
"I came, I saw, I conquered!" Why did Julius Caesar die?

author:Vigorously talk about history

Speaking of a foreign historical figure, his name is Gaius Julius, the most important thing is these two words - Caesar, that is, the historical Caesar the Great. He was an outstanding military commander-in-chief politician at the end of the Roman Republic, and became the founder of the Roman Empire with his outstanding talents, and even some historians regard him as the first emperor of the Roman Empire, comparable to the Qin Emperor Han Wu in China.

Caesar was born in 101 BC in Rome to a prominent aristocratic family, and had great ambitions in his youth, he was good at rhetoric, scheming, and frank and enthusiastic. At the age of 20, he joined the military and began a 10-year military career, fighting bravely and repeatedly. At the age of 30, Caesar retired from the military and devoted himself to politics, and with his noble origin, handsome appearance, gorgeous clothing, rich experience and fickle eloquence, he quickly won the attention of all walks of life, won a good reputation for generosity and humility.

"I came, I saw, I conquered!" Why did Julius Caesar die?

Statue of Julius Caesar

At the age of 32, he was promoted to Roman treasurer and became one of the brightest political stars in Roman politics. Later, after the archon Pompey came to power, on the one hand, he brutally suppressed the rebellion internally, and on the other hand, he desperately attacked Caesar's forces, forcing Caesar, who was going to be outside, to personally lead a large army across the union between Italy and the provinces of Gaul, and to advance into Rome with lightning speed. The consul Pompey was also a battle-hardened general in history.

In the face of the veteran Pompey, Caesar has only one strategy, that is, "the world's martial arts are only fast and not broken." He launched a blitzkrieg against Pompey, the so-called soldiers are fast, Caesar's soldiers just leaned on two legs, and drove into Rome like a divine soldier descending from the sky, which caught Pompey by surprise, pompey had no choice but to lead a group of nobles of the Senate to escape.

Chairman Mao may have said that it was advisable to pursue the poor and the poor, and in the next two years, Caesar personally led a large army to Spain, Greece and other places, completely eliminating Pompey's forces. The reason why Caesar is great in history is that he is still a very famous military general, and he can win every battle in history because he is very godly in his use of troops, often surprised and unprepared.

"I came, I saw, I conquered!" Why did Julius Caesar die?

Pompeii murals

Just now I talked about beating Pompey to run around, using blitzkrieg to beat the enemy first, so it is a repeated victory. Yes, Pompey just ran away. Their decisive battle took place in 48 BC, when the civilian army led by Caesar and the aristocratic republican army led by Pompey fought a decisive battle in Pharsalus in Rome at that time, caesar was an army of 23,000 people, with a super high tactical arrangement, defeated the 54,000-strong Pompeian army in one fell swoop, and achieved the most glorious battle of Caesar's life. Later, the grief-stricken Pompey fled to Egypt, where he was killed by the Egyptian king Ptolemy XII, whose head was sacrificed to Caesar. Caesar thus became the supreme ruler of the Roman Republic.

And Caesar's golden sentence was born when Caesar and Pompey fought a decisive battle in Pharsalus, when the Peninsula of Asia Minor, on the southeast coast of the Black Sea, there was a kingdom called Pontus, the king was Farnak II, this king really did not know how to see the Roman infighting was killing into a sea of blood, but also wanted to take the opportunity to expand the power, leading an army to attack the territory of The Roman Republic of Asia Minor, the king estimated that he usually liked to eat pig brains, how do you compare your little arms and legs with the powerful Rome? You have to weigh a few pounds and a few pounds. This was over, and Pompey was soon beheaded in Egypt, where Caesar immediately led a large army back to Asia.

"I came, I saw, I conquered!" Why did Julius Caesar die?


A year later, on August 2, Farnac II was completely beaten into a sieve near the city of Zela, and as soon as the war ended, the agitated Caesar immediately wrote a letter of triumph to the Senate of the city of Rome, the content of which was only three words, "VENI VIDI VICI" translated, "I come, I see, I conquer", which is a famous saying of Caesar that has been passed down through the ages.

However, Caesar also famously said that "sudden death is the best way to die", a proverb, and in the end, the Roman lifelong dictator who put the military dictatorship above the senate became the norm, and was suddenly assassinated in the senate one day, directly to get what he wanted. At the age of 58, this is the world's famous "Assassination of the Fuehrer". After his death, Caesar was included in the ranks of the gods by decree and was revered as "Holy Julius".

"I came, I saw, I conquered!" Why did Julius Caesar die?

Caesar accepted the surrender of the Gauls

Those who assassinated him, almost none of whom later lived for 3 years after his death, died in a bizarre way, either in a shipwreck or in the war waged by his successor Octavian, almost cursed!

Caesar's legend of his life, the legend of even dying, has been talked about for thousands of years to this day!

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