
What is the difference between Yemeni iron and Brazilian wood?

author:Yuan plate

Yemeni iron can grow to 4 m tall, while Brazilwood can grow to more than 6 m. Leaf difference: Yemeni iron leaves are leathery and feel harder to the touch, while The leaves of Brazilwood are wider and have a soft feeling to the touch.

First, the difference between plant types

Yemeni iron is a small evergreen tree capable of growing up to 4m tall. Brazilwood, on the other hand, is an evergreen tree that can grow to more than 6m.

What is the difference between Yemeni iron and Brazilian wood?
What is the difference between Yemeni iron and Brazilian wood?
What is the difference between Yemeni iron and Brazilian wood?
What is the difference between Yemeni iron and Brazilian wood?
What is the difference between Yemeni iron and Brazilian wood?
What is the difference between Yemeni iron and Brazilian wood?
What is the difference between Yemeni iron and Brazilian wood?
What is the difference between Yemeni iron and Brazilian wood?
What is the difference between Yemeni iron and Brazilian wood?

Second, the difference between leaves

The leaves of Yemeni iron are leathery, ovate or oblong, and the base of the leaves resembles a heart. Its leaves are mostly born above the stalk, and there is a golden stripe in the center of the leaf, and both sides of the stripe are green.

The leaves of Brazilwood, on the other hand, are broad and linear, with a length of about 40-90 cm and a width of about 6-10 cm. The entire leaf is bright green with a shiny surface and no obvious petiole.

Put the two together and you can make a difference by touching the blade with your hand. Yemeni iron, which has harder leaves, is based on Brazilian wood with softer leaf matter.

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