
Trading has resumed! 570,000 hand-sealed orders welded the door to death, 20cm fell to the limit, and 48,000 shareholders were stewed in one pot!

author:Laodi Finance

In anticipation of investors, the stock finally resumed trading. However, to everyone's surprise, it was not greeted by a surge in stock prices, but an earth-shattering 20cm drop limit.

At the opening of the day, the stock price was like a kite with a broken line, falling all the way and hitting the fall limit in an instant. This drop limit is like a solid steel door, completely sealing the hopes of investors.

The market reaction on the day of resumption of trading can be described as shocking and unusual. When the market opened in the morning, sell orders poured out like a tide, and the stock price quickly fell to the 20cm limit position.

Trading has resumed! 570,000 hand-sealed orders welded the door to death, 20cm fell to the limit, and 48,000 shareholders were stewed in one pot!

Intraday trading shows the extreme panic of the market, with huge sell orders piling up, and almost no buy orders can break through the blockade line of the fall limit. This scene not only shocked investors, but also shook the entire market.

On the stock bar and financial forum, the discussion about this stock exploded in an instant, and the mood of many investors turned from initial expectation to disappointment or even despair.

As the stock price continues to fall, the market sentiment has also changed dramatically. After seeing the huge pressure of falling limit and closing orders, some of the initial bottom-buying funds chose to retreat and had a strong wait-and-see mood.

Trading has resumed! 570,000 hand-sealed orders welded the door to death, 20cm fell to the limit, and 48,000 shareholders were stewed in one pot!

Those who held the shares were deeply anxious and helpless, and took to social media to express their dissatisfaction and anger.

For a while, there were different opinions about the prediction of the future trend of the stock, and some people thought that this was a temporary pullback and that it would rebound sooner or later; There are also concerns that this is just the beginning of a bigger decline.

In the face of such a dismal market reaction, investors have had to re-examine their stocks and future investment strategies. Should you continue to hold and wait for the market sentiment to improve, or should you decisively stop your losses and avoid bigger losses?

Trading has resumed! 570,000 hand-sealed orders welded the door to death, 20cm fell to the limit, and 48,000 shareholders were stewed in one pot!

This has become a difficult problem for every shareholder. And the more critical question is, what caused all of this to happen? What kind of secret is hidden behind the 570,000 hand seals?

570,000 hand sealed orders: why does the sealed order "weld to death" the fall limit?

570,000 sealed orders, this number is enough to make any investor frightened. On the first day of the resumption of trading, the stock suffered a 20cm drop limit, and the huge order became the last straw that overwhelmed the stock price rebound.

What is the force that creates such an amazing seal, and why can it "weld" the falling limit, so that the stock price is unable to rebound?

Trading has resumed! 570,000 hand-sealed orders welded the door to death, 20cm fell to the limit, and 48,000 shareholders were stewed in one pot!

First of all, the source of 570,000 hand seals cannot be ignored. This huge sell order mainly comes from institutional investors and some large amount of funds. Before the resumption of trading, the stock attracted a large amount of capital due to company rumors or good performance expectations.

However, the sudden negative news after the resumption of trading broke market expectations, causing these large funds to retreat quickly. In order to reduce losses, institutional investors often concentrate on the position of the falling limit to place huge sell orders and form sealed orders to ensure that they are shipped as soon as possible.

And the flight of the tour capital has intensified the scale of the closed order.

Trading has resumed! 570,000 hand-sealed orders welded the door to death, 20cm fell to the limit, and 48,000 shareholders were stewed in one pot!

Secondly, the impact of large orders on the market and individual stocks is also twofold. From a market perspective, a huge number of orders will not only exacerbate panic, but also trigger more selling orders, forming a vicious circle.

When investors see the 570,000 sealed orders, the psychological pressure is huge, and many people will choose to cut their meat and leave the market, further pushing the stock price down. As for the individual stocks themselves, the huge orders are like a high wall, sealing all the possibility of rebounding.

Whether it is the bottom-buying of short-term funds or the replenishment of stocking investors, it is difficult to shake such a huge pressure on sell orders.

Trading has resumed! 570,000 hand-sealed orders welded the door to death, 20cm fell to the limit, and 48,000 shareholders were stewed in one pot!

The trading methods and market strategies behind the sealed orders are also worth in-depth discussion. In the market, there is an operation method called "smashing", that is, placing a huge sell order at the position of the falling limit to create panic.

Forcing other investors to sell their stocks, so as to achieve the purpose of rapid shipment. This technique is usually used by institutions or traders with huge financial strength, who quickly suppress stock prices by selling in a short period of time.

And form a huge sealed order at the position of the falling limit to ensure that its own sell orders are preferentially filled. This kind of trading technique is not only extremely impactful, but also can often cause huge market volatility in a short period of time.

Trading has resumed! 570,000 hand-sealed orders welded the door to death, 20cm fell to the limit, and 48,000 shareholders were stewed in one pot!

In addition to "smashing", another strategy is "knocking", that is, the same funds are traded between different accounts, creating a huge volume and the illusion of sealed orders, which further triggers market panic.

In this way, traders can continue to increase sell orders at the falling limit, strengthen the bearish sentiment in the market, and force retail investors to sell one after another, so as to achieve the purpose of manipulating the stock price.

Faced with such a dire market situation, investors can only be forced to accept reality. However, the story behind this wave of declines is much more than that.

Trading has resumed! 570,000 hand-sealed orders welded the door to death, 20cm fell to the limit, and 48,000 shareholders were stewed in one pot!

What caused this stock market crash? What are the underlying reasons for the sharp volatility in the market? Let's discuss the painful lessons of 48,000 shareholders being trapped and the valuable lessons learned from them.

3. 48,000 shareholders are trapped: a painful lesson in a pot of stew

48,000 shareholders, 570,000 sealed orders, and a 20cm drop limit, behind this series of figures are the painful experiences of countless investors.

After the resumption of trading, the fall limit was firmly welded, leaving 48,000 shareholders deeply trapped, like a pot of stewed ingredients, wanting to escape but with nowhere to escape. This sense of hopelessness is suffocating, and the psychological state of shareholders has fallen to the bottom.

Trading has resumed! 570,000 hand-sealed orders welded the door to death, 20cm fell to the limit, and 48,000 shareholders were stewed in one pot!

In the face of the sudden drop limit, the mood of shareholders is like a roller coaster. From initial shock and disbelief, to gradual anger and helplessness, and finally can only accept reality.

This change in state of mind is vividly manifested in stock bars and social media. Many shareholders vented their emotions online, some cursing the company's management, some scolding market operators, and more endless laments and remorse.

Everyone questioned what caused such a tragic situation.

Trading has resumed! 570,000 hand-sealed orders welded the door to death, 20cm fell to the limit, and 48,000 shareholders were stewed in one pot!

In this extreme market environment, shareholders have had to take countermeasures. For some well-funded shareholders, topping positions has become an option, hoping to amortize costs and wait for the stock price to recover in the future.

However, this strategy requires strong psychological quality and sufficient financial support, and the slightest carelessness may lead to a deeper quagmire.

More shareholders chose to wait and see, expecting the market to turn around, and even pinned their hopes on the company's release of good news to alleviate the situation.

Trading has resumed! 570,000 hand-sealed orders welded the door to death, 20cm fell to the limit, and 48,000 shareholders were stewed in one pot!

At the same time, some shareholders began to actively seek legal avenues and prepare for class action lawsuits to recover losses. This action is not only a pressure on the company's management, but also a call to the rules of the market.

Investors hope to protect their rights and interests through legal means to avoid similar incidents from happening again.

Social media and stock bars have become important platforms for shareholders to communicate and vent their emotions. On these platforms, shareholders share their experiences and experiences, comforting and encouraging each other.

Trading has resumed! 570,000 hand-sealed orders welded the door to death, 20cm fell to the limit, and 48,000 shareholders were stewed in one pot!

Some veteran investors have offered their own insights and suggestions to help everyone cope with the difficult situation. Some shareholders use self-deprecation and humor to relieve the pressure on their hearts.

For example, someone wrote in the stock bar: "This is not stock speculation, it is speculation!" This kind of self-ridicule not only expresses helplessness, but also adds a touch of bitterness and joy.

However, the voice of shareholders does not stop at the Internet. A large number of shareholders began to report the situation to the regulatory authorities, hoping to draw attention and take measures to stabilize the market.

Trading has resumed! 570,000 hand-sealed orders welded the door to death, 20cm fell to the limit, and 48,000 shareholders were stewed in one pot!

Regulators also responded quickly, saying they would strengthen market supervision to prevent similar incidents from happening. This interaction not only reflects the transparency and openness of the market, but also reflects the positive attitude of shareholders to protect their rights and interests.

This painful lesson made 48,000 shareholders deeply understand the risk and cruelty of the stock market. Whether it's a margin call or a wait-and-see, a class action lawsuit or a report to the regulators, every choice carries the hopes and expectations of shareholders.

However, the volatility of the stock market is difficult to predict, and the road ahead remains uncertain. Shareholders need not only courage and wisdom, but also calmness and rationality.

Trading has resumed! 570,000 hand-sealed orders welded the door to death, 20cm fell to the limit, and 48,000 shareholders were stewed in one pot!

The Underlying Reasons Behind the Falling Limit: Market Lessons and Investment Implications

The tragedy of 48,000 shareholders being trapped is by no means just an accidental market fluctuation. Exploring the 20cm drop limit after the resumption of stock trading, there are deeper reasons behind it.

From the policy, the market to the company level, every factor may be the key to the fall limit.

First of all, from the policy level, the policy changes of the regulatory authorities often have a profound impact on the market. Recently, some policy adjustments may have triggered panic in the market.

Trading has resumed! 570,000 hand-sealed orders welded the door to death, 20cm fell to the limit, and 48,000 shareholders were stewed in one pot!

For example, strict regulatory scrutiny of certain industries or sudden changes in policy can directly undermine investor confidence.

The uncertainty of the policy makes it easier for investors to take extreme actions in the face of turbulence, such as selling stocks in large quantities, resulting in the fall limit being welded to death.

Secondly, from the market level, changes in the market environment and fluctuations in investor sentiment are also important reasons.

Trading has resumed! 570,000 hand-sealed orders welded the door to death, 20cm fell to the limit, and 48,000 shareholders were stewed in one pot!

Against the backdrop of heightened global economic uncertainty, market confidence is fragile, and the slightest hint of wind and grass can cause investors to flee.

Coupled with the rise of high-frequency trading and programmatic trading, these automated trading systems exacerbate price changes when the market is volatile, making the down-limit phenomenon more frequent and rapid.

The contagion effect of market sentiment often leads investors to follow the trend, which further exacerbates the magnitude and frequency of falling limits.

Trading has resumed! 570,000 hand-sealed orders welded the door to death, 20cm fell to the limit, and 48,000 shareholders were stewed in one pot!

Finally, from the perspective of the company, the change in the fundamentals of individual stocks is the direct cause of the sharp fall limit. The deterioration of the company's financial position, frequent management changes, losses in key businesses, etc., can seriously hit investor confidence.

When investors lose confidence in the company's future prospects, a large number of stock sales become their only option, resulting in the stock falling directly after the resumption of trading.

In addition, the company's information disclosure is not timely or transparent, which will also cause panic in the market and exacerbate the volatility of stock prices.

Trading has resumed! 570,000 hand-sealed orders welded the door to death, 20cm fell to the limit, and 48,000 shareholders were stewed in one pot!

This wave of falling limits has sounded the alarm bell for investors, revealing the high risk and uncertainty of stock market investment. Investors should learn from this and improve their risk awareness and response capabilities.

First of all, investors should pay close attention to policy changes and market environment, adjust investment strategies in a timely manner, and avoid losses caused by policy risks and market fluctuations.

Secondly, investors should strengthen the study of the company's fundamentals and choose those companies with good financial conditions, stable management and bright business prospects for investment.

Trading has resumed! 570,000 hand-sealed orders welded the door to death, 20cm fell to the limit, and 48,000 shareholders were stewed in one pot!

In addition, investors should also be rational about market fluctuations, do not blindly follow the trend of operation, and avoid huge losses caused by emotional operations.

In the stock market, only by maintaining calm, rational and keen judgment can we remain invincible in the changing market. As the old saying goes, "The stock market is risky, and you need to be cautious when entering the market." ”

Trading has resumed! 570,000 hand-sealed orders welded the door to death, 20cm fell to the limit, and 48,000 shareholders were stewed in one pot!

Every investor should keep this in mind, learn from every market fluctuation, and constantly improve their investment level and response ability.