
Which fish will build houses? It was mentioned earlier that Vietnamese fish can dig a pit under the water, shaped like a pot, but this is not a fish house. There are many masters of building houses among fish.

author:Brother Rabbit Encyclopedia

Which fish will build houses?

It was mentioned earlier that Vietnamese fish can dig a pit under the water, shaped like a pot, but this is not a fish house. There are many masters of building houses among fish.

The most famous master builder of fish is the three-spined thornfish, and the process of building a house is very complicated. The first is to choose the foundation, generally between aquatic weeds and rocks. This is followed by the search for building materials, generally grass roots and plant fragments. The three-spined spiny fish then glued these materials together with a binder secreted by the kidneys, biting these aquatic weeds with their mouths, making the shape of a house, the interior is hollow, oval, with two entrances and exits, one in and one out.

When the house is made, the three-spined thornfish will invite a bride at a time to lay eggs, and they will be responsible for fertilizing the eggs until the house is filled with fertilized eggs, which is a perfect nursery.

Octopuses will also use stone to build a house with a roof, leaving small holes, and stretching out two tentacles to swing back and forth, which is used as a warning, and they sleep beautifully in the house.

The drilled fish is a brightly colored fish that is 1 m long, covered in yellow spots and has a blue tail. In order to protect itself, this fish will use wood chips and stones with the adhesive secreted in the mouth to make a small house like a bamboo tube, leaving a small hole to protect itself. Usually the drill fish take the house with them and protect themselves like a snail's shell.

#Drill fish ##Three-spined thornfish ##章鱼 #

Which fish will build houses? It was mentioned earlier that Vietnamese fish can dig a pit under the water, shaped like a pot, but this is not a fish house. There are many masters of building houses among fish.
Which fish will build houses? It was mentioned earlier that Vietnamese fish can dig a pit under the water, shaped like a pot, but this is not a fish house. There are many masters of building houses among fish.
Which fish will build houses? It was mentioned earlier that Vietnamese fish can dig a pit under the water, shaped like a pot, but this is not a fish house. There are many masters of building houses among fish.
Which fish will build houses? It was mentioned earlier that Vietnamese fish can dig a pit under the water, shaped like a pot, but this is not a fish house. There are many masters of building houses among fish.
Which fish will build houses? It was mentioned earlier that Vietnamese fish can dig a pit under the water, shaped like a pot, but this is not a fish house. There are many masters of building houses among fish.
Which fish will build houses? It was mentioned earlier that Vietnamese fish can dig a pit under the water, shaped like a pot, but this is not a fish house. There are many masters of building houses among fish.
Which fish will build houses? It was mentioned earlier that Vietnamese fish can dig a pit under the water, shaped like a pot, but this is not a fish house. There are many masters of building houses among fish.

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