste of the silver ear soup is better.

In spring, if you have money or not, eat more yacon, hydration, anti-dryness and high nutrition, 2 ways to collect well

3. Prepare a casserole, add enough water, then put in silver fungus and yacon, cook for about 30~40 minutes when opening the pot to see, the soup has become thick, then add a handful of rock sugar and a handful of goji berries, continue to simmer for 5~10 minutes, cook until the rock sugar is turned off, you can turn off the heat and get out of the pot.

In spring, if you have money or not, eat more yacon, hydration, anti-dryness and high nutrition, 2 ways to collect well
In spring, if you have money or not, eat more yacon, hydration, anti-dryness and high nutrition, 2 ways to collect well

【Stir-fried yacon pork】

In spring, if you have money or not, eat more yacon, hydration, anti-dryness and high nutrition, 2 ways to collect well

1. Remove the skin after cleaning the yacon, rinse it again and cut it into thin strips, and soak it in clean water after cutting, in order to prevent it from oxidizing and blackening; A potato peeled and washed and also cut into thin strips, potatoes and yacon are fried together, crispy and glutinous, the taste and nutrition are richer.

In spring, if you have money or not, eat more yacon, hydration, anti-dryness and high nutrition, 2 ways to collect well

2. Prepare ingredients: cut a piece of pork into meat slices for later use; Chop the garlic to taste and set aside.

3. Add oil to the pot, pour in the meat slices when the oil temperature is 50% hot, stir-fry the meat slices until they change color, pour minced garlic, stir-fry the garlic aroma and then put in shredded potatoes, stir-fry evenly and add a small amount of water, cover the pot and simmer the shredded potatoes, then pour in the shredded yacon, stir-fry over high heat for a while, add an appropriate amount of salt and pepper, continue to stir-fry evenly and then turn off the heat and get out of the pot.

In spring, if you have money or not, eat more yacon, hydration, anti-dryness and high nutrition, 2 ways to collect well
In spring, if you have money or not, eat more yacon, hydration, anti-dryness and high nutrition, 2 ways to collect well

Today's sharing is here, I am Xiaofeng, if you like Xiaofeng's sharing, please help forward + like + collect to support Xiaofeng, we will see you in the next issue! Thanks for the support! Thanksgiving for meeting!

This article is original by foodie Fengzi, welcome to pay attention to communicate with you, so that everyone can benefit, the threesome must have my master~

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