
There are 7 "taboos" among the people, and there are 8 fears of the common saying, so collect them and take a look, and increase their knowledge.

author:Wise Pencil S
There are 7 "taboos" among the people, and there are 8 fears of the common saying, so collect them and take a look, and increase their knowledge.
There are 7 "taboos" among the people, and there are 8 fears of the common saying, so collect them and take a look, and increase their knowledge.
There are 7 "taboos" among the people, and there are 8 fears of the common saying, so collect them and take a look, and increase their knowledge.
There are 7 "taboos" among the people, and there are 8 fears of the common saying, so collect them and take a look, and increase their knowledge.
There are 7 "taboos" among the people, and there are 8 fears of the common saying, so collect them and take a look, and increase their knowledge.
There are 7 "taboos" among the people, and there are 8 fears of the common saying, so collect them and take a look, and increase their knowledge.
There are 7 "taboos" among the people, and there are 8 fears of the common saying, so collect them and take a look, and increase their knowledge.
There are 7 "taboos" among the people, and there are 8 fears of the common saying, so collect them and take a look, and increase their knowledge.
There are 7 "taboos" among the people, and there are 8 fears of the common saying, so collect them and take a look, and increase their knowledge.
There are 7 "taboos" among the people, and there are 8 fears of the common saying, so collect them and take a look, and increase their knowledge.
There are 7 "taboos" among the people, and there are 8 fears of the common saying, so collect them and take a look, and increase their knowledge.
There are 7 "taboos" among the people, and there are 8 fears of the common saying, so collect them and take a look, and increase their knowledge.
There are 7 "taboos" among the people, and there are 8 fears of the common saying, so collect them and take a look, and increase their knowledge.
There are 7 "taboos" among the people, and there are 8 fears of the common saying, so collect them and take a look, and increase their knowledge.
There are 7 "taboos" among the people, and there are 8 fears of the common saying, so collect them and take a look, and increase their knowledge.
There are 7 "taboos" among the people, and there are 8 fears of the common saying, so collect them and take a look, and increase their knowledge.
There are 7 "taboos" among the people, and there are 8 fears of the common saying, so collect them and take a look, and increase their knowledge.
There are 7 "taboos" among the people, and there are 8 fears of the common saying, so collect them and take a look, and increase their knowledge.

In the ancient Jiangnan water town, there is a place called Qingshi Town, where the residents have passed down some little-known folk taboos and people's eight fears for generations. These legends and customs are not only the treasures of the ancient town, but also the crystallization of the wisdom of the residents' lives.

There is an old man in Qingshi Town, named Li Bo, he is the most knowledgeable elder in the town, and he is familiar with all kinds of folk taboos and people's eight fears. Lieber's home was always full of people, and people came to ask for advice, hoping to get some inspiration from life.

One day, a young scholar named Wen Yuan came to the town. He had heard about the folk taboos and people's fears in Qingshi Town for a long time, so he decided to come and find out. Wen Yuan came to Uncle Li's house and respectfully asked Uncle Li for advice.

Li Bo smiled and nodded, and began to speak: "In Qingshi Town, we have seven important folk taboos. First, they don't swim in the lake at night, because there are water ghosts in the lake; Second, the moon does not climb the mountain, and there are often wild beasts in the mountain; Third, the fire does not burn the boat, so as not to cause the boat to catch fire and harm the fishermen; Fourth, the bridge does not look back, and you cannot look back after crossing the bridge, so as not to attract ominousness; Fifth, the door should not be opened three times, so as not to leak wealth; Sixth, the mirror is not on the bed to avoid disturbing people's sleep with the image in the mirror at night; Seventh, eat without saying anything, so as not to choke on food. ”

Wen Yuan listened with relish and couldn't help nodding yes. Then, Li Bo talked about "people have eight fears": "One is afraid of ghosts knocking on the door, two is afraid of shadows under the bed, three is afraid of walking alone at night, four is afraid of the soul in the mirror, five is afraid of looking back, six is afraid of nightmares, seven is afraid of losing promises, and eight is afraid of insincerity." ”

Li Bo's words were full of wisdom and philosophy, and Wen Yuan felt deeply benefited after listening to it. After thanking Li Bo, he left Li Bo's house.

However, on the way out, Wen Yuan encountered a strange thing. When he walked to the lake in the town, he found a young woman wandering alone around the lake. Wen Yuan was shocked, remembering the taboo of "not swimming in the lake at night" mentioned by Li Bo, so he stepped forward to advise the woman to leave.

The woman tearfully told Wen Yuan about her distress. It turned out that her husband had disappeared while fishing in the lake, and she wandered around the lake every day, hoping to find his whereabouts. Wen Yuan's heart was moved after hearing this, and he decided to help the woman.

Wen Yuan returned to Uncle Li's house and asked Uncle Li for advice on how to save him. Lieber told him: "Although we have the taboo of 'not swimming in the lake at night', in this special case, we can use the power of the gods to find the missing person. ”

So, under the guidance of Li Bo, Wen Yuan and the villagers held a grand blessing ceremony. At the end of the ceremony, Wen Yuan held the lantern and walked to the lake alone. He silently recited the words of blessing and walked step by step into the lake.

That's when a miracle happened. Suddenly there was a ripple on the surface of the lake, and a figure emerged from the lake. It's the missing fisherman! He hugged his wife tightly, and the two hugged each other and cried.

Wen Yuan brought the fisherman back to shore, and the villagers came forward to congratulate him. They thanked Wen Yuan for his bravery and wisdom, and also sighed at the magical power of the folk taboo and the eight fears of people at a critical moment.

Since then, the residents of Qingshi Town have cherished these folk taboos and people's eight fears even more. They know that these taboos and fears are not superstitions, but the crystallization of people's long-term life experience and wisdom. Under the guidance of these taboos and fears, they lived a peaceful and happy life.

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