
Behind the thunderstorm in Dongyi Risheng: the chairman burns incense and worships God every day, and owes Xiaomi tens of millions of advertising fees

author:Squid master in the entertainment industry

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Dongyi Risheng: From incense to the brink of bankruptcy

Once, the headquarters of Dongyi Risheng in Jiuxianqiao, Beijing, was filled with the fragrance of incense every morning, as if burning three incense sticks for Guan Gong was the secret of the company's development. However, after May 8, 2024, the scene changed dramatically. There is no longer the smell of incense, and there is no longer the figure of the company's founder, Chen Hui, and the Land Rover he drives. What is it that has put this seemingly thriving company in such a difficult situation?

Behind the thunderstorm in Dongyi Risheng: the chairman burns incense and worships God every day, and owes Xiaomi tens of millions of advertising fees

The local branch was closed and employees were laid off, and Dongyi Risheng fell into the abyss

Dongyi Risheng, once a bright star in the home improvement industry, has now fallen into an unprecedented predicament. A sudden visit by the labor inspectorate seemed to set off a storm within the company.

According to the employees, the local branches have closed one after another, leaving the employees at a loss and confused. Wage arrears have become the most immediate problem, leaving many employees in a difficult situation. Even more worryingly, suppliers are also experiencing arrears, causing the entire supply chain to fall into disarray. And the news of layoffs has brought great panic and anxiety to employees.

Behind the thunderstorm in Dongyi Risheng: the chairman burns incense and worships God every day, and owes Xiaomi tens of millions of advertising fees

This series of questions makes one wonder: How did this once brilliant company collapse? Perhaps, the answer is not so simple.

Perhaps it was the mistakes and decision-making mistakes of the management that led to the chaos and turmoil within the company. Perhaps it is the fierce market competition and changes in the industry environment that make Dongyi Risheng gradually lose its competitive advantage. Or perhaps it is the influence of changes in the external environment and unpredictable factors that put this former giant in jeopardy.

Behind the thunderstorm in Dongyi Risheng: the chairman burns incense and worships God every day, and owes Xiaomi tens of millions of advertising fees

Whatever the reason, the collapse of Dongyi Risheng has sounded the alarm for the entire home improvement industry. In this highly competitive and unpredictable market, no company is immune. Only by responding cautiously and constantly innovating can we be invincible in the fierce competition.

I hope that Dongyi Risheng can get back on its feet from this crisis, regroup and return to the top. For the entire home improvement industry, perhaps it is such challenges and crises that can promote the healthy development of the industry, so that every company can find its own position in the market and achieve sustainable development.

Behind the thunderstorm in Dongyi Risheng: the chairman burns incense and worships God every day, and owes Xiaomi tens of millions of advertising fees

With financial crisis and chaotic management, Dongyi Risheng has become a natural straight ship to the bridge

The company's internal problems are frequent, frequent changes in senior management, wage arrears have become commonplace, and there have even been incidents of local branches privately engraved with official seals. On the other hand, external investment failed to bring the expected benefits to Dongyi Risheng, for example, the investment of Xiaomi Technology did not bring substantial business cooperation, but instead caused disputes due to non-payment of advertising fees. The company's financial situation has also deteriorated, with the company losing money for many years and being heavily indebted, while rising raw material prices have exacerbated its operating pressures.

Xiaomi Technology's shareholding has been overturned, what is the future of Dongyi Risheng?

Xiaomi Technology was once pinned on high hopes and was regarded as a lifesaver for Dongyi Risheng. However, the reality is far from satisfactory. The signing of a paper shareholding contract seems to be a win-win cooperation, but in practice, various problems are gradually exposed.

Behind the thunderstorm in Dongyi Risheng: the chairman burns incense and worships God every day, and owes Xiaomi tens of millions of advertising fees

Initially, when the two parties signed the cooperation agreement, they were full of confidence and expectation. Dongyi Risheng is looking forward to realizing the innovation of home intelligence through the technology and resources of Xiaomi Technology and pushing its products to a new height. Xiaomi Technology has the ambition to enter the field of home improvement, hoping to open up new markets and achieve a win-win situation through cooperation with Dongyi Risheng.

However, as time passed, the rosy vision of collaboration was shattered. The promised advertising cooperation failed to materialize, and the publicity effect expected by Xiaomi Technology also failed to meet expectations. The more serious problem is that Dongyi Risheng defaulted on advertising fees, which led to a dispute between the two parties. The problem of arrears has become a major crux of the cooperative relationship between the two sides, and it has also damaged the atmosphere of cooperation between the two sides to a certain extent.

Behind the thunderstorm in Dongyi Risheng: the chairman burns incense and worships God every day, and owes Xiaomi tens of millions of advertising fees

Although, on the surface, the cooperation between the two companies continues, in essence it has reached an impasse. The expected business development did not come true, and the cooperation between the two sides could only stay on paper and lacked substantive promotion. This situation makes people wonder, where is the future of Dongyi Risheng?

Perhaps, at this moment, Dongyi Risheng has fallen into a predicament and is difficult to extricate himself. The disappointment of partners, the chaos of internal management, and the deterioration of the financial situation all pushed the once brilliant company to the brink of collapse. For Xiaomi Technology, this failed cooperation may be just a small episode, but for Dongyi Risheng, it may be an irreparable loss.

Behind the thunderstorm in Dongyi Risheng: the chairman burns incense and worships God every day, and owes Xiaomi tens of millions of advertising fees

Thinking about it carefully, it is very scary that perhaps the future of Dongyi Risheng has been doomed. In the business world, wrong decisions and mistakes can lead to the complete failure of an enterprise, and perhaps this is where the fate of Dongyi Risheng lies. We should also draw lessons from this, be vigilant against false appearances and speculative traps, keep a clear head, and act cautiously in order to remain invincible in the business world.

Behind the thunderstorm in Dongyi Risheng: the chairman burns incense and worships God every day, and owes Xiaomi tens of millions of advertising fees

Another way: superstitious feng shui and misleading investment, Dongyi Risheng went astray

At the same time as the company's internal management problems are frequent, the former Dongyi Risheng headquarters has also fallen into a strange circle of superstitious feng shui. The founder Chen Hui was superstitious about the guidance of feng shui masters, redecorated the headquarters, and placed a statue of Guan Gong in the headquarters to make incense every day. In terms of external investment, although there have been bigwigs such as Lianjia and Vanke, as time goes by, these partners seem to have quietly left. Among them, Xiaomi Technology's stake is a deep risk behind the glossy surface.

Behind the thunderstorm in Dongyi Risheng: the chairman burns incense and worships God every day, and owes Xiaomi tens of millions of advertising fees


The Decline of Dongyi Risheng: A Profound Warning from the Business World

The ups and downs of Dongyi Risheng's fate are not only the epitome of the rise and fall of enterprises, but also a profound reflection in the business world. What we can learn from this story is that the business world is not a fairy tale of goodness, but a real battlefield full of dangers and trials. In this arena full of temptations and challenges, the path of vanity and speculation may seem glamorous, but it will eventually lead to destruction.

Behind the thunderstorm in Dongyi Risheng: the chairman burns incense and worships God every day, and owes Xiaomi tens of millions of advertising fees

Vanity and Speculation: The Truth Behind Temporary Prosperity

Dongyi Risheng was once a leader in the industry, and once shone with an enviable aura. However, behind this aura lies countless unknown insiders. The vanity and speculative mentality of the company's top management led to frequent management changes, unpaid employee wages and other problems, which eventually led to internal chaos and disintegration. In terms of external investment, although there have been shares of bigwigs such as Xiaomi Technology, these partners seem to be only in name, failing to bring real business cooperation to the company, but instead bringing new disputes and crises.

Behind the thunderstorm in Dongyi Risheng: the chairman burns incense and worships God every day, and owes Xiaomi tens of millions of advertising fees

Steadiness and pragmatism: the way to successful business

From the story of Dongyi Risheng, we can clearly see that the way of successful business is not based on vanity and speculation, but requires a steady and pragmatic attitude. In the business world, only true strength and integrity can win the recognition and trust of the market, and can go further. And blindly pursuing superficial brilliance and quick success will only lead enterprises to a point of no return.

Behind the thunderstorm in Dongyi Risheng: the chairman burns incense and worships God every day, and owes Xiaomi tens of millions of advertising fees

Conclusion: Be cautious and take your own business path

The decline of Dongyi Risheng has taught us a profound business lesson. We should learn from this, maintain a cautious and pragmatic attitude, constantly improve our strength and quality, and take our own business path at a steady pace. Only in this way can we remain invincible in this business world full of challenges and opportunities.

Behind the thunderstorm in Dongyi Risheng: the chairman burns incense and worships God every day, and owes Xiaomi tens of millions of advertising fees

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