
The US capital was suddenly in chaos, Britain, France, and Canada "mutinied," and the United Nations was also alarmed! Previously, the US Supreme Court announced the result of the ruling, announcing that it would overturn the "Rowe v. Wade case", this case

author:Knife-wielding battles

The US capital was suddenly in chaos, Britain, France, and Canada "mutinied," and the United Nations was also alarmed!

This followed the U.S. Supreme Court's decision, announcing that it would overturn Rowe v. Wade, which was published in 1973 and successfully made abortion legal in the United States. Now that the Supreme Court has released the new news, it means that the relevant actions will no longer be protected by the US Constitution, and this news has quickly attracted widespread attention from the international community after it was announced. Not only have large-scale protests and demonstrations broken out in various parts of the United States, but also the United Kingdom, France and other countries have also made speeches to give their positions on this situation.

Riots broke out in the U.S. capital

According to the latest news, a reporter from the British "Guardian" made a statement in a podcast program, which emphasized that after the "Rowe v. Wade case" was overturned, the reproductive freedom in the United States will face a considerable crisis. Because after the constitutional provisions legalizing abortion are removed, it will be up to the states of the United States to decide the legality of abortion. Once the verdict was announced, arizona took action to suspend all abortion services as of the 24th. Faced with this situation, hundreds of local demonstrators tried to break into the state legislature in such a way as to express their strong dissatisfaction.

Some Arizona lawmakers stressed that some demonstrators tried to break glass into the capitol, which led to the suspension of the voting work of lawmakers, and the police chose to expel them with tear gas in order to maintain the overall order at the scene. Not only that, according to the Fox News Network, there were many demonstrators in Washington, D.C., who expressed strong opposition to the Supreme Court's ruling in this way. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson also responded during his visit to Rwanda, seeing it as a rather serious step backwards and saying that choosing an abortion is a right that women should have.

Many Western countries responded

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and French President Emmanuel Macron have also expressed their support for American women in this way, saying that abortion should be a basic right of women. In his speech, Trudeau also stressed that he felt great sympathy for women who were about to lose their legal abortion rights, and the news from the United States made him feel quite terrible.

Un Human Rights Commissioner Michelle Bachelet also issued a statement earlier, saying that the US action was a serious violation of women's rights. The United Nations Secretary-General's spokesman, Diarik, echoed this by stressing that reproductive rights have always been an important part of women's rights and that restricting abortion in this way is not enforceable, but can lead to more dangerous abortions.

The US capital was suddenly in chaos, Britain, France, and Canada "mutinied," and the United Nations was also alarmed! Previously, the US Supreme Court announced the result of the ruling, announcing that it would overturn the "Rowe v. Wade case", this case
The US capital was suddenly in chaos, Britain, France, and Canada "mutinied," and the United Nations was also alarmed! Previously, the US Supreme Court announced the result of the ruling, announcing that it would overturn the "Rowe v. Wade case", this case
The US capital was suddenly in chaos, Britain, France, and Canada "mutinied," and the United Nations was also alarmed! Previously, the US Supreme Court announced the result of the ruling, announcing that it would overturn the "Rowe v. Wade case", this case

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