
The look of a man "missing you": "annoyed" you


Li Bai Zeng Shiyun:

"Sauvignon Blanc is reminiscent of Sauvignon Blanc, Sauvignon Blanc is infinite." I knew that it was so tripping, how could I not have known each other in the first place."

The night is as cold as water, the lonely wind and moon, a lonely figure, in the autumn wind, drinking alone. The wind blew up sorrow, blew up the heroic heart, made him mourn, and made him feel bitter.

This scene makes people see a different Li Bai, the original talent also has pity, will also miss a person to the depths, "draw a knife to cut off the water more flowing, raise a glass to dispel sorrow more sorrow."

In ancient times, most of the acacia poems contained strong affection, but there was a hint of repression, only because in that era, between people, there were too many realistic barriers, more distance obstacles, even if they missed each other, but only one person silently missed, wrote a few poems, expressed their feelings.

Even the poet Li Bai can only do so.

Therefore, in modern times, men's lovesickness has changed.

He will pestering you, constantly appearing around you, constantly confessing to you, and constantly "annoying you" to make you feel that he is everywhere.


Missing someone, the power of which is unpredictable.

Perhaps, once you, you want the day is "a person to fight the sword to go to the end of the world", and when there is someone who wants to love, it becomes "two people together, it will be more exciting".

As a result, knowing each other and loving each other, the long road of life, began to have a tie, there is a concern.

Anytime, anywhere, the heart is involved by a person, want to see her more, want to have more space to be alone with her, want to have a feeling of not abandoning, uncontrollably want to "annoy her", want to find her for everything, stick to her.

So, men miss you, it's these two words: annoy you.

Frequently "find you" and don't get tired of it

There is a saying in the Shanghai Fortress:

Some stories seem destined, not because of chance, not because of misses, but because of a knot that cannot be solved.

Perhaps, this "unsolvable knot" just doesn't want to untie it, just wants to connect with you, that is, to get entangled with you again and again, and doesn't want to be separated from you.

The same is true of the man who thinks of you, he will want to "untie" with you for the rest of his life, and will want to "owe each other" and "entangle with each other".

A little thing, he will come to you and want to tell you, even if you can't provide any opinion on this matter at all, and you can't express any good "testimonials", but he just wants you to know;

Some words, he must say to you, as if to others, is equivalent to not saying, only if you listen to it, he will be satisfied.

A person, once he has a heart in his heart, will inexplicably be much more childish.

If a man thinks of you, he will want to get a "sense of presence" around you. Prove yourself again and again that your position in your heart has come to "annoy you" again and again, making you feel as if he has left you.

I once saw a girl "complaining" on Weibo:

"My husband and I, I feel that the gender of the two of us is reversed, I usually burn my eyebrows and don't want to move, he is always in a hurry, even eating, he has to tell me what to eat, but also from time to time to a petite, let me take care of him." 」

Perhaps, the man's "miss you", that is, he will uncontrollably want to talk to you, can't control the desire to "stroke" your heart, anytime and anywhere want to perceive, you are next to him.

Deliberately "angry with you" and provoke your attention

I remember once in the supermarket, I met a father and daughter chatting, which was particularly interesting.

Dad said: Look at your mother's angry little look, it's so funny.

The daughter said: Can't you annoy her less, every time you annoy her, you have to coax herself.

Dad smiled and said: "Are you hurting me or hurting your mother?"

The daughter sighed helplessly: You two make trouble, neither of us is distressed.

Perhaps, some men's love, always like this, looks, but behind the funny, it is all love for women.

I once saw a reader's message: My girlfriend is really cute, always hard and soft,away from making you want to provoke her, seeing her pretend to be angry, wanting to laugh and can't hold back, angry, I want to kiss her.

Perhaps, in the eyes of men, life is very boring, and teasing his girlfriend is his happiest pleasure. He doesn't necessarily have a great sense of humor, but he wants to deliberately you off and make you pay more attention to him.

When you "kill" him with a sigh of relief, he will be very satisfied and honest like a child; if you are really angry, he will immediately coax you and make you more interesting when you are together.

Even, sometimes, he will deliberately tell you that a girl will show favor to him to see if you will be jealous of him, and then take the opportunity to confess and make your heart blossom.

It can be seen that if a man thinks of you, he will not necessarily give you much confession, but he will try to create many memories for you to use in the future;

He thinks of you, just to see the way you worry about him, to see you jealous of him, to feel that you have him in your heart, to feel that you love him very much, and to be very happy and happy.

Always you and always care

Missing someone cannot be hidden.

It's like he always thinks to you in his daily life, "What are you doing", "Have you eaten", "Have you missed me"...

Sentence by sentence, it seems to be "managing you", but behind each sentence, there is a lovesickness.

You will find that he will have some "entanglement" with you in all aspects, you and friends have dinner, he will ask where and who you are with; you will chat with friends on the phone for a few days, he will interrupt you, do not let you smile so sweetly at the phone; you stay up late at night and do not sleep, he will remind you again and again, "go to bed early"; even if you want to go to plastic surgery and consult with him, he will also advise you: the current appearance is already the most beautiful.

His "management" is to care about you all the time, and to put you first at all times. In his heart, you are a small woman who needs him to "manage", needs him to worry, needs him to worry.

Perhaps, he is always confused on weekdays, but after being with you, he also becomes clear-headed, because you appear in his mind from time to time, so even if you rarely have some holidays on weekdays, you will remember your birthday; even if you are always busy on weekdays, you still don't forget to call you after work; even if you want to go home and play games by the computer, you still want to accompany you to a rich dinner.

Love, that's it, because when he meets you, he becomes meticulous and patient.


Like a person, perhaps like a summer rainstorm, suddenly feel that an umbrella suddenly appeared overhead; also like in the vast night, seeing the person's smile, there is an instant warmth around.

It is said that men do not confess, do not know how to tell the lingering thoughts.

But, a man in love, everyone can become a poet, a philosopher, a teacher.

Because he loves you, he will think of everything with you and want to discuss everything with you;

Because he loves you, he will love you well when he is with you, and when he is not with you, he will work hard and work hard for your future.

Because he loves you, he will put you in his own brain, always want to "tease you" from time to time, always want you to put him on the tip of his heart.

Love, it is so simple, you are in his eyes, is a grinding little goblin, he in your eyes, is the warmest reliance of this life.

Author, Frank Fox

Figure, network

May you find in my words the ordinary years, a strong affection! Thanks for your attention!

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