
Suitable for applying for AMC10 in Australia! The exam content, the analysis of past questions, and the cheats are all here!

author:Study in Australia

In recent years, as standardized tests have become more and more common, it has become more and more difficult to distinguish from peers just by relying on high A-level/IG, IB, SAT, IELTS TOEFL and other scores.

The AMC, the international mathematics competition that won in high school, has to be mentioned!

Suitable for applying for AMC10 in Australia! The exam content, the analysis of past questions, and the cheats are all here!

The AMC 10 (American Mathematics Competition) is for students in Grade 10 and below, and they must be under the age of 17.5 on the day of taking the AMC10 exam. The contest takes place in November every year. Students who rank in the top 2.5% of all participants in the AMC10 test are invited to participate in the American Invitational Mathematics Tournament (AIME).


AMC10 Exam Format

Number of questions: 25 multiple-choice questions

Time: ..75 minutes

Full score: 150 points

Scoring method: 6 points for a correct answer, 1.5 points for unanswered, and no deduction for incorrect answers.

Below is the 2023 qualifying score table

Suitable for applying for AMC10 in Australia! The exam content, the analysis of past questions, and the cheats are all here!


AMC10 Test Center

  • Advanced algebra: polynomials, remainder theorem, Vedic theorem, relation of roots to coefficients, special higher-order equations; advanced inequalities, mean inequalities; Getting started with functions, defining domains and ranges, quadratic functions, exponential functions, contrastive functions, simple trigonometric functions; Sequence Advancement; Advanced algebraic skills
  • Advanced Geometry: Advanced Geometry Drawing; Triangle Advancement, Sine Theorem, Cosine Theorem, Inscribed and Inscribed Circles, Stuartter's Theorem, Common Point and Collinear; circles and quadrilaterals, four-point contours, inscribed quadrilaterals of circles; regular polygons, angles, perimeters, and areas; Advanced Plane Geometry Techniques; Introduction to analytic geometry
  • Solid geometry: the relationship between points, lines, and surfaces, three-dimensional coordinate system; three-dimensional geometric drawing; Regular polyhedron, Euler's formula; Special stereo geometry, stereo geometry tricks
  • Advanced Number Theory: Numbers, Arrays, and Sequences; modular operation, complex congruence problem; integers, fractions, and decimals, base conversions; Basic Diophantine equations, advanced number theory techniques
  • Advanced Combination: Repulsion Principle; binomial theorem and related conclusions; advanced permutations, combinations, and probabilities; Expected introductory, recursive, dichotomous, advanced combination methods


AMC10 Contest Awards

AMC10全球卓越奖(Honor Roll of Distinction):全球成绩排名前1%

AMC10 Global Honor Roll: Top 5% of Global Scores

AMC10全球荣誉奖(Certificate of Achievement):8年级及以下在AMC10中获得90分以上

AIME QUAL: If you reach the AIME promotion score line, you can get this certificate by receiving an invitation

In previous seasons, many of our students received high scores in the AMC competition! Among them, student L scored 141 super high scores, and student Z won the Global Excellence Award with 144 points, and became the best among hundreds of thousands of participants through hard work! Strength up~ (only part of the show)

Suitable for applying for AMC10 in Australia! The exam content, the analysis of past questions, and the cheats are all here!
Suitable for applying for AMC10 in Australia! The exam content, the analysis of past questions, and the cheats are all here!
Suitable for applying for AMC10 in Australia! The exam content, the analysis of past questions, and the cheats are all here!


2023 AMC10 Competition Past Questions & Analysis

⏩ 下面这道题出自2023年AMC10A:

Suitable for applying for AMC10 in Australia! The exam content, the analysis of past questions, and the cheats are all here!
Suitable for applying for AMC10 in Australia! The exam content, the analysis of past questions, and the cheats are all here!

We have prepared an AMC Preparation Information Package, which contains the analysis of past AMC questions and answers, formula knowledge points, recommended reading lists and learning websites, etc., and students in need can scan the code to receive it!

📖AMC Prep Package

List of documents


11 pages of AMC high-frequency formulas

11-page AMC exam high-frequency formula divided by topic.

Understanding and mastering the topics and key formulas that may be involved in AMC can be used as an important reference without having to memorize each one.

Suitable for applying for AMC10 in Australia! The exam content, the analysis of past questions, and the cheats are all here!
Suitable for applying for AMC10 in Australia! The exam content, the analysis of past questions, and the cheats are all here!
Suitable for applying for AMC10 in Australia! The exam content, the analysis of past questions, and the cheats are all here!
Suitable for applying for AMC10 in Australia! The exam content, the analysis of past questions, and the cheats are all here!

*Only part of the display is displayed, please scan the QR code to receive all benefits

Contains 2

11-page AMC test center summary

We have prepared a summary of AMC 10/12 knowledge points for you, covering test points, example questions and analysis, a total of 11 pages pdf, carefully organized by the teachers of Wenlan Competition, which is very helpful for exam preparation and review!

Suitable for applying for AMC10 in Australia! The exam content, the analysis of past questions, and the cheats are all here!
Suitable for applying for AMC10 in Australia! The exam content, the analysis of past questions, and the cheats are all here!

*Only part of the display is displayed, please scan the QR code to receive all benefits

Contains 3

10+ years of AMC past papers

2010-2023 AMC8/10/12 real questions, for competition preparation, brushing past questions is an indispensable link, in advance to understand the exam structure, question style, scoring points, is the only way for high-scoring players.

Suitable for applying for AMC10 in Australia! The exam content, the analysis of past questions, and the cheats are all here!
Suitable for applying for AMC10 in Australia! The exam content, the analysis of past questions, and the cheats are all here!

(Exhibit only)

Contains 4

AMC recommends reading lists and websites

2 testimonials + 7 websites. Take recommended eBooks as an example:

《Mastering AMC 10/12》BY Omega Learn

Suitable for applying for AMC10 in Australia! The exam content, the analysis of past questions, and the cheats are all here!
Suitable for applying for AMC10 in Australia! The exam content, the analysis of past questions, and the cheats are all here!

Omega Learn's official website makes its own AMC tutoring book, each knowledge point and mathematical formula of AMC has example explanations, and provides practice problems, and the links in the book can also jump directly to the video explanation of YouTube-related topics!! The content is very comprehensive, but the overall difficulty is slightly higher, which is more suitable for AMC10/12 students. (AMC8 students can choose the part with low difficulty)

《Art of Problem Solving》BY AoPS Online

Suitable for applying for AMC10 in Australia! The exam content, the analysis of past questions, and the cheats are all here!

The AMC series of books produced by AoPS official website will help you master the mathematics test points, expand your thinking, cultivate your deep thinking ability, apply mathematical thinking to your life, and analyze and solve problems step by step.

Scan the code to add the WeChat reply code [AMC Preparation Data Package] to get the benefits now! *If it has been added, a private chat is sufficient

Benefits: All students

For students who want to prepare for the AMC10 exam, we offer the AMC10 Summer School to systematically learn the knowledge system of the International Mathematics Competition and lead students to pass the exam!

Prepare for the event in Wenlan, and you will receive:

⏩ Customized handouts + textbooks/reference books/course outlines + supporting exercises

In the pre-test stage, find out the students' own strengths and weaknesses, determine the personal international competition planning path, and take the first step steadily.

Mock test + diagnostic report to help students understand their own learning situation in a timely manner, facilitate the adjustment of learning direction and mentality, and also facilitate the tutor to adjust the teaching rhythm according to the student's situation.

⏩ Experienced teaching team + conscientious and responsible after-class supervision

Subject teachers follow up the learning status 1v1, set up a Q&A group for competitions, regularly share learning progress, answer questions and solve problems, and achieve "heat preservation" after class.

Science + responsibility is our philosophy all along, and it is bound to help everyone better achieve their goals according to the characteristics of each student.


Learn more about the AMC10 Summer Small Group Program

Scan the QR code below to add the teacher's WeChat: Ausliuxue

Suitable for applying for AMC10 in Australia! The exam content, the analysis of past questions, and the cheats are all here!

Scan the QR code to add WeChat for details

Reference Learning Materials ↓:

Suitable for applying for AMC10 in Australia! The exam content, the analysis of past questions, and the cheats are all here!

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⊙ copyright notice: Most of the content of the picture comes from the Internet, and the copyright belongs to the author.

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