
🌈 Sugar Sugar Reading Day105: The fragrant cheese is tempting, but the price has long been marked in secret. The book I read with Sugar Sugar today is "Nibi and Nabi", and Nibi and Nabi are

author:Candy moms love kids

Day 105: The fragrant cheese is tempting, but the price has long been secretly marked.

The book I read with Sugar Sugar today was "Nibi and Nabi", and Nibi and Nabi were a pair of young brothers and sisters of voles, and they played happily in the wild every day, and then returned to their warm little nest at dusk, watching their mother knit sweaters under the lamp, and listening to their father read the newspaper.

One day, they took their mother's blue yarn ball and went outside to roll around, rolling over the garden, rolling up the dirt slope... Tired of playing, I lay down under the flowers and fell asleep, and in my sleep I heard the footsteps of the tower, opened my eyes, and saw that a small pink hand came and took the ball of yarn.

The two of them immediately jumped up to chase after the little girl who had taken the ball of yarn, chased after it, crossed the field, climbed over a wall, and saw a large house.

When they saw the house in the garden, they remembered what their father had read to them in the newspaper: "There is a house in the garden, there is a cupboard in the house, and there is cheese in the cupboard." So they left the ball of yarn behind and rampaged through the house to find cheese.

They ran to the room, were dazzled by the flowers on the carpet, the stools with tassels, and the floor lamp in the shape of flowers, and had a lot of fun, but finally they were frightened by their own shadow in the mirror and fled.

When I came out, I found that it was completely dark, so I remembered to go home, but the door had already been closed. They ran on a rampage for half a day and couldn't get out, and they felt scared and lonely, and began to whimper.

Suddenly, Nabi smelled the cheese, and they followed the taste to find the cheese and were about to pounce on it, but their father rushed over and told them that the piece of cheese was on the mousetrap, but once they went to bite the cheese, they would be caught by the clip.

However, ginger is still old and spicy, Dad has his own way to get cheese, and in the blink of an eye, he will take a piece of cheese between his left and right arms and take them home. #Meet a more beautiful childhood # #我一直坚持的小习惯 #

🌈 Sugar Sugar Reading Day105: The fragrant cheese is tempting, but the price has long been marked in secret. The book I read with Sugar Sugar today is "Nibi and Nabi", and Nibi and Nabi are
🌈 Sugar Sugar Reading Day105: The fragrant cheese is tempting, but the price has long been marked in secret. The book I read with Sugar Sugar today is "Nibi and Nabi", and Nibi and Nabi are
🌈 Sugar Sugar Reading Day105: The fragrant cheese is tempting, but the price has long been marked in secret. The book I read with Sugar Sugar today is "Nibi and Nabi", and Nibi and Nabi are
🌈 Sugar Sugar Reading Day105: The fragrant cheese is tempting, but the price has long been marked in secret. The book I read with Sugar Sugar today is "Nibi and Nabi", and Nibi and Nabi are
🌈 Sugar Sugar Reading Day105: The fragrant cheese is tempting, but the price has long been marked in secret. The book I read with Sugar Sugar today is "Nibi and Nabi", and Nibi and Nabi are
🌈 Sugar Sugar Reading Day105: The fragrant cheese is tempting, but the price has long been marked in secret. The book I read with Sugar Sugar today is "Nibi and Nabi", and Nibi and Nabi are

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