
Tomorrow's summer solstice, the tradition is to "make up for the summer", remember to eat 6 kinds of food, heat protection, sun protection, safe ambush

author:Bright Moon Eclipse Light i

As the saying goes, "heat is in three volts", after the summer solstice, the real hot weather also follows, along with the high temperature and heat, many people will appear sleepy, weak, loss of appetite, and some people will even affect normal life and work.

Therefore, before and after the summer solstice, the folk pay attention to "summer supplementation", which means that in the summer solstice, everyone needs to eat more seasonal vegetables and fruits, one to supplement the body with enough nutrition, and the other to purify the heart, prevent heat stroke, and protect the yang.

Tomorrow's summer solstice, the tradition is to "make up for the summer", remember to eat 6 kinds of food, heat protection, sun protection, safe ambush

After entering the three volts, there is a yin qi buried under the yang qi, although the outside world is steaming, but the yin and cool qi has been quietly breeding in the dark, in the process of alternating yin and yang, people are easy to get sick, therefore, everyone needs to conform to the characteristics of the summer yang in the yin, protect the yang, which is the top priority of the summer solstice health.

So, what foods should be eaten on the summer solstice to achieve the effect of protecting yang qi? It is recommended that everyone eat lightly, eat less spicy and greasy things, now, share with you 6 kinds of food suitable for eating before and after the summer solstice, no matter how busy, you must do it for your family to eat, help everyone prevent the heat and protect the sun, and easily spend three days.

Tomorrow's summer solstice, the tradition is to "make up for the summer", remember to eat 6 kinds of food, heat protection, sun protection, safe ambush

The first: lettuce

The ancients called lettuce a "golden dish", which is enough to see that lettuce is rich in nutritional value and has many benefits to human health. Lettuce is light and refreshing, the mineral content is more than 5 times that of other vegetables, it is the best time to reduce the heat and fire in the summer vegetables, and the summer lettuce is fresh and tender, the price is cheap, eat more without burden, you may wish to do more before and after the summer solstice, do more to taste fresh.

Tomorrow's summer solstice, the tradition is to "make up for the summer", remember to eat 6 kinds of food, heat protection, sun protection, safe ambush

Recommended recipe: Cold mix of lettuce

Cooking Method:

1: Prepare two fresh lettuce, scrape off the skin, cut into thin strips with a knife and soak in cool boiling water for 5 minutes.

2: Peel half a carrot and cut into thin strips into a bowl, peel a potato and cut into thin strips, soak in water to wash off the excess starch.

3: Bring the water to a boil in a saucepan, add salt and oil, stir the water with a spatula to boil, pour the shredded potatoes and carrots into it, blanch for about 30 seconds, and fish out the cool water.

4: Add minced garlic, millet spicy and white sesame seeds to the bowl, pour a spoonful of hot oil, then add an appropriate amount of sugar, salt, soy sauce, aged vinegar and sesame oil, stir the bowl and set aside.

5, lettuce soaked well, squeeze dry water into the bowl, carrots and potato shreds are also put into the bowl, and then pour in the prepared sauce, stir evenly, a sour and spicy appetizing cold mix lettuce is ready.

Tomorrow's summer solstice, the tradition is to "make up for the summer", remember to eat 6 kinds of food, heat protection, sun protection, safe ambush

The second kind: winter melon

Winter melon heat and jin effect is excellent, it is rich in water, vitamin C and potassium elements, it can be said that winter melon is full of treasure, summer eat more winter melon, both can make up for the moisture and a large amount of lost potassium elements, and, can also cool down heat, reduce fat and lose weight, moisturize the skin.

Tomorrow's summer solstice, the tradition is to "make up for the summer", remember to eat 6 kinds of food, heat protection, sun protection, safe ambush

Recommended recipe: Braised winter melon minced meat

Cooking Method:

1: Prepare a circle of winter melon, divide into four small pieces, peel off the skin, then change the knife to cut into thick pieces, put it into a steamer, boil the water and steam for 6 minutes on high heat.

2: Prepare a small piece of lean meat to chop into minced meat, a small piece of fat meat into cubes, and a green and red pepper into small cubes.

3: Heat the oil in the pot, first add the fat cubes, sauté the fat, add the lean minced meat, sauté the minced meat and stir-fry until fragrant, then add the ginger and garlic minced.

4: Stir-fry evenly, add a spoonful of watercress sauce, stir-fry the red oil over low heat, pour in the winter melon, stir-fry evenly, add salt, sugar, pepper, soy sauce and oyster sauce to taste.

5: Stir-fry again, pour in an appropriate amount of water starch, turn on high heat to collect the juice until it is thick, and then you can enjoy it.

Tomorrow's summer solstice, the tradition is to "make up for the summer", remember to eat 6 kinds of food, heat protection, sun protection, safe ambush

The third type: duck

Summer nutrition loss is faster, it is inevitable to eat more meat to supplement enough nutrition and energy, in contrast, duck meat is rich in nutrients, not only can make up for everyone in the hot summer heat of excessive consumption of nutrients, but also to alleviate the summer heat to the body brought by the various discomforts, therefore, duck meat is especially suitable for hot summer consumption.

Tomorrow's summer solstice, the tradition is to "make up for the summer", remember to eat 6 kinds of food, heat protection, sun protection, safe ambush

Recommended recipe: Beer duck

Cooking Method:

1: Prepare half a duck, clean it up, change the knife to chop into evenly large pieces, put it in a bowl, add a spoonful of starch, grab and wash it and set aside.

2: Cut a piece of ginger into thin slices, cut the garlic into garlic grains, cut the green onion into long pieces, cut the millet spicy and green pepper into rings, and slice a small piece of pork belly for later.

3: Heat the oil in a pan, sauté the pork belly to remove the excess oil, then pour in the duck, stir-fry for a while, add a little high liquor, continue to stir-fry until the water evaporates and dries.

4: Stir-fry until the duck comes out of the oil, add a spoonful of bean paste, half a spoonful of soybean sauce, stir-fry the red oil, add green onion, ginger and garlic, dried chili pepper, cinnamon, star anise, fragrant leaves, stir-fry the aroma of the large ingredients.

5: Then, add 300ml of beer, pour water over the ingredients, bring the water to a boil over high heat, add salt, pepper, soy sauce and soy sauce.

6: Stir well with a spatula, cover the pot, simmer for about 40 minutes, after the time is up, open the lid, add the green pepper and millet spicy, fry until it is broken.

Tomorrow's summer solstice, the tradition is to "make up for the summer", remember to eat 6 kinds of food, heat protection, sun protection, safe ambush

The fourth kind: mung beans

In the hot summer, I believe everyone will miss the bowl of fresh and cold mung bean soup! Yes, mung beans can indeed come in handy in the summer, it is not only the best summer cooling artifact, but also rich in a variety of vitamins and calcium, phosphorus, iron and other mineral elements, eat more beneficial and harmless.

Tomorrow's summer solstice, the tradition is to "make up for the summer", remember to eat 6 kinds of food, heat protection, sun protection, safe ambush

Recommended recipe: Mung bean shortbread

Cooking Method:

1: Soak the mung beans overnight in advance, pour them into the rice cooker after soaking, press the cooker button to cook, and then put the dry water into the bowl.

2, add about 40g of cotton sugar to the mung beans, use a rolling pin to crush the mung beans, and press the granular state.

3: Add a little oil to the pot, pour in the mung beans, fry on low heat until the mung beans are not sticky in the pan, turn off the heat and let it dry until it is not hot, take the appropriate amount of mung beans and knead them into a ball for later.

4: Add 300g of flour, 1 spoonful of sugar, 2g yeast powder, stir well, add 10g butter or vegetable oil.

5: Stir in warm water until the flour appears large, knead into a soft dough and let rise for more than 20 minutes.

6: After waking up, divide into uniform dough dough seeds, roll thin with a rolling pin, wrap the mung beans in it, and then roll out a little thinner with a rolling pin.

Preheat the electric cake bell, without brushing the oil, directly put the mung beans in, cover 7, cover for three minutes, open the lid and continue simmering for three minutes, you can eat.

Tomorrow's summer solstice, the tradition is to "make up for the summer", remember to eat 6 kinds of food, heat protection, sun protection, safe ambush

Fifth: Ginger

As the saying goes, "eat radish in winter, eat ginger in summer", in the hot summer, eating a little more ginger can not only cool down and refresh the mind, promote appetite, but also alleviate chest tightness and palpitations and other symptoms of summer fever. Especially in the three volt days, everyone likes to eat raw and cold food, the spleen and stomach will be affected by the double influence of cold and humidity, at this time, eating more ginger can play a warm and wet effect, therefore, ginger is a very good ingredient in summer health.

Tomorrow's summer solstice, the tradition is to "make up for the summer", remember to eat 6 kinds of food, heat protection, sun protection, safe ambush

Recommended recipe: Ginger sugar

Cooking Method:

1: Prepare two large pieces of ginger, break them into small pieces by hand, add a little edible baking soda, brush them with a brush, and then change the knife to cut into large pieces.

2: Put the ginger pieces into the wall breaker, whisk into minced ginger, then add 500ml of water and continue to whip into a delicate ginger puree.

3: Add a large spoonful of brown sugar to the pot, 150ml of water, boil the brown sugar on high heat, add two spoonfuls of maltose, and simmer until dense bubbles emerge from the pot.

4, pour the ginger puree into the pot, turn on the low heat and stir continuously, after three or four minutes, the ginger puree changes color significantly, continue to boil until the pot bubbles, and then continue to boil for about half a minute, you can turn off the heat.

5, the boiled ginger sugar into the mold covered with oil paper, the surface is flattened, at room temperature, let cool, cut into small pieces, sprinkled with cooked glutinous rice flour can be.

Tomorrow's summer solstice, the tradition is to "make up for the summer", remember to eat 6 kinds of food, heat protection, sun protection, safe ambush

Sixth: tomatoes

Summer is a large number of tomatoes on the market season, at this time the tomatoes are tender and delicious, rich in nutrition, eat more, not only can achieve the effect of clearing heat and detoxification, quenching thirst, at the same time, can also supplement enough vitamin C, to achieve the effect of skin care. Moreover, tomatoes can be cooked as vegetables into delicious dishes, and can be eaten directly as fresh fruits, which has always been known as the "fruit of the dish".

Tomorrow's summer solstice, the tradition is to "make up for the summer", remember to eat 6 kinds of food, heat protection, sun protection, safe ambush

Recommended recipe: Tomato egg noodles

Cooking Method:

1, prepare a tomato, wash and cut in half, half into small cubes, half into small pieces; Cut two ham sausages into thin slices.

2: Stir in two eggs in an empty bowl, pour into a hot oil pan, fry over low heat until the bottom is slightly golden, then use a spatula to scramble the eggs and set aside.

3: Heat the oil in a pot, add the minced green onion and garlic, sauté until fragrant, pour in the tomato cubes, stir-fry the juice, and pour in the appropriate amount of boiling water.

4: After bringing the soup to a boil over high heat, add an appropriate amount of soy sauce, dark soy sauce, salt, chicken essence and sugar, stir well and add a sufficient amount of noodles.

5: Gently stir with chopsticks to prevent sticking, then pour the tomato pieces into the pot, add the ham sausage and eggs, and stir well.

6, friends who like to eat green vegetables can add a little green vegetables into it, continue to cook until the greens are ripe, a soup of delicious tomatoes and egg noodles will be ready.

Tomorrow's summer solstice, the tradition is to "make up for the summer", remember to eat 6 kinds of food, heat protection, sun protection, safe ambush

The summer solstice is the most prosperous time of the yang in the twenty-four solar terms, we must follow the laws of nature, make appropriate adjustments in the diet, eat more than 6 kinds of food, protect the yang, and spend the three days in peace.

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