
Don't miss it! Master these tricks, and your tiger pill orchid can also be "beautiful and beautiful"

author:Fushan District Rong Media Center

 When we walk into the flower market, we are often attracted by a variety of plants. Among them, the tiger piran, with its unique leaf shape and charming pattern, can always easily catch people's attention. It is like a low-key king, standing there quietly, waiting for someone who knows how to appreciate it.

  Many people know about Tiger Piran only in its sword-like upright leaves. However, did you know that the tiger pill orchid can not only see the leaves, but also produce elegant flowers. Although its flowers are not as showy as roses or as striking as hydrangeas, they have a unique flavor and reveal a different kind of elegance.

Don't miss it! Master these tricks, and your tiger pill orchid can also be "beautiful and beautiful"

  So, how do you promote the tiger pill orchid from an ornamental foliage plant to a flowering plant? Let's explore it together.

  1. Choose the right pot and soil

  Although the tiger pill orchid looks tall and mighty, it actually has an underdeveloped root system and belongs to the shallow root system. Therefore, when we choose a flower pot, we should choose a small and shallow flower pot, which is more conducive to its growth.

  At the same time, the choice of soil is also very important. Loose, breathable, nutrient-rich soil is a favorite of tiger pirans. Such a soil not only prevents water from accumulating in the pot after watering, which can lead to root rot, but also better promotes nutrient uptake and growth by the root system. With an adequate supply of nutrients, the tiger pill orchid is naturally more likely to bloom.

Don't miss it! Master these tricks, and your tiger pill orchid can also be "beautiful and beautiful"

  2. Control the amount of watering

  The leaves of tiger pirans are fleshy and have a waxy surface that reduces the evaporation of water. At the same time, its root system also stores a lot of water. As a result, tiger pill orchid is a very drought-tolerant plant. If it is watered frequently, the water that the root system cannot absorb will accumulate in the pot, which will cause the roots to rot over time.

  Therefore, when we maintain tiger piran, we should follow the principle of "dry and watered". When the pot is half-dry to fully dry, water it again. Especially in the low temperatures of winter, water evaporation slows down, and it is necessary to wait until the potting soil is completely dry before watering.

Don't miss it! Master these tricks, and your tiger pill orchid can also be "beautiful and beautiful"

  III. Rational fertilization

  In spring and summer, the tiger pill grows rapidly, and needs to be supplemented with appropriate fertilizers. However, tiger pills are not tolerant of heavy fertilizers. Therefore, we must pay attention to the concentration when fertilizing. Once the fertilizer is excessive, it can easily cause serious damage to it. It is recommended that you use well-rotted organic fertilizer or slow-release fertilizer and other mild fertilizers.

Don't miss it! Master these tricks, and your tiger pill orchid can also be "beautiful and beautiful"

  Fourth, pay attention to cold and warmth

  Tiger Piran is a typical plant that is afraid of cold and heat. It also grows tenaciously during the hot summer months. But in the cold winter months, it becomes very vulnerable. When the temperature drops below 5 degrees, it will develop frostbite, and when the temperature drops below 0 degrees, it will quickly freeze to death.

  Therefore, in the cold winter, indoor-grown tiger pirans need to pay special attention to keeping warm. It can be placed in a sunny location to provide sufficient heat and light, protected from direct cold winds, and covered with warm cloth at night to keep the temperature stable.

  In short, as long as you follow the above methods to maintain, your tiger piranium may be promoted from a foliage plant to a flowering plant, adding more color and vitality to your home life!

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