
The most expensive marine fish in the world, bluefin tuna is unimaginably expensive

author:Happy Old King said movie

Fish is rich in nutrition, Xiaobian very like to eat, children eat not only brains become smarter, but also very nutritious, especially marine fish, less pollution in the sea, fish taste is also very good, but the price is much more expensive than inland freshwater fish, especially some of the top fish, more expensive than China's top ten most expensive freshwater fish, like bluefin tuna price of more than 20 million yuan, this price can buy more than 20 top Japanese pine leaf crabs. So even the richest man can't eat such expensive fish every day!

The most expensive marine fish in the world

1. Bluefin Tuna (21.19 million yuan / piece)

The most expensive marine fish in the world, bluefin tuna is unimaginably expensive

  The bluefin tuna, widely distributed in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans of the Northern Hemisphere, is one of the most popular food fish. In Japan, there is a saying that "without tuna there is no sashimi, and there is no sushi". The two pieces of gill meat of bluefin tuna are the most precious, and the starting price of each market is more than 3,000 yuan. Bluefin tuna is the largest of the tuna species, grows slowly, and is now in large numbers with high economic value. On January 5, 2019, at the first tuna auction of the New Year held in Tokyo's Toyoshu Market, a bluefin tuna weighing 278 kilograms was sold for 333 million yen (about 21.19 million yuan), a record.

2. Wild yellow croaker (more than 4 million yuan / piece)

The most expensive marine fish in the world, bluefin tuna is unimaginably expensive

  Wild yellow croaker is distributed in the South China Sea, East China Sea and southern Yellow Sea, and is one of the four traditional Chinese seas (big yellow croaker, small yellow croaker, striped fish, squid). Before liberation, wild yellow croaker was caught at about 5,000 tons per year. In the 1950s, the catch increased 20-fold to 100,000 tons. At that time, every 2 eggs could be exchanged for a wild yellow croaker of about 1 kilogram. In 1993, Zhoushan, which is rich in yellow croaker, could only catch 27 tons of wild fish, large yellow croaker. Nowadays, wild yellow croakers of more than 2 kilograms are extremely rare, and their value is even higher. In 2015, fishermen in Lianjiang County, Fujian Province, caught about 80 kilograms of wild yellow croaker and sold it for more than 4 million yuan. A wild yellow croaker can change to a house in a first-tier city.

3. Yellow lip fish (3.15 million yuan / piece)

The most expensive marine fish in the world, bluefin tuna is unimaginably expensive

  Yellow-lipped fish is an endemic species of fish found in the East and northern South China Seas. Between the 1950s and 1960s , the yellow-lipped fish was on the brink of extinction due to overfishing and deteriorating ecosystems. By the early 1980s, the number of yellow-lipped fish was very small, and the fish body was small every year, and it was difficult to catch a yellow-lipped fish of dozens of pounds. By 2005, the National Conservation Center for Yellow Lipped Fish was established, which was later listed as a national second-level protected animal. On June 1, 2014, fishermen in Baishi Town, Ningde, caught a 158-kilogram yellow lip fish, which was bought by seven fishmongers including local Huang Baicheng for 2.75 million yuan, and then sold to Xiapu and Zhejiang partners for 3.15 million yuan that night.

4. Red mint fairy (82,000 yuan / piece)

The most expensive marine fish in the world, bluefin tuna is unimaginably expensive

  Red mint fairy, also known as junzi fairy, body color is red, white and yellow interval, very unique, carnivorous fish, inhabiting the steep coastal reef of the extreme deep water, cave and gravel area, rarely exported through the aquarium trade, because of living in extremely deep waters, so it is difficult to catch, the price is extremely expensive. The world may catch up to a few a year, and sometimes not one, so it is regarded as the highest priced seawater fish, and the price in the United States is almost the price of an ordinary family motorhome, reaching more than 12,000 US dollars (about 82,486 yuan).

5. Blade Fin (68,000 yuan / piece)

The most expensive marine fish in the world, bluefin tuna is unimaginably expensive

  The name of the blade fin is derived from its blade-like dorsal fin, mainly distributed in the Caribbean, its body is all white, with multiple orange stripes, this rare fish is definitely a hot species on the list of fish collectors, because they are only about 1.5 inches in size, living in deep water coral, just imagine how difficult it is to find them at such a deep seabed, let alone catch them, so it is not surprising that they are not seen on the market. Found in the 650-foot-deep waters of the Caribbean island of Curaçao, the fish is rare and costs as much as $10,000 (about 68,739 yuan).

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