
On October 17, Chu destroyed Chen Guo, Nankai University was founded, and Sanmao Wanderer was recorded

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1. Chu destroyed Chen Guo

On this day, 2555 years ago, on October 17, 534 BC (November 7, 534 BC in the lunar calendar), Chu destroyed the State of Chen.

On October 17, Chu destroyed Chen Guo, Nankai University was founded, and Sanmao Wanderer was recorded

On October 17, 534 BC, Chu destroyed the State of Chen.

2. The Polish composer Chopin dies

On this day, 172 years ago, on October 17, 1849 (September 2, 1849 in the lunar calendar), the Polish composer Chopin died.

On October 17, Chu destroyed Chen Guo, Nankai University was founded, and Sanmao Wanderer was recorded

Chopin was born on 1 March 1810 in the Polish suburb of Gerrazova Wola. He began learning piano at the age of 6 and publicly playing at the age of 8. In 1824 Chopin studied music theory with the German musician and director of the Warsaw Conservatory, Elsna.

Chopin's music is unparalleledly delicate, delicate, lyrical and beautiful. His piano pieces include a variety of genres, the most intoxicating of which is his "Nocturne", which is an extremely beautiful piece of music, lyrical, contemplative and with melancholy feelings, and the tune is full of singing. Chopin wrote a total of 20 nocturnes during his lifetime.

His Raindrop Prelude in D major is a well-known prelude. There are also "Butterfly Etudes", "Revolutionary Etudes", and "Parting Round Dance".

On October 17, Chu destroyed Chen Guo, Nankai University was founded, and Sanmao Wanderer was recorded

Chopin also wrote narratives, witty pieces, sonatas, concertos, and the second movement of a sonata, the Funeral March, is a well-known lament. The famous concerto he wrote was even more colorful and famous.

3. The Qing government formulated the Yellow Dragon Flag as the national flag

On This day, 159 years ago, on October 17, 1862 (August 24, 1862 in the lunar calendar), the Qing government established the Yellow Dragon Flag as the national flag.

On October 17, Chu destroyed Chen Guo, Nankai University was founded, and Sanmao Wanderer was recorded

On October 17, 1862, the Qing government formulated the Yellow Dragon Banner.

After the Opium War, due to the increase in the number of ships coming to China and the national flag of all countries, the Chinese marine division was unique. After the Prime Minister's Ministry of State Affairs was approved, all the marine division ships erected a triangular yellow dragon flag to show them as Chinese official ships, and on the 22nd Prime Minister Yamen sent this note to Britain, France, Russia, and the United States. This was the beginning of the national flag of the Qing Dynasty. On May 26, 1889, U.S. Secretary of State Jang Yin Huan asked for a rectangular yellow dragon flag as the national flag. The yellow color of the flag is the representative color of the Manchus, and the dragon on the flag symbolizes the emperor. It hung throughout the country in 1900 until the fall of the Qing Dynasty.

4. Liang Qichao and others established the Political News Agency in Tokyo, Japan

On 114 years ago today, on October 17, 1907 (September 11, 1907 in the lunar calendar), Liang Qichao and others established the Shobun Society in Tokyo, Japan.

On October 17, Chu destroyed Chen Guo, Nankai University was founded, and Sanmao Wanderer was recorded

On October 17, 1907, the late Qing constitutionalists Liang Qichao and others established the Political News Agency in Tokyo, Japan, to cooperate with the Qing government's "preparatory constitution". Liang Qichao and others proposed "the implementation of the national assembly system, the establishment of a responsible government; the determination of laws, the consolidation of the independence of judicial power; the establishment of local autonomy, the authority of the central and local authorities; prudent diplomacy, and the maintenance of reciprocal rights." He founded the organ publication "Political Theory", advocated constitutional monarchy, and presided over the daily work with the chief clerk and the executive staff. Ma Liang served as the general operator. The following year, the headquarters moved to Shanghai, actively contacted various constitutional groups in China, and launched a parliamentary petition campaign.

5. Nankai University was founded

On 102 years ago today, on October 17, 1919 (August 24, 1919 in the lunar calendar), Nankai University was founded.

On October 17, Chu destroyed Chen Guo, Nankai University was founded, and Sanmao Wanderer was recorded

Nankai University was founded in 1919 by patriotic educators Yan Xiu and Zhang Boling. In the past 90 years since its establishment, the school has trained more than 150,000 students of all kinds, and is a key construction university of the national "211" project and the "985" project.

From 1904 to 1928, Yan Xiu and Zhang Boling, pioneers of modern Chinese education, witnessing the corruption and incompetence of the Qing government and the bullying of China by the imperialist powers, used the academy as a base to reform old-style education in Tianjin, promote new learning, and successively founded Nankai Middle School, Nankai University, Nankai Girls' Middle School and Nankai Primary School, forming a series of Nankai schools and building China's first complete private education system.

On October 17, Chu destroyed Chen Guo, Nankai University was founded, and Sanmao Wanderer was recorded

Founded in 1919, Nankai University is an important part of Nankai's education system. Nankai University, which was founded in the "May Fourth" period and grew up with New China, embraces the ambition of "education to save the country", adheres to the school motto of "allowing fairness and allowing ability, changing with each passing day", and puts forward the educational philosophy of "governing the country with culture, strengthening the country with reason, enriching the country with business" and "knowing China and serving China".

6. The Battle of Shanhaiguan, the warlord of Zhifeng, began

On this day, 97 years ago, on October 17, 1924 (September 19, 1924 in the lunar calendar), the Battle of Shanhaiguan, the Warlord of Zhifeng, began.

On October 17, Chu destroyed Chen Guo, Nankai University was founded, and Sanmao Wanderer was recorded

On October 17, 1924, the Battle of Shanhaiguan between the Zhi and Feng armies began. Relying on the favorable terrain, the direct army resisted the onslaught of the Feng army, and both sides confronted each other, and the casualties were very heavy. On October 23, the immediate general Feng Yuxiang staged a coup d'état in Beijing and imprisoned Cao Kun. Therefore, the Zhi Army was greatly moved, and quickly retreated to the first line of Tianjin, waiting for the assistance of the Jiangsu and Zhejiang Zhi Army in an attempt to return to Beijing. Feng Junchang drove straight in, cutting off the communication between the Zhi army and Yuguan (Shanhaiguan). At the same time, Zheng Shiqi, the overseer of Shandong, declared "armed neutrality" and did not allow reinforcements from Jiangsu and Zhejiang to pass, and Yan Xishan, the overseer of Shanxi, entered and occupied Shijiazhuang. Wu Peifu was helpless and collapsed under the attack of the Feng army and the Nationalist army. On October 31, the Battle of Shanhaiguan ended in direct defeat. Important generals of the direct line fled back to Tianjin by boat from Qinhuangdao, and the rest were captured by the Feng army.

7. Chiang Kai-shek adopted a new strategy to encircle and suppress the Red Army

On October 17, 1932 ( September 18, 1932 in the lunar calendar ) , 89 years ago today , Chiang Kai-shek adopted a new strategy to encircle and suppress the Red Army.

On October 17, Chu destroyed Chen Guo, Nankai University was founded, and Sanmao Wanderer was recorded

On October 17, 1932, Chiang Kai-shek issued the "Battle Character No. 213" directive, expounding his new strategy and tactics for "suppressing the communist army".

8. Einstein fled Nazi Germany

On 88 years ago today, on October 17, 1933 (August 28, 1933 in the lunar calendar), Einstein fled Nazi Germany.

On October 17, Chu destroyed Chen Guo, Nankai University was founded, and Sanmao Wanderer was recorded

On October 17, 1933, Einstein fled Nazi Germany for the United States. After the Nazis seized power in Germany in January 1933, Einstein became the first target of persecution in the scientific community; in March he took refuge in Belgium, discovered the Gestapo on September 9, crossed the sea to England in the night of the stars, and transferred to the United States in October as a professor at the newly built Princeton Institute for Advanced Study until his retirement in 1945. He acquired American citizenship in 1940.

After escaping Nazi Germany, Einstein was found by chance at an entry registration card (above) at Heathrow Airport in London, England. After 80 years, it is still well preserved. The card is now on display at the Merseyside Maritime Museum in The United Kingdom.

9. The movie "Sanmao Wanderer" was filmed

On this day, 73 years ago, on October 17, 1948 (September 15, 1948 in the lunar calendar), the movie "The Wanderings of Sanmao" was filmed.

On October 17, Chu destroyed Chen Guo, Nankai University was founded, and Sanmao Wanderer was recorded

Promotional poster for Sanmao Wanderer

On October 17, 1948, Shanghai Kunlun Film Company began to shoot the children's film "Sanmao Wandering". The film is based on the continuous comic strip Sanmao created by cartoonist Zhang Leping, directed by Zhao Ming and Yan Gong, and photographed by Han Zhongliang. Through the various encounters of Sanmao, "Sanmao Wanderer" sharply ridicules and satirizes the darkness of society, and reproduces the unfortunate fate of the vast number of urban street children. The film uses a satirical comedy approach, with Sanmao played by Wang Longji.

10. Peaceful liberation of Changchun

On this day, 73 years ago, on October 17, 1948 (September 15, 1948 in the lunar calendar), Changchun was peacefully liberated.

On October 17, Chu destroyed Chen Guo, Nankai University was founded, and Sanmao Wanderer was recorded

Xiao Jinguang, commander of the Changchun front of the People's Liberation Army (center), and Xiao Hua, political commissar of the People's Liberation Army (left), receive Zeng Zesheng (right)

On October 17, 1948, the Kuomintang 60th Army stationed in Changchun held an uprising under the leadership of commander Zeng Zesheng and others. The Sixty Army was originally part of the Yunnan Yunnan Yunnan Army. Since June, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) has imposed a military siege and economic blockade on Changchun. The Ccp set up the Yunnan Army Working Committee to be responsible for the work of winning over the Sixty Army.

On October 17, Chu destroyed Chen Guo, Nankai University was founded, and Sanmao Wanderer was recorded

After the Liaoshen Campaign began, Zeng Zesheng began preparations for the uprising. On October 16, Zeng and the People's Liberation Army agreed on a specific plan for the uprising, and on the afternoon of the 17th, Zeng Zeshengshengcheng and the People's Liberation Army specifically determined the time, password, and method for handing over the defensive land. At midnight on the 17th, the People's Liberation Army received the defensive troops into the city, and the Sixty Army withdrew from the city at the same time and drove to Jiutai for recuperation. Zheng Dongguo was forced to lead the New Seventh Army to surrender.

11. Puyi, the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty, died

On this day, 54 years ago, on October 17, 1967 (September 14, 1967 in the lunar calendar), Puyi, the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty, died.

On October 17, Chu destroyed Chen Guo, Nankai University was founded, and Sanmao Wanderer was recorded

Dressed in costume, Puyi's biological mother, Guar Jiashi

The last emperor of the Qing Dynasty, the Xuantong Emperor Ai Xinjueluo Puyi, was the last emperor of China's feudal dynasty.

Puyi was born in 1906 and was the nephew of the Guangxu Emperor and the son of Zaifeng the Prince of Alcohol. In November 1908, the Guangxu Emperor and Empress Dowager Cixi died one day apart. Puyi, who was less than 3 years old, succeeded to the throne, and the following year changed his era name to "Xuantong" (宣統), and was regent by his father Zaifeng.

On October 17, Chu destroyed Chen Guo, Nankai University was founded, and Sanmao Wanderer was recorded

In October 1911, after the outbreak of the Wuchang Uprising, the provinces responded one after another, and the revolutionary wave swept across the country. On February 12, 1912, the Qing court was forced to announce Puyi's abdication, and the Qing Dynasty, which had ruled China for more than 260 years, was overthrown, ending more than 2,000 years of feudal despotism.

12. Japanese writer Yasunari Kawabata won the Nobel Prize in Literature

On October 17, 1968, 53 years ago today (August 26, 1968 in the lunar calendar), Japanese writer Yasunari Kawabata won the Nobel Prize in Literature.

On October 17, Chu destroyed Chen Guo, Nankai University was founded, and Sanmao Wanderer was recorded

On October 17, 1968, the famous Japanese writer Yasunari Kawabata became the second Asian to win the Nobel Prize in Literature after Tagore.

On October 17, Chu destroyed Chen Guo, Nankai University was founded, and Sanmao Wanderer was recorded

Yasunari Kawabata, born in 1899, is a native of Osaka. He graduated from the Faculty of Liberal Arts at Tokyo Imperial University in 1924. In the same year, he founded the "Literary Era", published novels such as "Izu Dancer" and a large number of reviews, and was known as a writer and theorist of the "New Sensation School". Since then, he has continuously published asakusa series works such as "Asakusa Red Ball" and "Crystal Fantasy", "Transformation", "Lyric Song", "Animals" and other masterpieces. In 1933, he published the novel "Snow Country", which won the Literary and Art Earnest Speech Society Award; in 1948, he completed "Continuing Snow Country". Later, he published novels such as "Thousand Feather Crane", "Sound of the Mountain", "Ancient Capital" and the essay collection "Falling Flowers and Flowing Water". He has served as president of the Japan PEN Association, a member of the Art Academy, and the vice president of the International PEN Club.

In his later years, he was pessimistic and world-weary, and committed suicide on April 16, 1972. There are 35 volumes of the Complete Works of Yasunari Kawabata.

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