
In 1980, in a village in Haiti, the sudden appearance of a man caused great panic among the villagers. Because this man, who had died in the local hospital 18 years ago, he was

author:I am Yang Xiaobu

In 1980, in a village in Haiti, the sudden appearance of a man caused great panic among the villagers. Because this man, who died in the local hospital 18 years ago, was the funeral of his sister. But what the man said next made things very strange.

This morning, as usual, Anna went to the nearby market to buy vegetables, and after the purchase, Anna carried a large bag and a small bag to prepare to go home. Suddenly, a man behind her stopped her.

Anna thought it was strange because the man called her nickname, which few people knew except her family. She turned her head to look at it, screamed in fright, and the dish in her hand fell to the ground.

The people around them were also attracted by Anna's cries and gathered around, and some elderly people were just as panicked as Anna. Because the man in front of him was none other than Anna's brother Najib.

But Anna clearly remembers that her brother had been dead for 18 years. 18 years ago, she personally signed her brother's death certificate and personally conducted his brother's funeral, which many people in the village attended.

At first, Anna was still half-convinced, and no one could accept that a person who had died for many years suddenly "faked a corpse". However, when the man in front of him seriously began to count anna's childhood, Anna finally believed that he was her brother Najib. The reason why it is "similar" is because after 18 years of staggering appearance has changed slightly.

But wasn't Brother Najib Anna watching the burial? Why did you meet Anna on the street 18 years later?

Najib said he was not dead at the time. Whether in the hospital, at the funeral or even at the time of burial, he was conscious. It could hear Anna crying at his bedside, it could hear the doctor announcing his death, it could hear the coffin sealed, and it could even feel the touch of herself when she was covered in a cloth.

He consciously "watched" his own death, he wanted to struggle, he wanted to say that he was still alive, but his mouth could not make a sound, his eyes could not be opened, his limbs could not move, he could only watch himself "die" in despair.

But just as he confessed, the coffin was opened and someone dug him out!

The man who came was a wizard who used "witchcraft" to restore Najib's mobility and took him to a manor and fed him medicine. After taking the medicine, Najib loses the ability to think and can only follow the wizard's instructions.

This situation is not unique, in the manor, there are other people like Najib, who have to take medicine every day and then follow instructions day after day. They went from free men to obedient puppets!

It wasn't until many years later, when the wizard died unexpectedly, that they finally stopped taking medicine, and slowly, their ability to think was restored, and they fled the manor, escaping the fate of the puppet.

At this time, an elderly man in the crowd exclaimed, "You are a resurrected 'zombie man'!" ”

It turns out that in Haiti, there has always been a kind of voodoo religion, which is good at "psychicism", and wizards can turn people into "zombies" through witchcraft and drugs, so that they can become slaves of wizards and be at their mercy, which is the famous "Haitian zombie incident".

The incident also caused the attention of Canadian anthropologist Wade. Davis was interested, he traveled to various parts of Haiti and finally found the reason for the occurrence of "Haitian zombies".

Davis discovered that wizards use two drugs when turning people into "zombies."

One is a paralyzing compound agent. Although the recipes used in different places vary, there are basically four ingredients: tetrodotoxin, sea toad, rain frog, and human remains, of which tetrodotoxin is a deadly mental toxin that requires only a very small amount to cause nerve paralysis.

There is also a kind of incapacitated thinking, known locally as "zombie paste" drug, this drug found a large number of plant mandala ingredients, mandala will make people have fever, hallucinations, numbness in the limbs, but generally disappear in 24 hours, so the wizard will feed the victim every day, so that the victim will also think that he is a "zombie".

So why are there so many large-scale "zombie" incidents in Haiti?

This is because Haiti is a very backward island nation, one of the least developed countries in the world, and the only country in Latin America that is in extreme poverty, where the long-term security chaos and national turmoil have made the local people of Haiti very convinced of Voodoo.

In Haiti, more than 70 per cent of the population is voodoo, and the local government has designated voodoo as the country's main religion.

Because of Haiti's extreme poverty and backwardness, the average life expectancy of haitian locals is very short. Because the family members of the lost relatives miss the deceased relatives, they will go to the wizard to help communicate with their relatives, because it is said that the Voodoo Cult has a very mysterious "soul returning" also known as "zombie magic", which allows the family to see the dead relatives.

The existence of "zombie art" gives people with hearts an opportunity to take advantage of it. Some illegal voodoo wizards, through the "zombie potion" to make a profit, by controlling the victim to participate in some illegal activities, turning them into a "zombie" that can only be arbitrarily dominated by the owner.

Have you ever heard of the "Haitian zombie incident"?

In 1980, in a village in Haiti, the sudden appearance of a man caused great panic among the villagers. Because this man, who had died in the local hospital 18 years ago, he was
In 1980, in a village in Haiti, the sudden appearance of a man caused great panic among the villagers. Because this man, who had died in the local hospital 18 years ago, he was
In 1980, in a village in Haiti, the sudden appearance of a man caused great panic among the villagers. Because this man, who had died in the local hospital 18 years ago, he was

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