
After the Heavenly Dynasty peace talks, did Saladin really let go of all the soldiers and civilians in Jerusalem?

author:Wonsan movie talk

A film like "Dynasty of Heaven", not to say that it is placed in the new century, is placed in the golden age of epic cinema of the twentieth century, and it is also enough to compete with David. Lane's great works are comparable, and it is no less than the pinnacle of epic cinema, "Bin Hun".

After the Heavenly Dynasty peace talks, did Saladin really let go of all the soldiers and civilians in Jerusalem?

Directed by Ridley. Scott had a clear goal in making the film: to surpass his previous work Gladiator.

Has "Heavenly Dynasty" finally completed the transcendence? Directed by Ridley. Scott himself did not draw conclusions. The 144-minute cut version of the final release that compromised all sides almost ruined the film. The comparison is that : "Gladiator" won five Oscars including best picture and best actor that year.

After the Heavenly Dynasty peace talks, did Saladin really let go of all the soldiers and civilians in Jerusalem?

If it is gold, it will not be buried. Today, the 192-minute director's cut of Dynasty has become a recognized classic in film history, rivaling any great epic film in film history.

In this film, Iberin's Barrian is the absolute protagonist, and he is also the main character of this narrative epic film. In Dynasty of Heaven, however, two other soul figures steal Barian's mirror: Baldwin IV, King of Jerusalem, and Saladin, king of the Muslim world.

After the Heavenly Dynasty peace talks, did Saladin really let go of all the soldiers and civilians in Jerusalem?

Previously, some viewers saw comments that said, "Poor blacksmith, playing Pirates of the Caribbean is overshadowed by Captain Jack's brilliance, and in "Heavenly Dynasty", it is directly compared to Baldwin IV, a man who has not shown his face from beginning to end, and Saladin, a bearded man who has only shown his face four or five times."

Indeed, Edward. Norton, even through the mask, we can feel his strong acting skills. Saladin, played by Ghassan Massoud, a professor at the Syrian Academy of Music and Drama, is even more domineering. Orlando. Bloom's defeat to them was not unjust.

After the Heavenly Dynasty peace talks, did Saladin really let go of all the soldiers and civilians in Jerusalem?

For King Baldwin IV of Jerusalem and Saladin, the king of the Muslim world, two great kings in history and the soul of the film, I personally prefer Saladin.

In this film, Saladin's appearances are point-by-point: targeting Jerusalem, the first being restraint (Baldwin IV, Raynald), and the second being killing (Guy. The third time was salvation (the people of Jerusalem and Barian).

Saladin's rise to power is bloody, but he hates killing in his bones. He once said to his favorite son, Zahir: "I warn you to stay away from killing, not to dwell on it, to develop chronic diseases, because blood will only lead to more killings."

After the Heavenly Dynasty peace talks, did Saladin really let go of all the soldiers and civilians in Jerusalem?

At the end of the film, Saladin leads an army of 200,000 men to the city of Jerusalem. Bloody battles are inevitable, but there are limits to them. Two heroes save a city of people.

Saladin finally made up his mind to make a concession, and he made an agreement with Barian: as long as Barian gave the holy city, he would allow all the soldiers and people in the city to leave safely with their families and property (although the real history is that many people in the city left after paying a ransom fee of 10 dinars per person, But Saladin himself had no interest in money, he turned a blind eye, let many people leave with a car full of property, and even tens of thousands of poor people who could not get 10 dinars, Saladin also let them leave, Barian personally ransomed seven thousand people for fifty thousand dinars, but very few were actually eventually enslaved because they could not afford it, and very few were killed.)

Saladin is a great king of knowledge and action.

After the Heavenly Dynasty peace talks, did Saladin really let go of all the soldiers and civilians in Jerusalem?

Eventually, people entering the city and people leaving the city converge into two streams. Barian and the Queen set out on their way home with the people who were willing to leave. And Saladin entered the holy city of Jerusalem, he picked up the cross that had fallen on the ground, and in the cobblestone-roofed mosque, he and his nephew washed the floor with rose water with their own hands, and crawled on the ground, praying to the Allah for a long time...

Saladin has been an opponent of killing all his life, and he once said: No one can escape the palm of the god of death, so don't hold a grudge against anyone, and live in harmony with the people.

After the Heavenly Dynasty peace talks, did Saladin really let go of all the soldiers and civilians in Jerusalem?

Regrettably, shortly after Saladin took the holy city of Jerusalem, a European jihad led by King Richard the Lionheart of England (including Guy. The knights began their Third Crusade again, and their goal was still jerusalem and the Temple Mount, which they thought should be theirs.

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