
Tiger Piran is easy to raise, but there are 3 points that cannot be compromised, and the leaves can be thick and green and straight!

author:Floral space

Nowadays, many people like to raise flowers, but they are too busy with work and have no more time to take care of flowers and plants, so they will choose some flowers that are easy to raise, then, they will choose tiger piran.

Tiger Piran is a perennial succulent herbaceous plant, also known as Chitose Orchid Saxivier Orchid, which is known as an immortal flower. The shape of the blade is like a sword, pointing straight to the sky, and the blade has a yellow and green pattern, as if it is the skin of a tiger, and it is domineering and has a wild beauty. This plant is also a drought resistant, and even if you want to be lazy and forget to water occasionally, it won't cause much damage, so it's also ideal for busy workers and lazy people.

Tiger Piran is easy to raise, but there are 3 points that cannot be compromised, and the leaves can be thick and green and straight!

But tiger piran is easy to raise, and there are three points that cannot be settled, otherwise even if it is a flower that cannot die, it is easy to die.

First, the soil should be breathable

The flower roots of the tiger orchid are thick and strong, and can store a lot of water and nutrients, and because of this, it is more accustomed to growing in breathable, well-drained soil. Therefore, in the choice of soil, you must not be sloppy, and you cannot use peat soil alone or vegetable garden soil. It must be used with other granular soils, and the most affordable and simple way is to use perlite and cinder. Of course, it can also be paired with vermiculite, ceramsite, etc.

Tiger Piran is easy to raise, but there are 3 points that cannot be compromised, and the leaves can be thick and green and straight!

The second point is to water sparingly

The leaves are very thick, which can store a lot of water and nutrients, and does not require special care, and if you water it too often, it will cause the root system to rot, which is still a burden for it. It is about every 7 to 10 days to replenish the permeable line, especially when the temperature drops, and reduce the frequency and amount of watering to prevent frostbite in the cold winter. How to judge whether you need to water? Don't wait until the leaves are lodging around, and then replenish the water, it will be too late, you can gently pinch the leaves, feel the signs of softness, that is, lack of water. Or stick a chopstick in a pot and pull out the chopsticks before each watering to see if the soil inside is moist or dry, and you can also correctly judge whether you need to water it.

Tiger Piran is easy to raise, but there are 3 points that cannot be compromised, and the leaves can be thick and green and straight!

Thirdly, sunlight cannot be completely absent

Although the tiger pill orchid is a flower that does not die, some people also think that it is a plastic flower, and it does not grow or grow, so what's the matter? Maybe you put it in the corner at random, if that's the case, there is no light, and although it doesn't die, it also grows stunted, like a fake flower. Therefore, it is recommended to place it in a bright and diffuse place, and not to place it in such a position for a long time because it can be used in a dark environment. For the tiger orchid, it is natural that there is light to grow and flourish, and of course, it is necessary to change the direction of the pot frequently to avoid the formation of phototropism.

Tiger Piran is easy to raise, but there are 3 points that cannot be compromised, and the leaves can be thick and green and straight!

In general, tiger pill orchid is a relatively easy flower to raise, and you don't need to spend too much thought, but the three points mentioned above should also pay extra attention, not less light, not too frequent watering, and not choose soil with poor air permeability. Generally speaking, if these three points are done well, they can be, and the longer they are, the more vigorous they are.

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