
On May 11, at Christie's Geneva Jewelry Auction, two large diamonds over 200 carats were sold. One is the largest pear-shaped white diamond in auction history, "TheRock", by name

author:Lu Xi's interview notes


一枚是拍卖史上最大的梨形白钻,“The Rock”,名字就够吓人的,“大石头”,重达228.31克拉,小鸡蛋那么大个,G色,VS1净度,成交价格2100多万瑞郎,接近1.5亿人民币。

另一颗是一枚黄钻,名为“The Red Cross”,明亮式切割,205.07 克拉,该钻石最大特点是正面平台上可以看到一个“马耳他十字”,浓彩,VS2净度,成交价格1400多万瑞郎,约合9700万人民币。

后者是一颗有故事的黄钻,名字“The Red Cross”就是红十字会的意思,一百多年前的一战时期,英国红十字会组织为战争受伤士兵募捐,这颗钻石被捐赠出来拍卖筹集善款,当年拍卖10000英镑,贡献了那次募捐三分之一的善款。后来1973年,这枚”The Red Cross”来到了佳士得拍卖会,以180万瑞郎成交。近50年后,佳士得又一次将其拍卖。50年接近8倍的投资回报率,不算高,但也是抵御现金贬值风险的手段之一。

On May 11, at Christie's Geneva Jewelry Auction, two large diamonds over 200 carats were sold. One is the largest pear-shaped white diamond in auction history, "TheRock", by name
On May 11, at Christie's Geneva Jewelry Auction, two large diamonds over 200 carats were sold. One is the largest pear-shaped white diamond in auction history, "TheRock", by name
On May 11, at Christie's Geneva Jewelry Auction, two large diamonds over 200 carats were sold. One is the largest pear-shaped white diamond in auction history, "TheRock", by name

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