
#Flowers##Flower Care##Carnations#Bought a bouquet of wild horse carnations with a very special color. The most important thing for the flowers transported over a long distance is to wake up the flowers, and the good flowers that wake up are good

author:Black and white plants said

#Flowers# #Flower Care# #Carnation# Bought a bouquet of wild horse carnation cut flowers with a very special color.

The most important thing for the flowers transported over a long distance is to wake up the flowers, and the good flowers that wake up are beautiful and have a long flowering period.

1. First carefully open the package and sort out the branches and leaves, remove the leaves in the middle and lower parts of the flower stem, and cut the bottom of the flower stem obliquely.

2, and then put into the container deep water to wake the flowers, the water level must be high Oh, I use a transparent trash can, easy to use recommended ~

3. After 4-5 hours of awakening, you can arrange the vase, and the water level in the vase should not be too high.

4. You can add a little flower nutrient to bloom longer, or you can drop one or two drops of 84 disinfectant to prevent the growth of bacteria.

5. Remember to place it away from direct sunlight and direct air conditioning.

6. It would be better if you could change the water once every two days and cut 1-2cm flower stems every time you change the water [heart]

#Flowers##Flower Care##Carnations#Bought a bouquet of wild horse carnations with a very special color. The most important thing for the flowers transported over a long distance is to wake up the flowers, and the good flowers that wake up are good
#Flowers##Flower Care##Carnations#Bought a bouquet of wild horse carnations with a very special color. The most important thing for the flowers transported over a long distance is to wake up the flowers, and the good flowers that wake up are good
#Flowers##Flower Care##Carnations#Bought a bouquet of wild horse carnations with a very special color. The most important thing for the flowers transported over a long distance is to wake up the flowers, and the good flowers that wake up are good
#Flowers##Flower Care##Carnations#Bought a bouquet of wild horse carnations with a very special color. The most important thing for the flowers transported over a long distance is to wake up the flowers, and the good flowers that wake up are good

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