
The death of a generation of grandmasters Yu Hai due to the new crown confirms that the lying flat faction has planted evil consequences for society

author:Sound Finder
The death of a generation of grandmasters Yu Hai due to the new crown confirms that the lying flat faction has planted evil consequences for society

The famous film and television star, Master Yu Hai, known as a generation of grandmasters, died of the new crown because he was hospitalized with a minor illness, was infected with the new crown by nurses, and his condition deteriorated and died.

After the epidemic prevention and control was released, so many people died because of the new crown, and Master Yu Hai is only one of many people, but the special thing that Master Yu Hai needs to say should ring a wake-up call to the society, when those lying flat factions coerced the people to impact the epidemic prevention policy, planting evil consequences for our society, and inevitably harming each and every one of us.

Master Yu Hai is only 81 years old, practicing martial arts, good health, under normal circumstances, it is easy to resist the new crown without affecting life. But he was hospitalized when he was sick and infected by nurses, so he did not carry it, which says three things:

First, the virus is not a big cold, it is really deadly;

Second, healthy and strong people also have weak times, and they can't stop it when the virus comes to attack. The virus is everywhere, and everyone feels insecure;

Third, the nurses of the white angels have become infected with the virus, and after the epidemic is released, the medical staff have endured all the pressure, and the people who rescued us have also been infected, and in this situation, we have no sense of security.

The death of a generation of grandmasters Yu Hai due to the new crown confirms that the lying flat faction has planted evil consequences for society

After letting go, our first wave of losing lives is mostly the elderly, but not all of them, people of all ages, although Master Yu Hai is 81 years old, but he is in good health, if not for the release of epidemic prevention and control, he will still have a healthy life for many years.

It has only been one month since the epidemic prevention and control was released, and there are data that 900 million people across the country have been infected, and many people feel that all the people around them have been recruited, many people have lost their lives, and we can no longer go back to find the sense of security before the release. Even so, there are still lying flat factions who do not admit defeat, gritting their teeth and saying that it was correct to charge the card to make trouble and let go of the epidemic.

The reason for the flat-lying faction's clamoring for release is that the virus is weak, and the mortality rate of severe disease is low. The result is that everyone feels it, the virus is weak or not weak, you grit your teeth and weigh, this wave is over and there is the next wave, this time the result of passing the level is that the body is damaged, although it can recover, but you have to fight with the virus for speed. The severe disease rate is low, the mortality rate is low, to a person, is it 100%, a person gets sick, the whole family falls, the situation is terrible, not terrible. In a situation like Master Yu Hai, do you want to revise the ratio again?

Another reason for the clamor of the lying flat faction is that the lockdown has left him without work and freedom, and is there freedom after letting go? Got a job? In the first wave, most people did not dodge, why do you have to be sick and not free, you have to not be sick at home. The lockdown is only a small number of local communities, and after the epidemic is released, it seems that the vast majority of people have not escaped, and I don't know how to calculate this account.

The death of a generation of grandmasters Yu Hai due to the new crown confirms that the lying flat faction has planted evil consequences for society

Does not lock down so that everyone has a job? Some people are working with illness, it is not clear whether the people around them are also working with illness, those people have to say that they will automatically recover a week after infection, and the result is that those who recover have to carry sequelae for a long time, nucleic acid testing can turn negative, damaged organs need not take a short time to recover, everyone is at risk of an insecure environment, how to avoid Master Yuhai's encounter during the long recovery period.

The lockdown measures have consumed a lot of financial funds, more people have become ill after the release, and medical insurance funds have been consumed, and every family may face no job, no money, and spending money to treat and recuperate.

The death of a generation of grandmasters Yu Hai due to the new crown confirms that the lying flat faction has planted evil consequences for society

If the epidemic prevention and control is not released, when will it be a head? In the past, AIDS hepatitis B virus existed for many years, we did not have drugs to kill the virus in the body, this time after the epidemic, we seem to see effective drugs, in addition to the so-called "special drugs" we know, in fact, other effective drugs are about to come out, with drugs can block transmission, if the epidemic is not released, the state will make drug research and development faster, of course, you can say, the speed of drug research and development can not slow down.

Epidemic prevention is like a war, I feel that I can't hold it soon, in fact, the enemy can't hold it, whoever grits his teeth will win, if we grit our teeth and hold on for a while, not only the new crown pneumonia virus has drug treatment, but other viruses also have ways to deal with it.

If it is not locked, it will also make many people without work, and they will lose a sense of security together, and the job opportunities they get will be in the crisis of the epidemic, and one wave will connect to another wave of the impact of the epidemic.

Medical workers in our society, like the immune barrier of our body, after the epidemic was released, the pressure was all given to medical staff, medical staff were all infected, just like our body's immune system was harmed.

We can no longer return to the sense of security when we were in lockdown, and we are in this situation today for three reasons: first, instigated by bad elements, second, some Chinese people have been accustomed to lying flat for many years after eating, and have not gritted their teeth and fought hard; third, the knowledge age has not made those people smarter.

The death of a generation of grandmasters Yu Hai due to the new crown confirms that the lying flat faction has planted evil consequences for society

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