
Who says they are love insulators? This zodiac sign that is good at "long-distance relationships" has the loneliest tenderness!

Every year around January 20, with the arrival of the great cold solar term, the sun will change seats from Capricorn to Aquarius.

And this year's "Aquarius Month" has another buff bonus: in March 2023, Pluto will change water bottles, opening the 24-year Pluto Aquarius era.

Pluto, the lever of astrological circles, knows the human heart, favors deep, dark, life-and-death research, and this kind of downward attachment makes us no longer just talk about the "Aquarius Age", but really enter the Aquarius Age.

So what does the full picture of Aquarius, born in harsh winter and known for its calm wisdom, look like?

Next, let's get to know Aquarius from the perspective of astrologer Liz Green.

The public seems to have very idealized expectations for the "Aquarian Age" - there is no war, no injustice, full of freedom, equality and love, and man and nature live in harmony.

These expectations fit quite well with the Aquarius trait, and even the word "idealized" itself is full of Aquarius colors.

Who says they are love insulators? This zodiac sign that is good at "long-distance relationships" has the loneliest tenderness!

From a prototype point of view, Aquarius can afford to expect this.

The zodiac signs are a spiraling path of the soul, which becomes more complex the further you go. If the first six zodiac signs represent the self-growth of individuals, the last six zodiac signs tell the story of how individuals interact with others and collectively. In Aquarius, he objectively observes the world from a more forward-looking perspective and thinks about the direction of the collective, the well-being of humanity.

Aquarius is closely related to the collective unconscious, he is able to keenly capture the message of the times and is committed to presenting the "future" he captures to the world through new inventions, new creations, new theories, etc., and even through revolution if necessary.

For example, the French Revolution occurred when Pluto last passed Aquarius, when the groundbreaking slogan - "freedom, equality, fraternity", although still not fully realized, has long become the axiom of human civilization.

Collective, social, contribution, freedom, equality, fraternity, civilization, innovation, independence, knowledge, reason, ideals, democracy, these are all key words of Aquarius. For Aquarius who wants to make the world a better place, it is very natural to choose social work, education, and politics.

As a fixed sign, Aquarius' keen and firm conscience and conviction can also cause life or spiritual distress to themselves. The realization of the ideal requires time, flexibility, and sensitivity to human limitations, which are not what Aquarius excels at. They sometimes fall into an unconscious high level of self-discipline, sacrificing personal needs to practice their inner conscience.

"I don't agree with you, but I swear to the death to defend your right to speak", this is a very typical Aquarius line, noble, rational, firm.

Don't care if the water bottle hates you or not, fairness is fairness, and the water bottle will not be unfair to you because of personal emotions or your good or bad. Even if you are a mean person, you are still a human being and still enjoy certain basic rights that are born with you. Equality is equality, and this is the equality of water bottles.

Abraham Lincoln was one of the most famous Aquarius politicians. In the mid-19th century, the abolitionist movement intensified in the United States, Lincoln advocated the abolition of slavery, and Southern slave owners launched the Civil War after he was first elected president. The war that decided the fate of the slaves was fought extremely hard, and although Lincoln narrowly won, he was assassinated after the war.

Aquarius are often retaliated by social conservatives for their contributions that are ahead of their time, and their contributions are often not understood by the times. When we try to understand the personal lives of the Aquarians, we are surprised to find that they seem to have no personal life, and all their energy and ability are aimed at achieving ideals.

Prometheus in ancient Greek mythology best represents Aquarius.

Prometheus stole fire from the gods for mankind and was therefore tied to the Caucasus mountains by Zeus, the god of all gods, who pecked his liver during the day and grew back at night, day after day, until Hercules freed him.

Who says they are love insulators? This zodiac sign that is good at "long-distance relationships" has the loneliest tenderness!

The gods feared that if humans possessed fire, they would threaten their status, so they refused to provide fire to humans. But Prometheus, the titan god, believed that humans had the right to use fire. Prometheus steals fire, symbolizing the rebellion and revolution of the water bottle, and I am willing to turn my back on my origin for the sake of justice and faith in my heart.

But turning your back on your origins, turning your back on traditions, is not easy, and comes at a cost. It also symbolizes the inner struggle of the Aquarius, which is guarded by both Saturn and Uranus, both on the rebellious side of Uranus and Saturn's insistence on tradition. Aquarius is a constellation with strong astronomical and cosmic colors.

The scientists who dedicated themselves to exploring the universe and revealing the truth were true Aquarius, and in the early days, their quest risked being burned as a religious heresy. On the back of the bravery we see, the water bottle experiences pain and struggle that we can't see. Who understands the loneliness of the water bottle?

Prometheus believed that someday someone would understand. The fire stolen by Prometheus is another metaphor for Aquarius in this myth. Fire is a symbol of wisdom and creation, and Prometheus himself is the god of wisdom, all of which fit with the creativity and wisdom of Aquarius.

As we mentioned earlier, the zodiac signs become more complex the further back they go, and Aquarius moves at the greatest boundary of human ability and defects.

Sometimes, Aquarius has extreme intellectual paranoia, and when extreme intellectual superiority is combined with paranoid idealism, the situation can get out of hand. It is not uncommon for us to see scientists who have no heart but only goals, or perhaps we will see extreme promoters of certain ideas.

Aquarius' idealism needs to be based on true love, not "I think it's good for you" that overrides others out of intellectual bias.

Who says they are love insulators? This zodiac sign that is good at "long-distance relationships" has the loneliest tenderness!

Aquarius can fight for humans, but they can't learn to love specific people. They like to observe human nature, but they don't seem to be very "human". When it comes to their own interpersonal sphere, Aquarius is quite insensitive and can be rude, cold, ruthless, and rigid. They don't know when to let go of that damn principle and logic, or when to express their sympathy.

Aquarius is the proud wind sign, they observe everything, think about everything, they maintain their self-esteem in observation and thinking. It's not that the water bottles themselves don't have emotions, but emotions are usually incomprehensible to the mind, which makes the arrogant and powerful water bottles feel out of control.

Aquarius is often embarrassed by emotions, emotional performance is perceived by them as a weakness, and they are also not good at responding to the emotions of others. Their moral purity or nobility syndrome can also cause them to ignore their normal emotional needs.

And when a person isolates his emotional needs, isolates himself from the part of himself that belongs to the human body, and learns not to give love in daily life, then he may go further and further in extreme or formal idealism.

Formal idealism can be described in a very harsh word - hypocrisy.

This is the greatest danger, the greatest weakness in the Aquarius temperament.

They often say one thing, but unknowingly do another, and the people who pay for their "inconsistency" are usually poor people around them.

Take the equality that Aquarius lips about, whether it's racial equality, gender equality, or equality between humans and animals, Aquarius can gush on these topics for hours.

But you'll often see glaring inequality in his personal life — especially to those who show the emotionality he despises.

His wife often doesn't get real "equality" – he simply doesn't bother to listen to anything that isn't presented in logical form.

His children often don't get any real "fairness" – their demands are too emotional for him.

His equality was reserved for oral arguments, in which he always gave his opponent a voice.

Inner equality is often difficult for him, because his equality is limited to the intellectual and intellectual spheres.

No one can prove whether Mrs. Lincoln's opinion of her husband is true, we can only guess. The politician of Aquarius fights for equality, and he is too lazy to give his family a day or any freedom.

Aquarius psychologists know all the theories but do not discover their own emotional needs. An Aquarius doctor who spends his time and energy on his patients and his lover has to find a clinic for treatment.

Who says they are love insulators? This zodiac sign that is good at "long-distance relationships" has the loneliest tenderness!

Solution? Like the shadow aspect of all zodiac signs, awareness needs to be raised. For ideals to truly produce value, they must not only be compassionate, but also down-to-earth. When you can't love a specific person, your love for humanity can only be empty talk.

When Aquarius understands that everyone's emotions, vision, and body should be respected, Aquarius will find pieces outside their intellectual realm, find their complete self and true idealism.

To illustrate the emotional tendencies of Aquarius, it is necessary to recall that Aquarius is a fixed sign in the direction of the wind.

Wind signs live in the world of thought and tend to be afraid of emotions. At this point, Aquarius is more pronounced than Gemini and Libra because he is a fixed sign. Fixed constellations can be understood as a strengthening of strength, or as rigidity.

So Aquarius tends to suppress their emotions. He often sees his emotions as a weakness, something embarrassing. You can imagine Sherlock Holmes in love, carrying and wanting, and the air is full of embarrassment.

So Aquarius must not be the most romantic or passionate lover in the world.

They are often clumsy on emotional issues, a wonderful contrast to his complex ideas. But that doesn't mean they're not sincere and loyal. If he tells you he loves you, he usually does what he says. He also doesn't like to lie, so you can trust him most of the time.

Aquarius' loyalty comes from two factors. On the one hand, they may be more capable of keeping their promises and ideals than anyone else.

On the other hand, his loyalty also stems from the fact that they do not like adventures in affair, which is too little pleasure for them and too much trouble, facing too many "embarrassing" emotions. Staying loyal is a little easier for them and frees up time and energy to do more of the things they love.

On the other hand, in front of Aquarius, those who ask for assurance at every turn, for a while to say whether you love me or not, "Fine Style" is unacceptable. Aquarius thinks this is simply incomprehensible, and they may cut off all contact with you in a lightning speed so that you do not continue to plague their lives.

Aquarius is the best friend companion. For Aquarius, friendship is often more important than love, in part because he doesn't understand love – love is too complex, too uncontrollable, and difficult to define.

Friendships, on the other hand, are relatively easier to maintain. Be friends, they are loyal and respectable, and can make great sacrifices; He cares about people, and as long as you don't need them to deal with too many emotions, he's an excellent listener and a careful, objective advisor. No one is kinder, more tolerant, and more understanding than they are.

Who says they are love insulators? This zodiac sign that is good at "long-distance relationships" has the loneliest tenderness!

In marriage or romantic relationships, this transcendent yet undemanding friendship is often a true blessing. This means that you can have your own ideas without having to satisfy the other person's expectations and possessiveness for the role of partner. Aquarius, although he is as jealous as everyone else, rarely shows it.

If he gives his partner true freedom, then God will also secure his freedom.

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