
It turns out that snails are carnivores and even more cruel is that they eat the corpses of their compatriots as soon as a snail is trampled by a passerby and then, the snails nearby smell and swarming, which is true for snails

author:Hunan Yingchengwu

It turns out that snails are carnivores

Even more cruel, they eat the corpses of their compatriots

A snail was trampled to death by a passerby

Then, the snails in the vicinity swarmed with the smell

Indeed, it is too difficult for snails to eat meat

At the bottom of the food chain, there is no strength to acquire prey

But you can't eat the same kind, many of them are just trampled on the shell and have not died before they are eaten by the same kind, how desperate

I didn't think about the snail world, and it was too bloody and merciless

However, snails that eat the same kind will soon be rewarded

Because pedestrians pass by, they will accidentally trample them to death

If you hide in the bushes and honestly eat vegetarian

Can grow happily, will not be trampled to death and eaten...

#SNAIL # #African Big Snail # Wonderful Animal#

#植物 #

It turns out that snails are carnivores and even more cruel is that they eat the corpses of their compatriots as soon as a snail is trampled by a passerby and then, the snails nearby smell and swarming, which is true for snails
It turns out that snails are carnivores and even more cruel is that they eat the corpses of their compatriots as soon as a snail is trampled by a passerby and then, the snails nearby smell and swarming, which is true for snails
It turns out that snails are carnivores and even more cruel is that they eat the corpses of their compatriots as soon as a snail is trampled by a passerby and then, the snails nearby smell and swarming, which is true for snails
It turns out that snails are carnivores and even more cruel is that they eat the corpses of their compatriots as soon as a snail is trampled by a passerby and then, the snails nearby smell and swarming, which is true for snails

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