
Honey has many benefits, but there are also contraindications, and there are 5 cold knowledge about honey to understand

author:Chen Xin, a health expert in traditional Chinese medicine

Honey has a good taste, easy to obtain, many advantages, and is one of the health ingredients loved by the public. There are some important points to pay attention to about eating honey, and relatively few people know about it, so this week we will talk about some cold knowledge about eating honey.

"And the camp guard, moisturize the internal organs, pass the three focal points, adjust the spleen and stomach."

- Compendium of Materia Medica

Honey has many benefits, but there are also contraindications, and there are 5 cold knowledge about honey to understand

First, the whiter the honey color, the better?


"Honey has yellow and white, and its function is the same? A: The world is based on white honey. I don't know if the yellow flowers are honey yellow, and the white flowers are white. Yellow is better than white, and the world knows it. ”

—— "New Edition of Materia Medica"

✅ Positive solution:

The quality of honey has nothing to do with color, but with factors such as flower source, bee colony, environment and so on. Honey color has two major categories: white and amber, if the nectar is light, the honey may also be light, and the honey produced by the high mineral content in the nectar will also be darker.

Honey has many benefits, but there are also contraindications, and there are 5 cold knowledge about honey to understand

Second, honey is suitable for everyone to eat?


1. Infants should not eat honey: honey is susceptible to contamination by Lactobacillus botulinum during the brewing, transportation and storage process. Due to the weak resistance of infants, after eating botulinum, they will multiply in the intestine and produce toxins, and the detoxification function of the liver is poor, which is easy to cause botulinum lactobacillus food poisoning.

2. The bloated abdomen in the wet resistance is full and the moss is thick and greasy, which should not be eaten.

3. Diarrhea and high blood sugar should not be consumed.

Honey has many benefits, but there are also contraindications, and there are 5 cold knowledge about honey to understand

Third, is it suitable to drink honey before going to bed in the morning?


Honey water contains the corresponding sugar, after drinking the fructose in honey to be metabolized by the human body into glucose, in order to be absorbed and utilized by the human body, which is contrary to the first cup of water in the morning to sweep the body's internal environment. It should be in the early morning after drinking the first cup of boiled water, and then eat honey is more conducive to its health benefits.

Drink honey water before going to bed, one is that the water contains a lot of solutes, which is not conducive to drinking a small amount of water before going to bed for the purpose of body metabolism at night as water reserve; Second, the sugar in the water is easily converted into fat and accumulated in the body, so that you quietly grow fat.

Honey has many benefits, but there are also contraindications, and there are 5 cold knowledge about honey to understand

Fourth, can not be brewed with boiling water

Or steam honey at high temperatures

Honey is rich in enzymes, vitamins, minerals, water temperature should not exceed 40 ° C, high temperature will destroy its rich nutrients, but also lead to its natural color and fragrance changes.

Honey has many benefits, but there are also contraindications, and there are 5 cold knowledge about honey to understand

5. What ingredients should honey not be eaten with?

1. Tofu, soy milk: tofu taste sweet, salty, cold, can clear heat and blood. Eating it with honey can easily lead to diarrhea.

2. Foods with pungent odors such as onions, green onions, and garlic: The thiine in these foods will chemically react with honey, causing nausea and vomiting.

Honey has many benefits, but there are also contraindications, and there are 5 cold knowledge about honey to understand

3. Foods rich in vitamin C such as leeks, apples, and watermelons: Honey contains a variety of different trace elements, and foods containing vitamin C such as leeks, apples, and watermelons are prone to reoxidation with honey.

4. Russet white: with honey gram, white honey with food will cause chronic diseases.

Honey has many benefits, but there are also contraindications, and there are 5 cold knowledge about honey to understand

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