
An old photo taken in the 1940s "making a cell phone call" aroused the curiosity of fans?! The reason why this old photo taken in the 1940s is that it can arouse the majority of fans

author:Global Translation

An old photo taken in the 1940s "making a cell phone call" aroused the curiosity of fans?!

This old photograph, taken in the 1940s, is curious to fans because it shows a man found "snuggled in a corner making cell phone calls," which in those days might prove the "real existence" of time travel.

Eagle-eyed history buffs have spotted an anachronistic man in an old World War II photo.

During World War II, there were still decades before the mobile phone was invented. But fans of science fiction believe they found a time traveler using the device in an old photo.

They found a well-dressed young man standing on a busy street corner chatting on his cellphone, which is not surprising in this day and age, but the scene in that photo is from the 1940s.

This photograph, taken in 1943 in Reykjavik, Iceland's capital, shows a group of locals and World War II American soldiers walking along crowded sidewalks.

However, instead of the fastened GI that catches the eye in the black-and-white snapshot, it is a gentleman in a light trench coat leaning against a shop window "making a cell phone call".

When people pass by him, he looks like he's staring straight into the camera, and the mysterious figure puts his hand to his ear — a complete gesture of holding a cell phone on the phone.

Some social media users claimed that the man may have been a time traveler who was using his futuristic technology to talk to others.

Christian Hoffmann posted the photo on the Facebook group Gamlar ljósmyndir ("old photo" in Icelandic), which dates back more than 80 years.

This bizarre image caught people's attention because they noticed that in the middle of the photo, a man was leaning over and was using GSM [Global System for Mobile Communications] on the phone.


Some even use a very British sci-fi phenomenon to explain what might have happened in old footage of World War II.

第一款手持手机是摩托罗拉发明‬的‬DynaTAC 8000X,它于1973年上市 - 恰好是在冰岛街景被捕获30年后才‬发生‬的事情‬。







In 1941, U.S. forces agreed to defend Iceland in place of British and Canadian troops.

By 1943, it is said that about 30,000 Allied troops were stationed on Iceland at the time the picture was taken.

An old photo taken in the 1940s "making a cell phone call" aroused the curiosity of fans?! The reason why this old photo taken in the 1940s is that it can arouse the majority of fans
An old photo taken in the 1940s "making a cell phone call" aroused the curiosity of fans?! The reason why this old photo taken in the 1940s is that it can arouse the majority of fans
An old photo taken in the 1940s "making a cell phone call" aroused the curiosity of fans?! The reason why this old photo taken in the 1940s is that it can arouse the majority of fans

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