
Why does a restaurant chef keep the faucet on when cooking? Netizen: Time is money

author:Sister Qing talks about stories
Why does a restaurant chef keep the faucet on when cooking? Netizen: Time is money

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It's hard to imagine, but that's right, it's efficiency. It's really convenient to have a place where there is water all the time, it's easy to add water, it's easy to clean. It's not a kitchen at home, it's meant to make a living, it's all about efficiency.

First, let's be clear about a few things. First, it is either left open all the time, or it is always on when stir-frying; Second, it has nothing to do with washing vegetables, this faucet is specially designed for stir-frying. Simple stir-fry is generally out of the pot for dozens of seconds, a pot of stir-fry immediately after the pot to catch the water shabu-shabu, and then quickly fry the next pot, washing the pot can effectively ensure the taste of the dish. Chefs can complete one operation after another without turning around, or with less turning, which is a great process optimization.

On this topic, the following is the real experience shared by netizens, which may bring us new answers, let's take a look.

Why does a restaurant chef keep the faucet on when cooking? Netizen: Time is money

The stainless steel stove in the hotel, if it was the original product, was not well insulated. The faucet is always on, which has the effect of cooling the stove panel and making it easier for the chef to get water.

Why does a restaurant chef keep the faucet on when cooking? Netizen: Time is money

Water resources are not afraid of being wasted, because water can be recycled; Water resources are afraid of pollution, such as the discharge of nuclear wastewater on a small day.

Why does a restaurant chef keep the faucet on when cooking? Netizen: Time is money

Time is money

Why does a restaurant chef keep the faucet on when cooking? Netizen: Time is money

The main reason is to cool down and prevent the stove from burning out (especially the basin).

Why does a restaurant chef keep the faucet on when cooking? Netizen: Time is money

I'm not willing to study cooking, otherwise why wouldn't my level be high?

Why does a restaurant chef keep the faucet on when cooking? Netizen: Time is money

Actually, I think there is one more important one, after all, I also cook a lot. When the water is on, you can keep it clean all the time.

Why does a restaurant chef keep the faucet on when cooking? Netizen: Time is money

As long as you don't care about the negligible water bill, there is no so-called waste of resources.

Why does a restaurant chef keep the faucet on when cooking? Netizen: Time is money

Of course, some bosses are also trying to get a mouthful: a trickle of water will last a long time

After reading the experiences shared by many netizens, why do you think the faucet keeps on when the restaurant chef is cooking? Welcome to leave a message to discuss. Now that you've seen this, give it a thumbs up to the little hands that make a fortune.

Why does a restaurant chef keep the faucet on when cooking? Netizen: Time is money

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