
Drink "turbidity tea" often to strengthen the spleen, remove dampness and eliminate fat, and shape your good figure

author:Tomato health

In life, some people get fat when they drink saliva, and they can't lose weight again and again, the reason is that everyone knows, there is a kind of fat called fatness, which is caused by heavy moisture. There is a saying that nine out of ten fat people are wet, which refers to the obesity caused by heavy dampness among obese people.

Drink "turbidity tea" often to strengthen the spleen, remove dampness and eliminate fat, and shape your good figure

How is moisture formed?

From the name "moisture", we can know that the production of moisture is related to water. The water in our body is managed by two organs, the kidneys like water, while the spleen hates water and prefers dryness. For a healthy person, the strength of the kidneys and spleen is comparable, but if the spleen is deficient, then a large amount of water and dampness, that is, dampness, will accumulate in the body in large quantities

In fact, most of the moisture in many people's bodies is caused by bad habits, such as we often stay up late, and some people like to take a bath at night, and their hair is very wet but they don't dry it, so they sleep with wet hair, and there is a particularly irregular diet, which are the causes of problems in our body.

Drink "turbidity tea" often to strengthen the spleen, remove dampness and eliminate fat, and shape your good figure

The 5 major symptoms of heavy dampness should be vigilant, and two of them should be dispelled

Thick tongue moss

People with heavy dampness often feel dry mouth, bitter mouth, white and thick tongue coating. In addition, there is also a noticeable feeling of pressure on both sides of the tongue. Secondly, although the mouth is dry, they do not like to drink water, and some patients have dark red lips. If you find that you have any of the above symptoms, it is likely that it is caused by excessive moisture in your body.

Drink "turbidity tea" often to strengthen the spleen, remove dampness and eliminate fat, and shape your good figure

Deterioration of mental status

People with heavy dampness often feel tightness and shortness of breath in the chest, as if there is a heavy pressure on the chest, resulting in poor breathing. They had to take frequent deep breaths to replenish oxygen to relieve the discomfort. And I can't keep my energy up, and I even feel powerless in my daily life. This is one of the reasons why they are more inclined to stay at home and not go out.

Drink "turbidity tea" often to strengthen the spleen, remove dampness and eliminate fat, and shape your good figure

Heavy moisture can also affect a person's memory. This may be because moisture hinders the normal functioning of the brain, interfering with neurotransmission and information processing. People with heavy dampness often find that their memory is not as good as it used to be, and they have difficulty concentrating and remembering important things.

Appearance of eye bags, obesity

People who have a lot of moisture in their bodies will also show it physically. Visible eye bags may appear on the face, accompanied by more severe dark circles. At the same time, there will also be some changes in people's body shape, such as enlarged abdomen, fat body, bloated body, although they are trying to lose weight, and the diet is better controlled, but the effect is not obvious.

Poor digestion

Dampness and the spleen are closely related, and when the dampness is too heavy, the spleen will be injured, resulting in disharmony between the spleen and stomach, so it is easy to have symptoms of indigestion. Specifically, there will be loss of appetite, bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhea and other conditions.

Drink "turbidity tea" often to strengthen the spleen, remove dampness and eliminate fat, and shape your good figure


One of the easiest ways to determine if the spleen is damp is to observe the stool. Normally, the stool should be in the shape of a banana, moderately hard and soft, and in strips. However, if the stool is soft and sticky in appearance, it indicates that the spleen is damp and indicates that the body's digestive function is abnormal.

Drink "turbidity tea" often, strengthen the spleen, remove dampness and eliminate fat, and shape your good figure

A big reason why many people don't succeed in losing weight is that they don't get rid of dampness!

The purpose of losing weight is not to lose weight for a long time and lose weight repeatedly! but to change the physique and no longer lose weight! The physique determines our body shape! Cleaning up internal fat, expelling damp and cold garbage toxins, and turning into an "easy to lose weight" is the fundamental way to solve obesity!

Drink "turbidity tea" often to strengthen the spleen, remove dampness and eliminate fat, and shape your good figure

A cup of turbidity tea in the morning and evening is often easy all year round

Therefore, weight loss repeatedly, and girls who do not like to exercise can try turbidity tea, which uses a natural Chinese herbal formula, composed of plantain, senna leaf, lotus leaf, perilla leaf (stem), tea, gynostemma and other Chinese herbal medicines, which can clear away heat and dampness, diuretic and drench. At the same time, it can also replenish vitality, enhance the body's metabolic ability, and effectively eliminate problems such as bloating and constipation. It is very suitable for long-term constipation, three high people, people who can't lose weight repeatedly, pure Chinese medicine tea bags, unique dosage form, good taste, differentiated advantages, it can be said that it is the gospel of people who can't lose weight, no need to diet, no need to increase the amount of exercise, weight loss can also be very simple, and the packaging is exquisite, not only for personal use but also for gifts