
#The first hint of autumn coolness in the sweltering heat ### Welcome to my life ##Daily Shoot Green Plants #Tiger Tail Orchid Varieties There are more than 100 species I previously had Phnom Penh Tiger Pilan Silver Vein Tiger Pilan Now I have it again

author:Happy little beauty Vlog

#The first hint of autumn coolness in the sweltering heat#

##Welcome to My Life#

#Daily Shoot Green Plant#

There are more than 100 species of tiger tail orchid

I had Phnom Penh Tiger Piran before

Silver-veined Tiger Piran

Now I get a pot of shortleaf tiger piran again

The leaves of this short-leaved tigertail orchid are relatively short, rotating and overlapping, the markings on the leaf surface are fresh and elegant, it does not have high requirements for soil and fertilizer, it does not need to be carefully taken care of, soil planting and hydroponics can be, and its roots are easy to germinate side buds, and soon grow new plants.

It has a high ornamental ratio, suitable for placement on the living room window sill and study, it is said that it can resist radiation, optimize air quality, create fresh air, and is very well maintained, worth having.

#The first hint of autumn coolness in the sweltering heat ### Welcome to my life ##Daily Shoot Green Plants #Tiger Tail Orchid Varieties There are more than 100 species I previously had Phnom Penh Tiger Pilan Silver Vein Tiger Pilan Now I have it again
#The first hint of autumn coolness in the sweltering heat ### Welcome to my life ##Daily Shoot Green Plants #Tiger Tail Orchid Varieties There are more than 100 species I previously had Phnom Penh Tiger Pilan Silver Vein Tiger Pilan Now I have it again
#The first hint of autumn coolness in the sweltering heat ### Welcome to my life ##Daily Shoot Green Plants #Tiger Tail Orchid Varieties There are more than 100 species I previously had Phnom Penh Tiger Pilan Silver Vein Tiger Pilan Now I have it again
#The first hint of autumn coolness in the sweltering heat ### Welcome to my life ##Daily Shoot Green Plants #Tiger Tail Orchid Varieties There are more than 100 species I previously had Phnom Penh Tiger Pilan Silver Vein Tiger Pilan Now I have it again
#The first hint of autumn coolness in the sweltering heat ### Welcome to my life ##Daily Shoot Green Plants #Tiger Tail Orchid Varieties There are more than 100 species I previously had Phnom Penh Tiger Pilan Silver Vein Tiger Pilan Now I have it again
#The first hint of autumn coolness in the sweltering heat ### Welcome to my life ##Daily Shoot Green Plants #Tiger Tail Orchid Varieties There are more than 100 species I previously had Phnom Penh Tiger Pilan Silver Vein Tiger Pilan Now I have it again
#The first hint of autumn coolness in the sweltering heat ### Welcome to my life ##Daily Shoot Green Plants #Tiger Tail Orchid Varieties There are more than 100 species I previously had Phnom Penh Tiger Pilan Silver Vein Tiger Pilan Now I have it again
#The first hint of autumn coolness in the sweltering heat ### Welcome to my life ##Daily Shoot Green Plants #Tiger Tail Orchid Varieties There are more than 100 species I previously had Phnom Penh Tiger Pilan Silver Vein Tiger Pilan Now I have it again
#The first hint of autumn coolness in the sweltering heat ### Welcome to my life ##Daily Shoot Green Plants #Tiger Tail Orchid Varieties There are more than 100 species I previously had Phnom Penh Tiger Pilan Silver Vein Tiger Pilan Now I have it again
#The first hint of autumn coolness in the sweltering heat ### Welcome to my life ##Daily Shoot Green Plants #Tiger Tail Orchid Varieties There are more than 100 species I previously had Phnom Penh Tiger Pilan Silver Vein Tiger Pilan Now I have it again
#The first hint of autumn coolness in the sweltering heat ### Welcome to my life ##Daily Shoot Green Plants #Tiger Tail Orchid Varieties There are more than 100 species I previously had Phnom Penh Tiger Pilan Silver Vein Tiger Pilan Now I have it again
#The first hint of autumn coolness in the sweltering heat ### Welcome to my life ##Daily Shoot Green Plants #Tiger Tail Orchid Varieties There are more than 100 species I previously had Phnom Penh Tiger Pilan Silver Vein Tiger Pilan Now I have it again
#The first hint of autumn coolness in the sweltering heat ### Welcome to my life ##Daily Shoot Green Plants #Tiger Tail Orchid Varieties There are more than 100 species I previously had Phnom Penh Tiger Pilan Silver Vein Tiger Pilan Now I have it again
#The first hint of autumn coolness in the sweltering heat ### Welcome to my life ##Daily Shoot Green Plants #Tiger Tail Orchid Varieties There are more than 100 species I previously had Phnom Penh Tiger Pilan Silver Vein Tiger Pilan Now I have it again
#The first hint of autumn coolness in the sweltering heat ### Welcome to my life ##Daily Shoot Green Plants #Tiger Tail Orchid Varieties There are more than 100 species I previously had Phnom Penh Tiger Pilan Silver Vein Tiger Pilan Now I have it again

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