
Chapter Three of "No One Survives", murder charges, you are all guilty

author:Wang Dabao, who is diligent in his creation

The eight people invited to the island enjoyed the perfect service of the butler and ate dinner in a more harmonious atmosphere.

At eight forty o'clock, a cold, harsh voice suddenly sounded:

Dr. Edward George Armstrong, March 14, 1925, who caused the death of Louisa Marie Chris;

Miss Emily Caroline Brent, 5 November 1931, responsible for the death of Atrethy Taylor;

William Henry Bloor (policeman turned detective), 10 October 1928, resulting in the death of James Stephen Randall;

Teacher Vila Elisabeth Collesthorne, murder of Cyril Oglevi Hamilton on August 11, 1935;

Philip Lombard, February 1932, killed 21 men from East African tribes;

John Gordon MacArthur January 4, 1917, deliberately murdered his wife's lover, Arthur Richmond;

Anthony James Marston, last november 11.14, killed John and Lucy Coombs;

Thomas Rogers and Ethel Rogers, who killed Jennifer Brady on May 6, 1929;

Lawrence John Valgrave, June 10, 1930, murdered Edward Seton.

The cold, harsh voice, from a record on the phonograph in the next room, called "The Swan Swan", was put up by Owen's conductor Rogers Butler, who swore that he did not know the contents of the record.

Below are each of the parties' responses to the homicide allegations

Lawrence John Vagrave: Edward Seton murdered an old woman, and I enforced the law impartially and convicted him;

Teacher Vila Elisabeth Collethorne: Cyril Ogleve Hamilton drowned by swimming too far on his own;

John Gordon MacArthur: Arthur Richmond was my aide-de-camp, was ambushed, and wasn't my wife's lover;

Lip Lombard: In order to save his life, he left with supplies, leaving 21 men from the East African tribe waiting to die;

Anthony James Marston: Drove and killed John and Lucy Coombs;

Thomas Rogers and Ethel Rogers: Employer Jennifer Brady had a strong wind when she fell ill, the phone broke, Thomas walked to get the doctor, jennifer Brady died;

William Henry Bloor (policeman turned detective): James Stephen Landau robbery, sentenced to life imprisonment for Bloor's testimony, died a year later in Dartmoor Prison;

Dr. Edward George Armstrong: Drunk surgery resulted in the death of Isa Marie Chris;

Miss Emily Caroline Brent: I don't need to explain.

Anthony James Marston, raising his glass and drinking it all, was choked by the wine, his face twitching, his face purple, fell from his chair, fell to the ground, and the wine glass rolled to the side.

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