
That year Taiwan developed nuclear weapons... (The article is written incorrectly.) Zhang Xianyi fled to the United States in January 1988, not December) @ Tyrannosaurus History #Taiwan #

author:Fang engel Ross

That year Taiwan developed nuclear weapons...

(The article is written incorrectly.) Zhang Xianyi fled to the United States in January 1988, not December)

@Tyrannosaurus History #台湾 #

That year Taiwan developed nuclear weapons... (The article is written incorrectly.) Zhang Xianyi fled to the United States in January 1988, not December) @ Tyrannosaurus History #Taiwan #
That year Taiwan developed nuclear weapons... (The article is written incorrectly.) Zhang Xianyi fled to the United States in January 1988, not December) @ Tyrannosaurus History #Taiwan #
That year Taiwan developed nuclear weapons... (The article is written incorrectly.) Zhang Xianyi fled to the United States in January 1988, not December) @ Tyrannosaurus History #Taiwan #

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