
Picasso's first self-portrait (1896) and last self-portrait (1972) look completely different styles, what has he experienced over the years? 1891, by

author:Rockery in a fish tank

Picasso's first self-portrait (1896) and last self-portrait (1972) look completely different styles, what has he experienced over the years?

In 1891, Picasso's family moved to the province of A Coruña, thanks to his father's becoming a professor at an art school. They spent almost four years in A Coruña. By chance, his father discovered Picasso coloring his unfinished pigeon sketches, and after carefully observing Picasso's brushwork, Picasso's father felt deeply that his thirteen-year-old son had surpassed him and vowed never to paint again.

In 1895, Picasso's seven-year-old sister Conchita died of diphtheria, an event that became a shadow in Picasso's life, and Picasso's family moved to Barcelona. Later, his father persuaded the school to let Picasso take the skip exam, and Picasso completed the exam in a week that the average student takes a month to complete, and Picasso, who was only thirteen years old at the time, was extremely recognized by the jury. The father rented a small room near his home for Picasso to work alone and checked Picasso's paintings several times a day, which made the father and son quarrel frequently. Picasso's father and uncle decided to send Picasso to one of Spain's leading art schools: the Royal San Fernando Academy of Fine Arts in Madrid.

In 1897, at the age of sixteen, Picasso set out for Madrid alone for the first time. However, after registration, Picasso stopped attending school because he could not receive a formal, regular education. Picasso turned to the Prado Museum in Madrid to admire works by respected artists such as Diego Velázquez, Francisco Goya, and Francisco de Subaraun. Picasso particularly admired El Greco, whose features, such as elongated limbs, striking colors, and mysterious faces, deeply influenced Picasso's painting style.

After completing his studies in Madrid, Picasso traveled alone to Paris, the capital of European art, in 1900. He met the local journalist and poet Max Jacob in Paris. Jacob helped the unfamiliar Picasso understand and learn the local language and literature, and became Picasso's first friend in Paris. It was the coldest day in Paris, and Picasso often had to burn his works to keep warm.

In 1901, Picasso went to Madrid. During his first five months in Madrid, Picasso's friend Francisco de Assis Soler found a job at the magazine Young Art, with Soler writing articles and Picasso illustrating the publications, mostly horror cartoons and works that pity the poor.

In 1904, during a storm, Picasso met and fell in love with the Bohemian model Fernand Oliver, which led Picasso to start the Rose Age and have several paintings about her. After gaining some prestige and opportunities, Fernand left Picasso due to poor getting along, and the death of his father made Picasso very depressed and met Marcel Humbert, whom he called "Eva Gouvie". Picasso created many works during the Cubist period that expressed his love for Eva. However, in 1915, Eva died of illness, and Picasso was very sad.

In the summer of 1918, Picasso married Olga Koklova, a ballerina of the Sergei Dakirev Troupe. Picasso met Olga while designing the costumes for the troupe's ballet Parade in Rome, and the two went on their honeymoon at a villa near Biarritz and had a son, Paul.

When the Spanish Civil War broke out in July 1936, Picasso painted Franco's Dreams and Lies to criticize the actions of the government of Francisco Franco, the leader of the Spanish National Army.

In 1937, at Franco's request, the Luftwaffe bombed Guernica. To commemorate the disaster, Picasso painted Guernica, which was displayed at the Universal Exposition in Paris.

In 1949 his work Dove of Peace was selected as a poster for the International Peace Conference.

Picasso's work is usually divided into 4 periods. The names of the periods are disputed, roughly "Blue Period" (1901-1904), "Pink Period" (1904-1906), "Black Period" (1907-1924), and "Late Period" (1946-1972).

Picasso died in France on April 8, 1973, at the age of ninety-two. He and his wife, Jacqueline, were entertaining friends to dinner, and Picasso's last words before his death were: "Cheers to me, toast to my health, you know I can't drink anymore." "#Headline Creation Challenge ##头条群星9月榜 #

Picasso's first self-portrait (1896) and last self-portrait (1972) look completely different styles, what has he experienced over the years? 1891, by
Picasso's first self-portrait (1896) and last self-portrait (1972) look completely different styles, what has he experienced over the years? 1891, by
Picasso's first self-portrait (1896) and last self-portrait (1972) look completely different styles, what has he experienced over the years? 1891, by
Picasso's first self-portrait (1896) and last self-portrait (1972) look completely different styles, what has he experienced over the years? 1891, by
Picasso's first self-portrait (1896) and last self-portrait (1972) look completely different styles, what has he experienced over the years? 1891, by
Picasso's first self-portrait (1896) and last self-portrait (1972) look completely different styles, what has he experienced over the years? 1891, by

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