
Does long-term use of retinol make the skin thinner?

Does long-term use of retinol make the skin thinner?


Not only does retinol not thin the skin, it may also have the effect of thickening the epidermis of the skin. Clinical studies have shown that after one year of using 0.3% concentration of retinol, the epidermis of the user's skin thickens.

According to the "List of Used Cosmetic Raw Materials (2021 Edition)" issued by the Food and Drug Administration, the highest historical concentration of retinol in resident products is 1%, and within this concentration range, it is safe for the skin.

Does long-term use of retinol make the skin thinner?

Image source: Figureworm Creative

However, due to the greater irritation of retinol, especially when the concentration of use is high or the skin is more sensitive, it is easy to cause skin intolerance such as redness, dryness and peeling, tingling, and darkening of the skin.

It is recommended to choose the corresponding concentration of products according to the skin tolerance, and do not pursue high concentrations at once.

Wikipedian author

Does long-term use of retinol make the skin thinner?

Yan An Tang well-known skin care science public number

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Does long-term use of retinol make the skin thinner?

Lilac Doctor's panel of experts

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Curated by: Monkey Pigeon | Executive Producer: BruceLi

Typography: Yeon-seok

Cover image source: Lilac Doctor Content Team

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